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Forums » Forum Games » (IC)... If you can have one wish.

Your character is doing something, when suddenly, a voice rings out.

"Congratulations. You have been selected. I will grant you... one wish. One wish for anything. What will it be? Wishing for more wishes will result in death."

What is your wish?
Thanatos (played by The_Almighty_Q)

Thanatos was casually flying over some moonlit forest with a smile on his face upon hearing the voice. He paused to think for a moment before responding.

"I wish to not have to work again. Being a God is fun, but you have a lot of responsibility. And being the 'God of Death' sounds fun. No. It's incredibly boring. No wonder I find myself hanging around mortals. They are so much more interesting than having to manage all of the death that goes on in the world."
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

Kylie was walking in the park then hit a tree due to her being dumb. She heard the voice and should up, "Hmm.. one wish huh..," she thought, "I wish for The Ouran High school Host Club to be real and they fell in love with me!! Wait... are we even aloud to wish for love... I don't know.. so thats my wish!!" She smiled looking like an idiot
Ivy Stormborn (played by RedLantern)

It's tricky to word wish, I rathee not tempt an evil djinn to trick me. ;)
Mariha (played anonymously)

No more war. Anywhere. Ever. That's a nice thought.

Only dead men have seen the end of war.

Ivy wouldn't mind to meet again one of her child years crush, I bet.
Kara is a djinn, :rofl: she has no wishes. x)
Tomori Shika (played by PuppygirlK)

"Hm, I'm hearing voices now...okay then. I would wish to bringmy teacher Seth back to life, no wait what if he comes back like a zombie or messed up in the head? Who knows we might have an apocalypse"

Tomori muttered with a smile imagining a world with zombies and the action he would have. "Yeah I wish for my teacher to be back"
Damian (played anonymously)

uh, y'know, I'd really like to stop seeing how people die.

that would be nice.
Ivy Stormborn (played by RedLantern)

"Alright, I've been thinking a bit into this, and if it's truly a wish in good faith, let me see, I'll tell you back in some days, If I got ONE wish, what would it be?"

Ivy start tiping her pencil to the penboard, and begin to list down something."

"Well, maybe could someone tell me how you manage to list down your wishes, because I might have too much of them, what a life."

She sighs heavily. ;)

"I wish to never lack of what is good to me, ever again in life. Love, Hope, Wealth, Frienship, Teaching, Health...I've been through too much, and still struggling against various killers, loneliness, Hunt, and various health issues and problems. I can't stand no more of this, I'll be breaking. If this isn't ending, real soon, I surely turn mad and go on a killing spree. Trust me, the last thing anyone truly want in my clan, is a dishonored ronin, going on a killing spree. I shunned them too much already. I hate this, everything is so dark."

She sighs.
"Don't you trick me, whatever you are. Shall it be my last breath, I'll go after you, to kill." She looks, at you, with all the seriousness of the world.


Ivy is almost, and she's a bit of a psycho, she's the only character I ever developped so far. Well, you've been warned! ;)
I like her, I just hope I could reddem her a bit. Lol.

"So, what happens next!" she barre her teeth, almost in a spiteful manner.
Aekra (played anonymously)

Aekra hums, listening to the strange voice, before nodding.
"I'd... well... I'd like it if everyone worked to make each other happy, rather than make themselves happy. No more war, or poverty or pain. That's all I wish for."
Suzume (played by Miwi_Sama)

"Nin Nin!?" Suzume smirked at the voice she heard before remembering she had met someone beautiful before and smiled softly. "My wish is to marry that cutie named Aekra!"
Ivy Stormborn (played by RedLantern)

Suzume wrote:
"Nin Nin!?" Suzume smirked at the voice she heard before remembering she had met someone beautiful before and smiled softly. "My wish is to marry that cutie named Aekra!"
Well, shouldn't marry to quick, beware for what you wish darling.

Are our wishes granted, now then? How did it will happen?
That's hard. If I were the materialistic person my parents want me to be, I would say money. Odette thought to herself. But, I'm not, am I?
"I wish for everything to be exactly the way it is", Odette said. Her life was great right now. She had good grades, and friends. She didn't need anything else.
"Either that or, I wish to give my wish to someone who needs it", Odette decided.
Ivy Stormborn (played by RedLantern)

Odette Cadwell wrote:
That's hard. If I were the materialistic person my parents want me to be, I would say money. Odette thought to herself. But, I'm not, am I?
"I wish for everything to be exactly the way it is", Odette said. Her life was great right now. She had good grades, and friends. She didn't need anything else.
"Either that or, I wish to give my wish to someone who needs it", Odette decided.

"Well that's nice to hear!" she laughs, "Hopefully one wish will suffise to all of us, if we choose wisely, but I'm sure your offer could do some good."

She gets back to where she came from and close the door.
Elaine Van Freyr (played by 0089)

Elaine wishes to enchant her mug to magically self refill with the liquor of her choice at her command.
Mia Chen (played anonymously)

Sir_Grey wrote:
"Congratulations. You have been selected. I will grant you... one wish.
One wish for anything. What will it be? Wishing for more wishes will result in death."

"I wish I wasn't a slave to my parents."
Osiris (played by Cold_Atlas)

I'd wish for more oxygen filters

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