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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Spectral Seed

Having made it too ground level, Roemello was now on all fours like a jungle cat using his claws to give him better leverage and an ever so slight boost in speed. Sprinting toward Katlina he dove in head first just as she buckled her person for impending impact. A long prolonged crash accompanied by residual creeks filled the.

The twin story cloud of dust settling. A few seconds later, echoes of struggled grunts came from under the rubble. Having been brought down to a widened push-up stance hovered over Kat, Roemello struggled to a single knee before gaining both feet under him. Pressing up with one shoulder coupled arm, the other hung lifeless. Let out one last efforted grunt he pushed a side the few tons of rubble that was pinning. Throwing it off his back, Roemello fell back all the same taking a clumsied seat. Smirking over at Kat through a swollen eye, bloodied lip and now a cupped arm. "We can't keep doing this..." He chuckled off. His next thoughts of the child she had 'ported', the were fiercely rammed from his mind as a loud echo shot rang out. It almost sounded mechanical, but the level of initial sound output didn't match the echoing damage. Roemello couldn't pinpoint the type of machinery. An ordor filling his nostrils, he perked up...

Having smelt the scent only a single time before there was no confusing it. The smell of Shade blood. A rancid odor indeed, it was almost unbearable to his acute senses. The hair on the back of his neck standing up, his feral spirit was getting antsy for it knew where ever a Shade dwells carnage is soon to follow. (Seems, our warrior-priest companion is hogging all the fun).

Getting to his feet, Roemello popped his mangled shoulder back into place, before reaching the newly aligned arm out to assist Katlina to a stand. "Check on the child if you must...The Shade seems to have bitten off a little more than he could chew." Pointing to a lonely smoke cloud filing up from center city. "I will go to assist... Myra's torrent rune magik has quelled this area reasonably enough."
Myra Aedynheim (played by Draken901)

Myra continued to dowse the burning flames around the city, as well as wash away a few more brigands that had the audacity to try and attack her again. A few face-fulls of water and getting shot multiple times with a raging torrent later, most of them had also been washed away, and the rest just chose not to mess with her, as it would have been futile so long as the bottle still has liquid in it. That's when she noticed a small child appear right in front of her in mid-air. She instinctively dropped the bottle and caught the child before it hit the ground. Immediately after hearing the creaking of the building collapse behind her. "What in the world?!" She put down her ever-char and threw the bottle she dropped into another flaming building, having been broken it unleashes a fountain inside.

She picks back up her ever-char and heads over to the collapsed building before seeing Roemello push himself and Kat out of the rubble. She heads over into the rubble to check on them. "Are you two okay? You just survived a collapsing building! I've got a potion or two if you need anything for healing. And oh boy, do you look like you need something!" Now having the child resting on her shoulder, she puts her ever-char back into it's strap, and takes off her pack, now sifting through it with one arm looking for something. She pulls out a brown-red bottle, and tries to give it to Roemello. "Drink some of this first, it tastes like rotten milk, but it'll heal you a little bit."
Seychelle Jenner (played anonymously)

Groggy from the pain that still clawed at her belly Katlina didn't rightly even register what happened next, her vision fuzzy and dim. There was a loud crashing sound, and a body covering hers... Roemello's voice would sound as if from a distance as he helped her to her feet. It was all she could do to stand, but she braced her legs, locking her knees and clenched her teeth to the pain. Why did I use my powers? she thought, still groggy. Then, as if surfacing from a bog, she remembered the child, and the falling building.

Opening her mouth to retort to what she thought Roemello had said first... something about "can't keep doing this..." she found her voice gone. Instead she gave him a wry and somewhat faltering grin. Then, as he moved off toward the town's center she turned to gaze toward where she had last seen Myra, only to find the arachnium woman heading towards them, the child safely in her arms.

A surge if relief moved through Katlina, giving her a moments clarity. At least the pain hadn't been for naught. The child was safe. Why did she always stick her neck out for those who were in mortal peril? That was nearly how she had first met Roemello. That hadn't turned out so bad after all.

