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Forums » Smalltalk » Hiatus


I, much like everyone else, am taking a hiatus. I've found out that I probably won't be getting student loans and my back-up plan to that was to take a bank loan - it's now too late to look into a bank loan. My other back-up plan has fallen through.

That means that this last month has just been a very painful, very expensive holiday in which I didn't do anything. So... This means that I'm going to have to get another job, and likely a second one and pray that they don't overlap and piss off both my new bosses.

What does this mean for RPR?

Well, one, I'm going to be focusing on working as much as I can, so that I can save up enough money for school, because I don't want to have to keep stopping and starting again. Two, I'm pretty drepressed over this, so I don't really want to be on RPR, no offence.

This means that while I might pop on and reply once in a while, I won't be actually playing with any regularity. Sorry to anyone who was playing with me. I know I'm being a jerk, but I just don't have the energy now to even make short dumb posts.

Sorry again, guys.
*Hugs* That super sucky! I understand needing to take a break :( We'll definitely miss you though!

I'm really sorry to hear all of that, Lily. D: I hope that things work out for you, and I understand completely that you'll need a break; take as much time as you need, and I'll be looking forward to your return.
Darth_Angelus Moderator

You will be missed The! But it is good you know when you need to take a break to work. School is important!

Take care and we'll be here when you come back :)
I hope things get better! Take all the time you need and we will all be here for you when you need us!!
I'm so sorry to hear this! And don't feel bad about the hiatus. We all need time periodically to re-evaluate our time. Good luck with the second job--hope things get better for you. I'll miss you.
My dear Lilikins, don't worry about the break. Do what you need to do and know that we are all here if you ever want to pop in and just talk. We <3 our Lily and we all understand. I'll be thinking about you Lily, hope things get on track I know how excited you were about school.
Sanne Moderator

*offers hugs* You know where to find me if you want to talk. <3
TheLily Topic Starter

Update - I have checked and checked. I have until September 19 to drop the classes and my Mother-In-Law gave in when Husband cried for me!

Sanne Moderator

You better give Mr. Husband a super big hug from me!!! <3

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