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Forums » Smalltalk » Dreams and Nightmares

What you said with Zombies, I sometimes have about Aliens, or Apocalypse or wolves.

The dream I loved the most ...
I was at my mothers home, and there was a guy. He was glorious. Light olive skin, jadegreen eyes (the same color as mine; not sure if thats important) and hair like sand. I can't remember his clothes sadly, but in the dream it was the only person ever, I saw THAT clear. I could see the pores, and every hair. Usually the faces in my dreams are blurred.

The guy told me that he wanted to die, because even if he tried to be good he just caused harm, because that was what he was made for. He was depressed and could not take it anymore. Not sure if he was kind of like a demon? However in the middle of the sentence he then had a golden dagger in his hands with a red ruby and stabbed himself directly into his solar plexus. I feared that he would not find peace since hes still tainted and kissed him, trying to inhale everything bad about him so he can find his peace.
Then I started to get angry, and roamed the streets and felt odd.
The location switched and I was at a hospital (I know the location irl, and its originally a church).
Since our dog died because of a stroke (I grew up with her and she was like a sister) I feared wolfes for no real reason. I think it was because the dog hat spasm attacks before she died and I was just 14.
Well, I was at the entrance at the hospital in my dream, and looked through he glass of the doors and saw a huge massive black wolf, and did not know what to do. So I stayed inside till I was desperate and thought no matter what, its better than waiting and rotting in here. So I went out and started kicking the wolf. Out of nowhere other people were aroundt he wolf, kicking him too. Then the wolf looked at me, and I recognized the eyes, my eyes or the ones from the guy in the beginning. I stopped kicking, and the moment completly froze - with the people having their legs midair, before they faded. The wolf kept eyecontact and I heard a "Thank you." in my mind before the wolf vanished too.

So, nightmare wise I've got one that has stuck with me forever, and one that isn't really a nightmare but I'll explain in a bit, and one that is my most recurring.

The one that's stuck with me (had it when I was very young) was a dream where I was attacked by zombies, and I couldn't do anything to kill them, but I realized I could fly, so I took off into the air. But since that didn't stop the zombies, and there was no way to, I just had to float in the air and watch as they destroyed the world. They'd follow me around if I flew over them but they could never get to me, but I was stuck flying above a desolate, dead world... it... it was really sad.

The other is not really a nightmare but way, way worse. I suffer from sleep paralysis. So what happens, basically, is sometimes instead of going to sleep my body just shuts down but I stay awake and can't move (or breathe), and my brain starts hallucinating.

My hallucinations usually involve an evil presence in the room trying to strangle me. When I was very young like a little kid, it was usually a monster. But then, as I grew older... it started to be people I knew. Like my parents. I would have these incredibly vivid hallucinations of myself being paralyzed as my parents would come into my room smiling at me, sit down next to me, and start strangling me. For awhile I wasn't sure it wasn't really happening, since they were hallucinations and not dreams it was as real as anything else that happened to me, it just never made sense. Over time sometimes it would be intruders or just a strange presence, and when I grew up it started being roommates or house guests or even girlfriends and lovers. I just thought they were these really vivid nightmares but when I went in to a doctor to study other sleep problems he told me what they really were.

They still happen, I get them a couple of times a year and they're horrifying, but now that I know what they are when I snap out of them I recover pretty quick. I still break out of them in a cold sweat flailing at whatever was trying to strangle me (as when they're happening, I am fully convinced that whatever is in the room with me is trying to and succeeding at killing me), but once they're over I'm able to get settled pretty quickly.

Oh, and the most recurring nightmare I have is my teeth falling out. Usually it will just happen in any
other dream, could just be a dream about normal stuff or about weird stuff, but at some point my tooth will feel loose, and then I'll pull on it and it'll come out, and then more will start coming out, and eventually all my teeth will fall out. I was talking about it with my Dad once and he commented that it was kind of not that scary, until I pointed out that even if you visit the dentist regularly and take care of your teeth well they can all still fall out when you get older and there's just nothing you can do about that. He then said later he had a tooth falling out dream himself.
I suffer from sleep paralysis too ... the best you can do is, don't panic.
It took me a year to get used to it, then it vanished.
TheLily Topic Starter

My sleep paralysis has only happened a few times, and while I knew what it was the first time, I still can't look at the colour purple the same way. It's the same lady who's there each time it happens.

Just a small update, I've started the list of objects, allies, enemies/nightmares and places. :) I have no idea how long this will take me to do, but it's started!

y'all have some interesting dreams/nightmares. Keep 'em coming.

Or, alternatively, if you'd like, you can always suggests objects, allies, enemies/nightmares and settings! I'd love all the help I can get. :)
TheLily Topic Starter

Okay, I JUST woke up. I don't remember much, but I'll lay out what I do know.

I was living in a strange house, it wasn't like my own and I was sharing a room with someone, which was strange because I've never shared a room with another person beyond my husband. For some reason my D&D group was getting read to play SOMEWHERE else, because even though everyone was there, we were leaving.

So I got up, and got all excited "I'll go get my laptop." so I grabbed the computer and put it in the pink bubble binder I'm using for my dream notes.

Then the group was my friend, my mom, my husband and another friend (I think), but they split into two cars. In one car, there wasn't any room for me. They were going second - but the two friends in the other car didn't wait for me.

I ended up falling, landing on my ass and dumping the first teddybear I ever owned into a puddle. My mom and female friend just laughed at me, helped me out of the puddle ("So you don't get hit by a car, fat ass") and drove off to play D&D without me. :(
I miss playing tabletop, and aww. :(
Claine Moderator

This is a dream I had quite a while ago, but it has really stuck with me.

