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Forums » General Roleplay » Come and See The Miraculous Ocean Child! (Open)

Atl (played by Mernaga) Topic Starter

He shook his head a tiny bit. "N-no..." He pleaded. "Want keep it..."
Alex Selene grey (played by Raider-jack29)

"But you almost died!"
Atl (played by Mernaga) Topic Starter

"...Want leave tank..." He said quietly, giving Alex a pleading look.
Alex Selene grey (played by Raider-jack29)

"They will come after you, you know that right?"
Atl (played by Mernaga) Topic Starter

The boy clearly hadn't thought that far ahead, deflating somewhat at the question. "...hate trapped..." He murmured sadly.
"Maybe you just need to fight back." Jamie said. Yume stayed silent.
Alex Selene grey (played by Raider-jack29)

Atl wrote:
The boy clearly hadn't thought that far ahead, deflating somewhat at the question. "...hate trapped..." He murmured sadly.
"I'll get you out of here, I promise...and if it comes down to it...I'd gladly stay with you."
Atl (played by Mernaga) Topic Starter

"...Stay?" He asked Alex quietly, before looking to Jaime. "N-not fight..." The idea scared him.
Alex Selene grey (played by Raider-jack29)

"Sure buddy, I'd stay for you...I ain't got anything out there waiting for me after all."
Alex mutters softly with a laugh, his head for a second turns to the sky...the ever expanding darkness marked only by small points of light captivating him for a brief moment before he turns his gaze back to Atl.
Atl (played by Mernaga) Topic Starter

Atl didn't respond for a few long moments, before reluctantly removing the ring. He looked on the verge of tears as his new legs vanished before his eyes, and he just silently handed the ring back to Alex.
Alex Selene grey (played by Raider-jack29)

Alex placed the ring back into his pocket.
Wrapping his arms around Alt he brought him into a hard embrace.
"Never be afraid to cry in front of me."
Atl (played by Mernaga) Topic Starter

Atl returned the hug, sniffling slightly. He still didn't speak. As the boy pushed into the hug, though, they hit the tipping point, sending them both falling back into the tank.
Yume jumped in surprise. "You two okay?!"
Alex Selene grey (played by Raider-jack29)

Alex was quick to flip them both in mid air, allowing his own back to hit the water before everything else.
Atl (played by Mernaga) Topic Starter

After a second of panic, Atl quickly kicked his tail to bring them both back to the surface so Alex could breathe.
Alex Selene grey (played by Raider-jack29)

As they breached the waters surface, Alex took in a deep breath.
Letting out a laugh he smiled at Atl "your quick on your...erm-fin I guess."
Atl (played by Mernaga) Topic Starter

"W-wear ring." Atl told him, pointing to Alex's pocket.
Alex Selene grey (played by Raider-jack29)

Alex didn't hesitate to slip it on after being asked to do so.
Atl (played by Mernaga) Topic Starter

Though he was still sad about losing his legs, seeing his friend with a tail cheered him up a bit. "...Really stay?" He asked quietly.
Alex Selene grey (played by Raider-jack29)

"Anything for you bud"
(Heading to bed...gnite)

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