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Forums » General Roleplay » Through The Eyes of a Madman (OPEN)

Kristof 'Doc' Schwanhausser (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

Doc followed from the ground, not willing to put Keera down.
Winter (played anonymously)

The wolf had jumped in the tree and followed its owner.She stops and jumps back down and stops.She noticed that there was a dead body laying on the ground.She noticed that it was her old master.

She stepped back with tears overtaking her coldness.The wolf howled as she cried."No....not him...."
Kristof 'Doc' Schwanhausser (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Who is zat?" Doc inquired, not even bothering to look at the body but just stepping over it.
Winter (played anonymously)

"The last one took care of me." She sat near the body and silently crys.
Kristof 'Doc' Schwanhausser (played by EonRising) Topic Starter


Doc stopped and turned around with an exasperated sigh, "Vhy is he here in zee middle of no vhere?"
Winter (played anonymously)

"He was dragged here by a Shadowest." She growled and stood up.She turns into white wolf and starts to run leaving behind a trail of beauty.
Kristof 'Doc' Schwanhausser (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Vhat zee hell just happened?" he looked down at Keera, "Vhy did she vant me again?" he turned and started walking back to his stall.
Winter (played anonymously)

She had stepped into a stupid trap.A Shadowest grabbing her by her neck,making her turn back into her human form.The Shadowest twisted her neck,breaking it and dropped her lifeless body.
Kristof 'Doc' Schwanhausser (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

(Um... Wow...? You need a lot of RP practice)
Winter (played anonymously)

(kinda wanted to end that there.Got bored.)
Kristof 'Doc' Schwanhausser (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

(You need to not so much be writing your own rather irrelevant story. What you were posting made little to no sense and didn't involve my character hardly at all, which is what you're supposed to do: incorporate others characters.)

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