In this dream, a co-worker and I were neighbours. We lived across the road from each other. We were standing in the street, outside our houses, watching explosions in the distance. The explosions got louder and louder, eventually, they were so enormous I could feel the hot wind blowing past me. I thought it was too dangerous outside, so I went into my house.

Only to find the interior of my house covered with spiders.
A dream I had July 7th, 2012. It both awed and startled me.

I am in New Mexico once again, at the residence of my grandmother’s sister. We call her Yiya (yah-yah). It's blissful and gives me a sense of peace. The sun was warm and I was surrounded by my friendly distant family. I remember a few familiar faces like Uncle Matt chasing Penny the chihuahua dashhound mix dog. Yiya had a new double deck porch and I caught a glimpse of my cousin Chris in the restroom, wishing he would learn to close the door.

The scenery was drastically altered, then where she presently lives. Instead of a desert forest with many trails that lead to a river, there was a lake. The gravel road that leads down to other houses was side-by-side with the lake's shore.

Curious, I followed the dirt road. I remember telling Yiya I was going to look for my horse. (I don’t own a horse and never have.) The sunny day at Yiya’s dimmed as I made my way down the road that edged so very close to the lake. The lake was like an ocean and I couldn’t see the other shore.

The day was a dull gray and I swear I could feel the dew of mist now. As I walked I spotted a man having difficulties controlling what seemed to look like a white horse. Immediately I went to him. I shushed and cooed the horse calming him and stroking his nose. I couldn’t see from afar but the horse wasn’t white.

In fact it wasn’t even a solid color. What I thought was white was actually an opal-like iridesent color. As the horse shifted and moved or even at a standstill it had flecks of radiating colors. I could feel myself grinning and say, “I love your horse, can I have it?”

When I looked up at the man I was briefly frightened. He was of Native American decent, tall, dark, with long black hair braided. His ethnicity didn’t startle me (I am of Native American descent) it was his eyes. They were white with a slight blue tint. They were odd on his dark features but I stood my ground and he smiled and reached to pull me unto his horse with him but I refused. If I was going to ride the rainbow horse I would be alone not with an unknown man.

So he motioned me to follow him. He stayed mounted and I walked beside the beautiful mount. We went down the road and the mist thickened. Soon he was pushing the mother-of-pearl stallion to a trot and me to a run. Very soon I found I could not keep beside the horse as horse and rider took the lead. He turned unto a dock without any guard rails and seemed to float on the surface.

I called for him to slow down but he went faster. The dock climbed at an incline like an arch. Huge waves stretched up to slap the dock. One slap would clearly be enough to knock you off. I had to slow down. I could barely catch the wisps of the horse’s tail as they vanished into the mist. Timing the waves I waited for the break between two and booked it. After the waves, the dock curved to a hill like decline. Floating on the water once more, the dock seemed endless just before it ended.

I nearly went for a dip. Briefly saddened at the thought of losing the horse, I realized the dock didn’t end, it turned. It must turn again somewhere down the line because a few feet in front of me it crossed and went into the mist. I made a jump for it and mildly panicked as I nearly fell off the other side.

I went along this dock and nearly ran into a young girl who would’ve fell off if I had. She wore a navy blue dress trimmed with white and had light brown hair. She told me her name but I cannot recall it anymore even though later on I scream it.

The dock became a maze. Some places we could jump and others we’d walk along it. She seemed to know her way around the dock maze.I liked this girl, who was showing me through the maze. I could see a tall shadow slowly emerging in the mist, like a mountain. Somehow I knew we were almost to the end.

I could see it now, a huge cliff. The dock wasn't a dock but a bridg and led straight to the cliff.. I jumped across the water unto another part of the bridge and when I looked back at the girl was following my lead, only she didn't jump far enough. I screamed her name as she fell into the water that ate her like oil. Without a splash or even bubbles I sat there and waited for some sign I wanted to reach in and feel for her or jump in.

In real life, I am an excellent swimmer my dad would frequently say I was part fish. In the dream I knew if I went into the water I would sink like a stone... I woke up.

Thee most vivid dream I've ever had. That I can remember so clearly.
The dreams that I can remember are really effed... not not safe for general audiences o.O
TheLily Topic Starter

For anyone who is curious, I have a list of objects, allies and nightmare/monsters that are ready for the system for said objects and so on to be written finally XD. This is what I did instead of doing homework. ::hides in a corner::
Sanne Moderator

The dream I most vividly remember recently was quite graphic and disturbing, so I'm putting this in a spoiler tag. Don't read if you don't like violence and disturbing stuff that involve pregnancy! Seriously, this is equal to a "violent content" tag. You've been warned.

And for good measure I'm throwing this into a collapse tag on top of it.

I don't remember most of my dream, but I had it after watching the Prometheus movie the other week. Just before I woke up it was like watching a movie. A pregnant woman was laying on the floor, clearly in labor, screaming and flailing her arms and legs. The room was really dark and unsanitary, vaguely reminding me of a bathroom in Silent Hills.

At some point some really creepy man - actually quite remarkably resembling a Stalker from Half-Life 2 - came forth from the shadows and bent over her. The baby couldn't be born the natural way and she begged him for a c-section. He slit open the entire underside of her belly and tore it open, exposing all of her insides. Blood and fluids sprayed everywhere and her scream was deafening and blood chilling.

That's not what disturbed me most though. It was quite graphic and disturbing on its own, but I was utterly and completely calm. I wasn't grossed out. I wasn't feeling fear or repulsion. I just felt nothing at all.

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