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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Neverending Suffering

He thought he had been drawing nearer to his targets, but they were travelling much faster than he was. Could it be that they had some way of tracking him?

He took a minute to shake out his trenchcoat and inspect it. Nothing unusual there. Except for the puncture marks from the attack. He scowled. "Man, this was my favorite coat, too!"

He put it back on and hoped it wouldn't rain. That would slow his travel considerably.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Xion instantly sped up to the speed of sound.
"Vampires are excellent trackers," he yelled over the wind.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

"That's for sure," Jean mumbled then closed her eyes; she didn't feel like getting dizzy from the shapes a colors coming in a blur.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

"Watch out for Orian by the way," he yelled over the wind.
Orian was slung across his back but he made sure to keep his blade covered up. After thirty or so minutes, Xion came to a stop. Then he set Jean down gently,
Kai could taste Xion's magic trail miles away...but knowing it was there and getting to its source were two different things. The latter was giving him heartburn through the sheer number of humans he was consuming just to keep on their trail.

But this couldn't last forever. At the next town he decided to simply hunker down and wait for the duo to stop moving. He'd make better time if he wasn't chasing them, but cut them off at the pass. If only he could figure out where they were going...

(ooc: Just assume for now that Kai is trying vainly to catch up... I'll spring him on you again when you least expect it. Mwahahaha.)
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean got off Xion. She kept careful from hitting Orian. She could still sense the vampire, and sighed in relief when he seemed to be having a hard time catching up with them.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

(ooc: alright sounds cool haha)

Xion saw the tall, wooden gates ahead of them and knew it would be a pain to get inside there. They were often suspicous of new comers.
"Orian wake up. This'll be your job," Xion spoke softly to Orian.
Orian leaped off Xion's back, turning into a human mid-air. Orian nodded then walked past Xion, and straight up to the gates.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean watched Orian and waited to see what would happen, then she looked up at Xion. "Now that I know what you are, are you going to tell me who you are goin after or why?" She was still wondering why and who is Xion going after, she wasn't one to help with kill someone without having a reason for why them.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Xion looked at Jean and thought about it then shook his head.
"Now is not the time for me to tell you," he said quietly then looked over at Orian.

Orian was now talking to the two guards for the gates.
"Why are you here?"
"Oh me and my companions are passing through. We are running low on supplies."
"Havent i seen you before-"
The second guard was cut off when Orian drove a his hand through the mans heart. Then sliced the first guard's throat. Blood dripped from Orian's hand and he signaled for them to continue on into the city.

Xion walked out and motioned for Jean to follow.
"Be on your guard. This isnt a very peacful city," Xion ordered.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean nodded and followed Xion. She looked around the city, one hand with a good grip on Hendia. Jean never really let her graud down; the price that her father made her pay.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

When they walked in a powerful smell of carrion hit them like a blast of wind. Xion managed not to cough but winced at the smell. Orian had returned to his original scythe form and was on Xion's back.
"It doesnt smell to pleasant either," he muttered.
The whole town was cold and eerily silent. A thick fog layed over the town like a snug blanket. Only very few people move about, but they were only shadows in the fog.

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