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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Students of Eerie High

lucus (played by UndertaleLex)

( i guess i'll vote yes for boarding school and uniform)
The Makina Family (played by robinnrose)

(Waiting for Zero. Also agreed)

Icarus Eden (veiledprophet)
Sangris (Ezeker)
Josephine McConnell (Vermilion)
Zero Omega (PrinceOfChaos)
Silentdusk (Shadow13)
Daren Makina (robinnrose)
Maralie Spheare (GlitterKitten96)
Lucus (undertalelex)
Nia Enoki (anonymously)
Also feel free to make NPCs fight my character)
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos)

I just wondered until school started or something interesting happened.I managed to walk around the school a couple of time and was able to understand the layout of it.I sat down on a bench out side the school and pulled out my phone.I got board so i started playing pokemon.
Silentdusk (played by Shadow13)

(Sorry for the late response!)
She looked at Sangris and sighed. She got into her cat form and started to wander the school. She looked left and right and at the many people there.
The Makina Family (played by robinnrose)

The two followed Icarus. Daren nodded, "We are transfer students...starting our first year we are not really familiar around here." Raisa nodded in affirmation, "Magic huh? This seems to be an interesting place. Daren said, "I came to this place to learn supernaturals father made"
Icarus Eden (veiledprophet)
Sangris (Ezeker)
Josephine McConnell (Vermilion)
Zero Omega (PrinceOfChaos)
Silentdusk (Shadow13)
Daren Makina (robinnrose)
Maralie Spheare (GlitterKitten96)
Lucus (undertalelex)
Nia Enoki (anonymously)
Also feel free to make NPCs fight my character)
Maralie Spheare (played by GlitterKitten96)

Mara watched the crowd around the small boy disperse as she walked down the hall toward her first class. Something was off about the scent of a few of the students in that crowd. After nearly 400 years on this earth you would think the scent of a humans blood would not both her but it made her throat burn. The bell drew her from her thoughts as she pushed the door to her English class.

The professor was a sphinx which did not surprise her even a little bit. In the world of monsters a sphinx is know to be tricky but intelligent. The half-human, half-lion that forces those it meets to answer its riddles, or dies. Well in Miss. Leo's case it would probably be answer or fail.
Sangris (played by Ezeker)

Icarus Eden wrote:
(( It's at the top right corner of any given post you make. Also, Ezeker, how tall is Sangris? I pictured him being shorter than Icarus, but I actually think they may be the same height. ))

(Frack sorry. I read so fast I didn't see that.

Uh, Sangris is 5'4, so only a little shorter than Icarus.)
Nia Enoki (played anonymously)

Nia knew she would picked on the moment she enrolled in this school. Besides coming from another country she was also 12 and extreamly smart. Her father was a famous Anime designer before marring an aris. By the time she was 6 they new she would be intellegent she skipped 3 grades just to able to attend Eerie High. So there she was sitting across from a Shpinx; her teacher was a legenadary monster. Her ears twitched in excitement as Mrs. Lea started the first day lecture.
Sangris (played by Ezeker)

His face flushed, and he opened his mouth, "S-sangris..." he mumbled. "I would t-tell you my last name b-but I don't know y-you all that w-well..." by now, he wasn't as sacred to look him in the eye. His black eyes were shining with fear, but also curiosity. "What about y-you?" he asked.
Jo quietly picked up her bags and left. Her first class would probably start soon. She ducked around a corner and examined her schedule. Mathematics, room 226. She ruffled around in her backpack to find a map or something similar, but she had nothing. She glanced at her watch, then went back to the two boys whom she'd seen earlier. "Um, do you by any chance know--?" she began, then realized they were talking. She quickly diverted her gaze to the ground, embarrassed.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos)

I put my phone in my pocket and looked at my schedule."Looks like i got history first."I got and and started to look around for my classroom.
Silentdusk (played by Shadow13)

She looked at her schedule and got back into her Neko form as she ran to her first class. Math.
The Makina Family (played by robinnrose)

He replied with assurance, "It's fine...we can handle ourselves. My name is Daren Makina." Raisa continued it after him, "My name is Raisa. You may call me Rai or Rize" In mid sentence, she bowed with courtesy. Two ribbon bells tied to both side of hair ringed when she raised her head. Her appearance seemed....doll-like.
Icarus Eden (veiledprophet)
Sangris (Ezeker)
Josephine McConnell (Vermilion)
Zero Omega (PrinceOfChaos)
Silentdusk (Shadow13)
Daren Makina (robinnrose)
Maralie Spheare (GlitterKitten96)
Lucus (undertalelex)
Nia Enoki (anonymously)
Also feel free to make NPCs fight my character)
Maralie Spheare (played by GlitterKitten96)

For once Maralie made it to class on time which sadly was unusually rare. In her 300 and something years on earth punctuality was never her thing. But she sat at the end of a row next to a seemingly young Neko. The girls name was on every textbook and notebook on her desk. But her organization skills were lacking. Pencils and pens were strewn across the bench next to her, while Mara's were neat and placed strategically. This year is going to be interesting and Maralie had mixed feelings about this school.
Nia Enoki (played anonymously)

Stupid pencils Nia was trying to organize her stuff and her thoughts. This was not a good day for her, she woke up late nor did she grab something for "breakfast." Air quotes around breakfast seeing how is was 7 o'clock at night. Nia was leaning toward the floor when she spotted a pair of Victorian heels. Her fingers curled around the pink mechanical pencil and she sat up only to see a girl who looked about 16 maybe a bit older standing before her. Nia's face flushed red as she scrambled to clean off a spot for the girl to sit.
Icarus Eden (played by veiledprophet) Topic Starter

"Icarus," he introduced himself simply, "it's very nice to meet you all." He shook hands with them, though for some reason, felt strange about the aura that was coming off of Raisa...
He noticed Jo, and turned his head to her, motioning for her to come closer. "And hello, do you need help? It's high time we all got to class. Are you lost?"
Sangris (played by Ezeker)

His face flsuhed when Icarus shook his hand, but shook his head when Icarus asked him of he ws lost. "N-no.. I know where to go..." He mumbled, pouting, "b-but I dont wanna go to Chaos Magic...the people there are so mean!" His black eyes flashed a blue, and he looked as terrified as when he was being chased.
"Me? I'm headed to math in room 226. Know where that is, by any chance? I'm new to the town, I haven't got the slightest idea where anything is." She laughed nervously, running a hand through her wildly curly hair and glancing over at the boy with the wings as he spoke. She frowned, stepping a little closer to him. "Chaos magic?" she murmured, concerned and curious.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos)

I found my classroom and looked in side.It turns out no one was here yet except the teacher and she wasn't letting anyone in the classroom yet.I walked over to a bench nearby and sat down.After a while i just started to get bored so i put on my hood and closed my eyes.Then i napped until it was time.
Silentdusk (played by Shadow13)

She knocked on the door as she came to the classroom...Room 226...Math...She waited until the teacher opened the door. He let her inside. She was the first student.

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