At Myra's question she wavered a bit, but nodded. She would be fine, given time. Her voice would return eventually too. Evidence had shown that the greater the use of her powers the worse off her vocals were, and the longer her voice might stay absent. In order to communicate her gratefulness for Myra taking the child she touched the small bundle and smiled. Then, her gaze began roaming the savaged town hoping she might find some clue where the childs family was... they couldn't very well keep it with them...

A distant sobbing suddenly found its way to her hearing, and she turned her gaze to see a young woman kneeling in front of a pile of rubble a ways off, hands covering her face as her body wracked with sobs. Could it be? It was a long shot, but Katlina had a sneaking suspicion the mother was this woman, the sorrow in the young lady's frame speaking of what she thought had happened. Without a word, since she could yet say any, she gently took the child from Myra and walked slowly and a bit unsteadily toward the kneeling form.

At first, the sobbing continued as the woman noticed nothing but the palms if her hands as they pressed to her face. Then, Katlina crouched by her and placed a sympathetic hand on the woman's shoulder, causing her to look up. Then, she simply held the child out for the mother to see.

The look on the woman's face was all the thanks Katlina would ever need, and she moved away from the dazed yet reunited pair quickly, not wanting thanks. Instead, she turned her gaze to the smoke which she could see rising from the distance. Pointing, she hoped Myra saw it too, and picked up her pace to run in that direction.
Hearing Myra's plea, it fell on deaf as a Roemello gave out a small chuckle before giving an explanation as too not come off fully rude. Surveying routes he spoke behind him as he sustained a light jog. "My arm is already feeling better...". Not drawing any extra attention too it, it could visibly been seen healing through his shredded tattered garments. "Do you think your concoction will do any for Katlina?" Running up to a nearby wall he planted his back against it. Bending at the knees he cupped his hand. Signaling Katlina with a head gesture he meant to give her a few story boost, for he believed parkour the topside would be slot faster than navigating cluttered roadways and alleys. Myra being of obvious Arachnid descent, keeping up he believed wouldn't be a problem for her...
Zahariel Portal'e (played by Nai_Elyob) Topic Starter

The crashing of metal bounced off the walls of the buildings in the city square as blades crossed. Zahariel's blackened blade, Nocteras, rang out with as much frustration as was burdened on its master's face, and perhaps it felt the same since it was forged from a piece of its master's soul. Whoever the leader of these bandits was, he was capable of holding his own against the Shade. In his studies, the warrior-priest had researched many different kinds of magic and combat techniques, but the ones on this world were not among them. Something about the way magic flowed in this world simply didn't make sense to him, but the warrior seemed to be increasing his physical abilities by augmenting them with a form of enchantment.

Of course, in a city like this, he felt like he had to hold back. The Shade knew that he was physically capable of lifting about twenty tons, and with that kind of strength crushing the bandit shouldn't be difficult. Yet, that kind of power could easily cause lots of destruction to the surrounding buildings, and collateral damage could bring with it complications that his party didn't need. In terms of skill, the bandit clearly had been trained in some sort of exotic classical swordmanship. Perhaps, at one time, he'd been an officer in the military. His swordplay was like the desert wind passing over the dunes, unconcerned and swift. Had they not been locked in deadly combat, Zahariel would have been enjoying himself thoroughly.

A few minutes had already passed since their combat had begun, and concern was beginning to dig into face. This is taking too long, he grumbled silently. Reluctantly, he dropped his guard. The Bandit Chief's curved blade sliced through the air, just inches from Zahariel's face, when it was stopped in the air. Shadows from between the strands of Zahariel's hair and from the folds in his clothes extended outwards like branches from a tree and seized the blade. Churning, the blade was shattered into pieces. His opponent's eyes and mouth widened like canyons to the force of water and wind, his canon raising up at the same time. Using all his speed, the warrior priest stepped into his opponent, sword low, and lopped off the prosthetic in one clean motion.
Seychelle Jenner (played anonymously)

Used to Roemello's tactical ideas, Katlina after catching up to the large man, had not been surprised when he suddenly stopped and turned to her, bending at the knees. Her gaze briefly flitted up the two story building and then back to the large man before giving a shrug and a brief smiling nod. Of course she was up for the lift. Unfazed, she allowed Roemello to boost her, most likely by a lift-throw motion - a feeling not unlike flying - she mused as she soared upward, eyes on the rooftop which was quickly approaching. Her knives were sheathed in their proper holsters and her hands were free to snap out at exactly the right moment to catch the rooftop in an iron grasp. Her fingers and arms, strengthened from her many wall climbs and window sill exploits, easily allowed her to hang for the brief moment necessary before giving a bit of a heave as she pulled herself up onto the rooftop, standing in the next fluid movement.

