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Forums » Looking for RP » The Kritarchy of Dei Iuris (Re-Open) (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Ishmael (played by coke_monster)

Oi. That took a while. So I have this really antagonistic sneak-thief on the table. Some roles I have in mind at the moment:

A. Traitor!
An unwilling participant forced to ally himself against his country through circumstance or shared goal. Perhaps he has been betrayed by his indifferent master and branded a traitor of the Union. Perhaps a certain amount of gold is handed to him to simply aid a few run away slaves (cough cough Edlin and Ilyse) around town after he attempts to grab a few shekels amidst the chaos. That tiny aid could naturally spiral into a caper of a life time; the pyramids.

B. Traitor, alt start.
Same as above, but he has set his mark on Ramez and the odd trinket from a foreign land. Hijinx can ensue from there whether it be a chase through the streets with thief, merchant, and justiciars, or however it develops.

C. Loyalist. Best used for a more traditionally told story than ragtag roleplay I'd say.
A minor antagonist who would be the eyes for which we see what the other antagonists are up to, eventually becoming disillusioned of the Custodian's righteousness. Perhaps his strong pride in his country is whittled away when law after law is broken by higher ups attempting to suppress rebellion and/or the protagonists.

Thoughts thoughts thoughts. Gimme gimme gimme.

That lego music video was rad by the way. I feel so uncultured in DnD jokes.
Loren Topic Starter

@Edlin Maus: there would be an overarching plot, yes, and possible character arcs.
(For example, the events that happen in this roleplay also mark a step of my character's transition from a more malevolent wizard to the more Gandalf-like character he is today.)

Gamers and I've come up with a few ideas on how they could meet! I'll let him elaborate on that, though, since they were mostly his ideas.

Alright, so about the people in the roleplay - with Gamers and me, there are only four spots left, and I really didn't want to open any more up since then it'd be too crowded - so I was forced to choose. After a bit of deliberation, I think I'm going with Kidd's Merchant, Coke's thief, John's Knight and Khaeo's necromancer. Sorry to the rest of the gang but I think that's the party that'd work best!

I think A would work best, coke. (Even if Edlin and Ilyse are technically not escaped slaves. XD)
It's mostly a few versions of the same concept, a series of events leading them all together. They're pretty easy to change, so it's not too much trouble to change something if someone doesn't like where their character is. That said, most of these do have Edlin having been captured, so say something if you'd prefer a work-around :)

Version 1

Elazan is arguing with the local authorities in the streets, most likely for punching a sand merchant in the face or something. With the authorities there rests a filled prisoner and slave cart, with many people caged within. Ilyse and Ishmael, who is being paid by Ilyse to help her scour the kingdom for the slave she has been hired to find, break it open to check if her mark is in there (they aren't). Elazan can use this distraction to make a break for it, and ends up running in t he same direction as Ilyse, Ishmael, and Edlin. In order to lose any guards that may be pursuing them, the four of them duck into a merchant's shop, which belongs to Ramez (for the sake of motivation to join the cause, perhaps the authorities could have recently seized many of the items in Ramez's store), with a current customer in the store being Umran the Necromancer.

Version 2

This is somewhat similar to V1, but changes the roles a bit. When Elazan argues with the authorities, he uses magic to resist arrest, thereby destroying the slave and prisoner cart nearby and releasing the prisoners. This time the prison cart holds both Edlin and the merchant Ramez, possibly arrested for resisting letting authorities seize the contents of his shop. Instead of ducking into a shop when they run away, they end up hiding in what turns out to be Ishmael's hideout, where Ilyse is trying to gather information. This leaves the necromancer's apprentice as the wild card, as there are a lot of ways to fit them in.

And like I said, it's easy to change things around. For example, Ilyse could be in the shop with the merchant and necro's apprentice or she could be a prisoner in the cart. The thief could have been arrested for the first time, or they could be sneaking slaves free in resistance to the tyrannical rule of the current government, and Edlin could be a bystander on the street who jumps in to help, etc. etc.
The scenarios sound pretty solid to me with that exception of the wild card Umran, but being dragged into things seems to be a reccuring theme for Khae's characters so I'm sure they could make it work. Whether my guy is fueled by Ilyse's gold or one of the member's happenstance saving him from his first capture by authorities, it would work just fine for me. If you want a hard vote from me, I'd choose version 1.
Loren Topic Starter

My vote also lies with version 1.
I'm okay with any tbh. I can go with Version 1!
Sounds like Version 1 is the most popular. :> I am okie dokie with that.
Aww dang it. Ah well. Have fun you guys.
Cato of Prispia (played by TheTwilightWarrior)

I'm gucci with either version. So, 1 it is! And thanks for including me!
Loren Topic Starter

Alright. I'll start up a thread in the discussion forum and one in the fantasy forum.
Loren Topic Starter

Due to two of our members deciding to leave the roleplay, we're lookin' for two new players!
Still looking :)
one of mine ok ?
Loren Topic Starter

I'm not really sure if any of them could fit, really. Sorry!
Idk if raven would work, but this rp has my interest and I figured it's worth a shot!
Angrim (played by floatch)

Hey, will this character work? I'm aware his bio is a bit slim.
Loren Topic Starter

I don't really think Raven would work well, sorry.

I mean, maybe Angrim could work! How are you considering using him, story wise?
hello :3
Loren Topic Starter

Hello, Celia. I presume you want to use the character Celia in this roleplay?
I have an idea, and with a few days I should be able to whip up at least a basic character page, but how does a smuggler sound?

Might be a foreign agent, or local, on the side, with an interest in destabilizing something but lacking the resources to do it?

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