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Forums » Help » (Bug??) Bold text on the new Mehndi template...

I absolutely adore the new templates, but while editing a character of mine using the Mehndi (Peach) template I can't help but notice that all of my text appears bold by default, even if I have no text formatting whatsoever, or closing bold brackets. It does NOT appear this way in in the editor, but when viewing the profile all of the text (bolded or not) appears bold. I was just wondering if this was intentional, or I'm just running into a strange bug, perhaps? ^^;

Example: Click for full size


I've made sure that I have no unclosed bold brackets anywhere. If this isn't intentional, I'm thinking maybe it's some sort of formatting error on the template, perhaps? In the second example I'm using the (size 2) font "calibri." "Title" is in bold, the text following the little arrows is italicized but NOT bold.

Hope someone can figure this out! Thanks for reading! c:
Sanne Moderator

I'm seeing properly bolded text in the Mehndi template on my profiles. Can you link to the profile where this is happening on please?

The font itself is pretty thick when you're viewing the profile. Its just a heavy font. I bolded some items and there's a slight difference so there may lie the problem. It's just a heavy font face so it looks bolded compared to some other themes. Compared to itself when bolded there is a noticeable difference.
Kim Site Admin

The font used in the editor is a completely different one than the one used on the Mehndi template. They're not even in the same family -- the one in the editor is a serif, and the one on the template is a sans-serif. So they're definitely going to look different from one another, and directly comparing the editor to the template won't tell you much. :)

The text on the Mehndi template isn't bolded at all, it just happens to be a font with a slightly heavier stroke as its baseline. The easiest way to illustrate the fact that it isn't bolded is to add a bolded word in the middle of one of your sentences, and compare apples to apples on the template itself. :)

Edit: Wasn't fast enough, Ryu got there before me! :D

@Kim Ninja speed!

Also a screenie for comparison between the font used for that theme bold and not

Kim Site Admin

Upon reading more closely, I see that you're having this problem even when switching fonts. I understand your issue now.

Mehndi does use a different font baseline than normal -- the weight starts at 600 and goes up from there, whereas most templates start at 400.

This was intentional, as the designer wanted to use somewhat lower contrast colors between background and text to achieve a particular aesthetic, which was beautiful but I found challenging to read. Still wanting to get a reasonable readability score for those with visual or neurological impairments, we compromised with more substantial fonts. :)
Lexi Topic Starter

Thank you all so much for you replies! I understand why it looks that way now. I was just having a tid bit of trouble telling if it was truly bold or not. It all makes sense now, though. x3 I do think that the way it is now makes it somewhat difficult to tell (in certain fonts) what is actually bolded and what's not, but the template is so beautiful that I'm willing to deal with it. xD Anyway, thanks everyone!
Kim Site Admin

Since you're an epic member, you could probably make a copy of the Mehndi stylesheet and with a few tweaks, get your own version up and running with the fonts and font weights you prefer? :)
Lexi Topic Starter

Kim wrote:
Since you're an epic member, you could probably make a copy of the Mehndi stylesheet and with a few tweaks, get your own version up and running with the fonts and font weights you prefer? :)

That's a thing? o.o I didn't even know that was possible. :o I'll have to see if I can find a tutorial or something, perhaps! ^^ Thanks for the tip!
Kim Site Admin

Sure! You can copy the stylesheet into a custom template's CSS window:

The trick is that the original stylesheet refers to the images as if they are in the same folder as the stylesheet, whcih is true for the original. For your copy, you'll have to update images with a correct filepath, like so:
background: url(page_background_overlay.png)

will become...
background: url(

Epic members fairly commonly make tweaked versions of official templates that better conform to their own tastes and needs. :)
Lexi Topic Starter

That both sounds and looks quite daunting! But I may give it a try at some point. Thanks again. ^^

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