After throwing a glance down towards her other two companions, knowing they'd be up soon after, she turned to gaze in the direction of the town square. While she may not agree that rooftop travel was always faster, it did bring with it the added bonus of surprise upon their would be targets. No longer worried about the others, Katlina wasted no time and getting herself along, parkour style of course. Leaping from rooftop to rooftop, she would often roll with her landing across her shoulder and back to a stand to use all her momentum to it's full potential and decrease the strain upon her body.. She moved across the buildings in as straight a line toward the town square as possible, arriving upon the scene perhaps just as the said prosthetic was lopped. A wild grin lit her face as the dangerous moment was averted by the shade, and she gave an imperceptible nod of approval though no one could see.

After taking in the shade's surroundings, and any who were advancing on his position, she leaped off the roof without a backward glance, immediately spinning to grip the roof, shimmying to a nearby gutter drain and sliding quickly down it to land upon the cobbles below. Then, she strode out toward the shade, drawing her knives as she moved. The pain in her abdomen was still holding it's vice-like grip, but none of it's signs showed now on her face as she pushed it all behind her emotionless mask. No reason to give any attackers the upper hand. Her gaze would possibly meet that of the shade briefly should he glance her way, and she hoped her gaze would proffer any help, should it be needed.
Impressed with the grace Katlina flaunted making her way to city's center, Roemello believed her aptitude the art of parkour had improved greatly since last they had travelled together. Moving the rooftops took no visible toll on his stamina. Veering off a bit as Kat made her play, Roemello stayed back and kept the advantage of the high ground.

Finding a vacant guard post, he quickly scrounged through it's belonging in search of a weapon of his liking. Fishing out a bow, a quiver soon followed. Quickly slicing the string with a talon, Roemello removed a single strand of his own hair before to restring. Finishing the process in a matter of moments, he exited the post tying the final knot. Walking over the ledge overlooking the square, he took a crouched position. Stringing an arrow he surveyed the campus...
Zahariel Portal'e (played by Nai_Elyob) Topic Starter

Grasping his bleeding stump, the leader of the bandits took a knee. "Damn monster," his voice quivered. The will to fight drained from his body faster than his color, at least. It wasn't a mortal wound, but the way the pain twisted his face made the feeling obvious.

Zahariel didn't notice Katlina as she approached from behind, as he was focused on the last paltry group of bandits who were trying to regroup with their leader. Dread swept over them like a chill breeze at the sight of their captain defeated and very literally disarmed. A few exchanged dismayed glances while the knees of the rest began to quake. Their plot had been undone like the Gordian Knot, with one swift stroke of a sword. Only the sound of shattering casks of black powder broke the silence, the shadows within them called upon by the Shade to erupt and spill the contents.

The sound of whistles pierced the scene as the city guards descended upon them. Zahariel returned his blackened blade to its scabbard. He became aware of Katlina behind him, and, turning, flashed his friendliest looking smile.

"Well, well, looks we should probably avoid all this attention," the warrior-priest said. As he finished, Zahariel moved to Katlina and said, "Now would be a good time for us to vanish. I can sense Roemello not far from here." Before she could speak, he took her arm and the two moved instantly via shadow-step to the ledge Roeme was on.
Seychelle Jenner (played anonymously)

Katlina had little time for her gaze to sweep the incoming hoard of guards who had responded to the whistles, the echos of which still rang in her ears. "Well, well, looks we should probably avoid all this attention," Zahariel's voice broke her concentration, and she tore her eyes from where it was still centered on the severed stump of the leader's arm. As she pulled her gaze to the Shade, her eyes caught his blackened blade as it slid back into it's sheath and she raised an eyebrow. What sort of enchantments or magics would turn a man into a shadow, and his blade into such a weapon? This thought springing to her mind she felt a frown curving her lips downward and had just turned to speak to Zahariel when she saw him reach for her arm.

