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Forums » General Roleplay » A late Refuelling

Casey Kopp (played by TheLily)

Casey looked a fright. He was pale and his hair lacked lustre. He could barely keep his head up and he desperately needed coffee. He had worked, but hadn't had a sip of his precious java. Instead now he headed out to the corner store - they would have burnt coffee, warm, thick coffee, strong enough to melt a spoon.

That's what he needed. Really coffee for real men.
Roosevelt had been keeping an eye on Casey's apartment, occasionally going out of his way to walk past to keep an eye on the guy. Right now he was actually lurking outside the convenience store, knowing that Casey would be reaching his breaking point with the lack of caffeine.

He looked up when a straggly blonde-haired man came staggering towards him, looking badly in need of caffeine. A small smile flickered briefly across Roo's face before vanishing beneath a look of seriousness. He waited until Casey was almost at the door, before stepping out to block the way.
Casey Kopp (played by TheLily) Topic Starter

Casey didn't look up, "Move out the way mate." He growled the words. He was not a happy camper without his energy. He was thinking of giving up the coffee for energy drinks. Or both. Both.

He looked up, only to see Roosevelt, "Oh, what the hell? What are you doing here?" He was keeping back that word he loved so much.
Roosevelt crossed his arms and stared steadily back at Casey. "What do you think I'm doing here? I came to say that the next time you want to make a point--leave violence out of it. Also, I didn't appreciate what you did to AJ. She's already injured, man!"

He paused and made a show of looking Casey up and down. "What's the matter with you anyway? Didn't get your morning coffee?"
Casey Kopp (played by TheLily) Topic Starter

"AJ can take care of herself just fine, man. She got out of that alive, didn't she? She doesn't need a keeper to watch over her. She never has before." He didn't answer the coffee question, instead glared at him, "Do you think AJ will be happy you came to defend her? She's a superhero, dude, she knows her way around this city better than you ever could. Don't sell her short."

"Now, get out of my damned way."
Roosevelt growled. "It doesn't matter how well she knows her way around the city; what matters is that she can move around without being worried some jerk is going to hurt her."

"And I'm not letting you get caffeine so you can, what, terrorize her more?"
Casey Kopp (played by TheLily) Topic Starter

Casey growled, "I'll leave her alone, if you leave me the hell alone." A wild thought crossed his mind and he pulled out his cellphone, dialing AJ's number. He started off down the street, his feet dragging. When she answered he spoke over top of her, "Your little boyfriend is here threatening me. Do you know how much of a dick you're dating?"
Roosevelt shook his head. He didn't particularly care what Casey told AJ. He entered the convenience store instead and went up to the counter. "See that guy out there?" he pointed to Casey through the window. "Don't sell him anything with caffeine. He's allergic to it."

His task done, he ambled back out of the convenience store to keep an eye on Casey.
Casey Kopp (played by TheLily) Topic Starter

Casey's voice had raised and there were a number of unpleasant words spewing from between his lips. He slammed the phone closed and went into the corner store. He continued his tirade in there. He was yelling, kicking stuff and eventually the cops showed up, pulling him out of the store.
Roosevelt made himself scarce when the cops showed up, preferring not to be the sole eye-witness for such a display. But he grinned to himself, knowing that his plan had paid off.

Of course, Casey would still be able to get his hands on caffeine, but for the moment, there was one less store. And the next nearest was a fair distance away.
Casey Kopp (played by TheLily) Topic Starter

Casey had a different plan in mind, telling the cops he was being stalked by his exgirlfriends's new boyfriend. He spent a few hours explaining the situation. Roosevelt wasn't the only one who could play dirty.
Roosevelt hadn't stuck so close to hear what Casey was telling the cops; all he knew was that they lingered for a long while and he grew bored with watching. He started to head back to AJ's apartment, figuring he might as well start damage control before the damage got too far out of hand.
The Red Fool (played by TheLily) Topic Starter

AJ was curled up in her PJ's on the couch, channel surfing while eating soup. She had thus far managed to keep it off of herself, but it wouldn't last long, she was sure. She hummed as she found late-night informercials and paused on that channel.

"-you'll be saying wow each time you use it. It's like a shammy, it's like a towel-"

She was giggling at Vince's over enthusiasm for a little towel-sponge, enjoying the moment.
Roosevelt returned to AJ's apartment with little problem; probably because he kept out of sight as much as he could.

He knocked briefly on the door, before entering with a sigh and a roll of his shoulders. Why should he be so tense when nothing happened? It was a puzzle to solve for another day when he felt like it.

"What are you watching?" he asked AJ when he plopped down beside her on the couch.
The Red Fool (played by TheLily) Topic Starter

"Anything. There is nothing on and my cable has gone weird again. I'm only getting a dozen channels." She smiled over at him, and then studied his face, "Something wrong, Roo?" She didn't even mean to give him a nickname, it just sorta happened. She leaned forward, putting her soup to the side, "You look stressed." She handed him the remote, like that might make him less stressed - who knew.

A thought popped up, scaring her. Cody had found out. Cody was going to make them break up.
Roosevelt looked over at her and forced a smile. "What, me stressed? Not a chance." He looked down at the remote in his hands and flipped through the television without really seeing the shows and infomercials. "I ran into Casey. You'll be pleased to note that he got thrown out of the only convenience store close to him--so it'll be a smidge harder for him to load up on caffeine. Not that he won't find a way; man is determined."

He glanced over at AJ. "What's wrong?" Dread suddenly struck him; had she run into someone while he was out? Had it been Casey? Although Casey had called her, Roo wouldn't have expected him to actually meet up with her again. Or was it something else? Was it Cody? Had Cody shown up? He lowered the remote. "Did something happen?"
The Red Fool (played by TheLily) Topic Starter

AJ shook her head, "No, I just had a wild thought that Cody might have figured out that you're here and was like... I dunno, gunna break us up." She looked relieved and honestly felt like she was being silly. Roosevelt was a big boy. A very big boy. Handsome too. Her mind wandered, pain killers making her a little loopey.
Roosevelt scowled and looked down. "I can't say that he wouldn't try something like that. He probably would if he found out." Well, more like when he found out. Cody had eyes and ears everywhere and Roosevelt knew it was only a matter of time before Cody contacted him.

But that didn't keep him from enjoying the present. Roosevelt glanced sidelong at AJ and smiled. "Can I get you anything?"
The Red Fool (played by TheLily) Topic Starter

AJ nodded, "Yeah, I have some juice in the fridge." She batted her lashes, "Would you bring me some of it? There is soup on the stove still, if you want some. Crackers in the cupboard with the broken handle." She rubbed the back of her head, "Oh, uh, thanks for fixing my shower. It means a lot to me. Now I can have real showers."
"Of course." He got up to fetch the juice and two glasses, carrying them back before grabbing himself a bowl of soup on the second trip.

"Not a problem; I've gotten pretty good at fixing things when I've got time and tools. Kind of a necessity in my trade or we make do." He sipped the soup and then devoured the rest of it. "That was good," he murmured, settling back, not realizing he was kind of leaning against AJ.

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