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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Party With a She Vampire? {Open}

Valendeer Rossa (played anonymously) Topic Starter

She nodded and slipped her fang into her neck, blood spilling into her mouth, her hands tangled in his hair, pulling him close.
Still high from the blood lust, he didn't feel the pain; and in fact he felt rather comfortable pressed against Val as he was. He held her close as he began to feel the blood leaving his body once more.

For a minute or two he thought nothing of it, and then it occurred to him how surprisingly helpless a feeling it was. Kai began to struggle, his inner Hunter as well as his own nature revolting against being drained.

"Val..." he gasped, as she drank.
Valendeer Rossa (played anonymously) Topic Starter

She pulled back, worried for him. "I-Im sorry... i-its just... You taste... so good~" Val touched her lips, not looking at the male. "Please... Forgive me." Val licked her lips and looked back at him, worry in her eyes, her body still to his.
"No-it's just..." He shook his head; his eyes flickering between black and green. Finally the black took hold again. "My inner hunter just rebelled is all, sorry. I should have warned you about that before you began. He doesn't like being fed on."

Kai looked down at Val and smiled briefly. "I, myself, don't mind it though." Of course he didn't mind it; her presence was intoxicating to him. It was just his stupid inner Hunter that was making this difficult for him. Well, he was in control now; and he tilted his head once more, saying softly, "You can continue if you'd like."
Valendeer Rossa (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Val had a light blush on her cheeks as she took his hand in hers, pressing his wrist to her plump red lips. Her fangs where much smaller than Kai's, but needle sharp as the slipped with ease into his skin. Her tongue lapped at his wrist from within her mouth, blood sliding over her tongue. Vals eyes closed as she enjoyed the males blood.

Her body leaned into him, no space inbetween.
Kai watched as she drank from his wrist. It was taking his total concentration not to let the inner Hunter out. But he knew one way to calm himself. He slowly slid down Val's body, before snatching the blood pack on the floor and sliding back up against her.

And then, watching Val drink, he sank his teeth into the blood pouch, drawing in new blood and cementing his control over the Hunter.
Valendeer Rossa (played anonymously) Topic Starter

The little fangs un-dug themselves as Val pulled back with a gasp, a bit of Kai's blood slipping down her chin, her tongue quickly licking it up. A wild grin was on Valendeers face. "You taste really good, your blood is tangy." she giggled up at him.
Letting the empty blood pouch fall to the floor, Kai wiped his mouth on his arm. "Is that so? I think you taste rather...sweet. Though I think I forget now..." the plastic taste from the blood pouch was one of the drawbacks to not feeding live.

He reached towards the mark where he fed on her and wiped up a small dot of blood. He licked it off his finger and nodded. "Yep, much sweeter than that other stuff."
Valendeer Rossa (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Drink more then~" She smiled. Val was in a flirty mood, her eyes on his.
He lowered his mouth to her neck but didn't sink his fangs in just yet. "You're unlike anyone I've ever met," he whispered, his lips just barely brushing her skin.
Valendeer Rossa (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"It pays to be as I am. Im more prized." Val giggled and looked at him from the corner of her eye. "Your a diffrent kind yourself Kai~"
He grinned and gently bit again--drinking slowly,tasting rather than feeding. When he pulled back, he smiled. "Not so different," he replied.
Valendeer Rossa (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Val nuzzled his neck. Her hands at his back
For the first time in his life, ever since being turned, he felt relaxed. He leaned against her with a sigh. "You mentioned you have a butler--is he around now?"
Valendeer Rossa (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"He is probably in bed, why you ask~?" She smiled and looked around with Trent nowhere to be seen.
"No reason," he murmured. "Just wondered if you wanted to introduce him if he was lingering around."

He followed her gaze though, looking around. "So it's just the two of you here?"
Valendeer Rossa (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Yes... Its lonely." Val sighed and moved into the living room.
Kai could sympathize, more than he realized actually. He followed her into the living room, taking in his new environment with obvious delight.

"I really do love what you've done with the place," he said.
Valendeer Rossa (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Its pretty and fits me." Val smiled and sat at the large couch
Kai nodded. "I would say it does." He looked down at his hands and wiggled his fingers. "I must say, this is probably the longest I've" He looked at Val. "And it's all thanks to you."

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