She nearly jerked away involuntarily, before she caught herself, allowing the touch. It had become habit to keep herself distant and cautious around people, men in particular, since being held captive. But she remembered quickly enough that she had teamed up with these partners, which required a certain amount of trust. This frame of thought allowed her to show no more hesitation than perhaps the barest initial fraction as Zahariel took hold of her arm.

The sensation of stepping through a shadow was one which she could not rightly explain, even to herself. The sudden and jarring splash of numbing cold was over before it began and she found herself teetering on the brink of the ledge beside Roemello and Zahariel, with Myra no doubt nearby as well. She felt no vertigo, being used to heights, and instead looked curiously downard from her suddenly new perspective on the throng of guards below. They looked to be in a bit of a panic, chaos taking hold at the painful dismemberment of their leader. Turning to Zahariel she gave him a half grin, "Looks like you took care of that problem." Her voice sounded forced and a bit scratchy yet due to her earlier use if power, but at least she could use it again!
Myra Aedynheim (played by Draken901)

Before Myra could've offered Katlina a sip of the bottle, she went away to another spot, so she didn't even bother to ask. She looked relatively fine anyways. She stuffed the bottle back into her bag and swing it back onto her back. Having seen Katlina get boosted up onto the rooftops by Roemello, she thought it would be wise to do the same. She stepped back a bit, and ran towards the wall, running up it one spidery foot after another, with her momentum slowing down as she neared the top. She walked up the few feet of wall that were left and got onto the roof. Seeing her companions part ways, she did also, though staying in sight of Roemello if anything happened.

She ran and jumped from one building to another, until she stopped at the edge the the roof of one of the buildings circling the square. She looked down at the fight, or what was a fight below. Seeing the man with the cut off "arm cannon" made her take note of such a weapon. Maybe in the future she might be able to make something like that, but after hearing what seems to be the guards coming to the area, as well as Zahariel warping away with Katlina, she edged away from the ledge of the building and began to regroup with the rest of her companions over to where Roemello was. Stand on the roof of a building to right of Roemello's perch she peered down at her allies. "Sorry I wasn't here earlier. I guess I missed the show didn't I?"
Zahariel Portal'e (played by Nai_Elyob) Topic Starter

"Looks like you took care of that problem" Kat remarked with a grin.

"Yes, but I'm afraid the heroics will have to be their own reward. We aren't here to be celebrated, and I'd prefer our group move without the public eye fixed on us," the warrior-priest responded. Pausing for only a brief second he followed up with, "I apologize for the sudden, unwarned teleport. Next time I will give due warning. I'll remember that trust you put in me."

"Sorry I wasn't here earlier. I guess I missed the show didn't I?" came the voice of Myra. Zahariel looked at the Arachnium and smiled.

"Nonsense, half the city would likely still be on fire if it weren't for you," the Shade complimented.

The sun came out from beneath the cloud cover, and Zahariel winced as his shade form gave way to his human self. A gust of wind ran through his blonde hair, and his blue eyes looked down again at the statue of the founder. Guards were swarming the area, the bandits and their leader were in custody. For the remainder of the day, certainly, they'd be busy cleaning up and rebuilding from the commotion.

Looking at the rest of his part, he made the suggestion, "I think it would be best if we got off these rooftops, made our way to the market, and secured provisions and transportation. Our way lies outside Syn'daria, onwards towards the Pillars of Creation. Nerthus is, no doubt, a wide land, but more than likely there is only one place with such a noteworthy name. So, aside from sundaries and a means to move more swiftly, we'll need to figure out where these Pillars stand."
Hearing the Shade speak Roemello was already trying to shake the stench of his blood from his pallet. Pulling back from the ledge more into the casual shadows of rooftops tapestry being the tallest of the gathered fellowship he naturally drew unwanted attention.

Unable to smell any brews cascading the air, it was probably all the scents littering this area that hindered his search. From burning buildings to charred corpses and everything in-between, none at all pleasant. Closing his eyes he decided a different approach. Like the Shade spoke, this commotion couldn't have already spread to other areas. He would listen for the gathering of heartbeats. To find such would mean to find a gathering of people within the town. Lucky they were already within the city themselves, that way Roemello didn't have to worry about mistaking a group of wildlife for humans. Listening, he cut off all other senses hoping his plan would work.

Finding a source within a few moments, Roemello switched his 'borrowed' bow from his right to his left hand. "From what I can tell, the city seems to be divided into sections, almost like separation of classes. Anyways, we are in the lowest level I would assume by it's slum-esque resemblance. We must head deeper into the city to find what we seek...But that means going directly past our wailing handless friend... Any suggestions??"
Seychelle Jenner (played anonymously)

Flashing a brief but genuine smile to Zahariel at his unexpected apology, she waved a hand in the air. "No need for that. I am probably too jumpy and jaded...but it is accepted nonetheless." She finished softly.

Listening to ideas being spoken by the two men, Katlina surveyed the area, in complete agreement. It wouldn't be wise to stay long on the rooftops.
"If your estimation is correct Roeme, and this is the dregs part of town, bartering for supplies will be easiest in these parts, where prices have not been jacked sky high. Further in toward the town center where more nobility would shop, things will be pricier. But if we want to leave this part of town now, we may have to settle for higher expenses."

Here she looked to Zahariel as if trying to gauge his thoughts on the topic. She had spent plenty of time in alleyways and backwater parts of cities to know her way around them without being seen. But with a larger party it would be hard. "I don't think all of us have really been seen, so we might not draw undue might be best to split up at least some, and meet wherever we deem best, so that we don't stand out."

She glanced around, wondering if this town got many travelers. Why had the bandits chosen this part of town to attack? Were they just power hungry? She sighed at the thought, then added,
"We could ask around about these... pillars Zahariel speaks of on our way for supplies."
Silently agreeing with Katlina's deductive skills he came to his own conclusion. (So we are basically paying for safety if we weren't to go more inland. But on the other hand if we split up we could definitely cover more ground and finding rations for the journey.) Keeping his deep voice low, "I have no problem breaking ranks for a bit. I think skill set wise it is best if I go with Myra and you two travel together..." He spoke talking to Kat. "That way if we run into any problems we still have a balanced team of sorts, but we need to be clear on what each group is looking for as to make sure we have everything we need. I believe this will be our last one stop shop before truly beginning the mission that has brought together this fellowship. Does anyone have anything to add, are the groupings okay?"
Myra Aedynheim (played by Draken901)

She peeked over the edge of the building she was on to look back down at the square below. She turned back towards her allies after a while of listening to them talk. "Hopefully it will be cheaper. I'm gonna need more reagents to make more of my potions and other things. Also, I don't know about you two, but I could use something to eat. Running and jumping all over these rooftops and walls made me a bit famished, and I don't exactly have my jerky on me ever since I went through that portal." She began to climb down from the building, onto the ledge where the rest of her comrades were, walking straight down the wall and then jumping onto it.

"I suppose that's an alright plan, as long as I find some sort of stall or something a long the way."
Zahariel Portal'e (played by Nai_Elyob) Topic Starter

The party seemed to have a sound grasp of the necessities at hand, and a firm assessment of the present situation in mind. Zahariel's head nodded in agreement with the rest of the round table. He didn't at all mind being paired up with Katlina, she'd already invested the most trust in him thus far. A smile tilted his lips upwards in a pleasing curl, as the Shade's magic was banished by the presence of the light above. Despite the constant pins and needles which burned every inch of his skin, the warrior-priest felt rather at ease.

"Very well, let's separate, then. Roeme and Myra, you get a lead on the supplies. Katlina and I will seek out information regarding the Pillars. Let's meet up in the square before nightfall. This town seems to use gold and silver, like most, so we shouldn't have much trouble finding an inn to rest up in before departing," Zahariel deliberately stated.

Noticing a ladder not far from where they stood, the warrior-priest tilted his head as if to say Come on, let's go. "Good luck, and don't draw too much attention," he said as he moved towards his point of departure. After making sure Katlina followed, Zahariel moved among the streets with the crowds. Most had fled to their homes during the attack, but there was still time for commerce. As they walked, the Shade looked back at Katlina and spoke.

"You know, Kat...ever since I was changed my mind works in a strange way. I can often keep track of my companions through the shadows, even if my attention is split. Before I had to focus completely on myself, I...saw what happened with the child. I thought it was very brave."

(OOC: My advice, take a post to roleplay with your partner. Then, complete your goal and post your return to the square. From there, we'll do a narrative jump to the departure from Syn'daria and heading towards the location of the Pillars)
Seychelle Jenner (played anonymously)

Not one to nitpick a good plan, Katlina found herself just fine with the groups Roeme suggested. In fact, she relished the opportunity to perhaps glean a bit more insight into the myterious shadow-man. Giving a short nod to Zahariel to signal her readiness she flashed a smile to Myra and Roeme before swinging herself onto the ladder after Zahariel and sliding gracefully down it, her soft booted feet on either side.

Trailing just a fraction of a step behind, nearly shoulder to shoulder with the shade, Katlina eyed the throng of people that began crowding about the further they moved into town. On this end, people dressed in near rags, patched multiple times and looked as if bathing was only perhaps a bi-weekly occurance. However as they moved further, a shift happened as more affluent families became mixed among the poor, the pride in whch they kept theirselves and their homes in a tidy manner all too noticeable. Katlina scoffed with a soft breath in exhalation. People were so quick to shown off their wealth. If they only knew how much more of a target it made them, perhaps they'd be more like their poorer counterparts. But she was not here to rob the wealthy and give it to the poor. She was not here to play robin hood, no.

As Zahariel spoke, she blinked in a bit of surprise, her gaze moving from her perusals to the man himself. Her stormy hues did not reflect the emotion that went through her at his words. She wasn't looking for praise. She wasn't hoping to be noticed. She only had thought to save the child, as if by saving it, by saving anyone she could, she could perhaps undue the wrong she had done in her past. As if it would bring back her sister. A lump formed in her throat as the young and happy face flashed in her memory.

Gaze sliding down to her booted feet she didn't respond at first. The shade's admission of being able to watch their movement didn't surprise her. She didn't understand his power in the slightest, but would hazard a guess he was very powerful indeed. Finally feeling herself back under firm control she glanced up again and perhaps caught Zahariel's eyes for a brief moment. "Thank you." She replied softly. "It wasn't bravery though." Another long silence which Katlina felt gave away more than words could. Then,

"Why do you seek out the seed?" She knew the question was a prying one, but she felt he might answer, as it could be something she would need to know if they were going to be in danger side by side. It would be good to understand a bit of each other. Success was sometimes held on the tip of cooperation.
Myra Aedynheim (played by Draken901)

Myra continued to listen to the conversation. Her stomach growling a bit as they did so. She gave a wave after they left, watching them head into the crowds below. She turned back towards Roemello. "Well, I suppose we should get going. No sense wasting more time up here. I do believe it's getting a bit late anyways." Myra walked towards the ledge and began walking straight down the wall near the ladder Katlina and Zahariel took. She glanced back to make sure Roemello was keeping up. She jumped off the wall the ladder, and began walking down one of the streets.

"Okay, so we're looking for some rations and food, as well as probably some Alchemy supplies for me. By the way, if you happen to see any stalls that offer fish while we're looking around, I would appreciate if you would tell me. I haven't had that stuff in a while." She continued walking for a few moments glancing around at her surroundings, seeing if she could spot anything that resembles food or reagents. "By the way. That was quite miraculous that you powered through that wall coming down on you with no bones sticking out of your body. Mind if I ask how you were able to do that, Roeme?"
Rubbing at his head as he unconsciously recorded all the new aromas of the little town. Tossing the excess off his baggy up garments over his head they formed a hood. "Too be honest, I'm still learning myself what I'm fully capable of. I wasn't for sure if myself nor Kat would have come out unscathed but with my vessel in-between i could only hope for the best. She has risk more for less on my behalf, it is only right I do the same wouldn't you think. My healing well that, I have no control over. It kind of does it's own thing but has been reliable up too now. I believe it a part of a mutation I 'picked up' along my travels. That and​a few other....perks...." Feeling he had revealed more then enough about himself currently."Do you smell that, I believe we are headed the right way. Also, I know next to nothing about rune hunting, so if you'd so kind as to feather that in for me it might help our search."

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