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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Tarra school of magic

He raised an eyebrow, a feral grin growing on his face, yellow eyes flashing. "Do you worst."
Saeye suake (played by wolfydere)

She smiled and she put her hands in the pockets of her hoodie and stood there and shards of shadows flew at Nakon
He dashed towards her, cutting the shards out of the air before they reached him.
Saeye suake (played by wolfydere)

She smiled and side stepped him and appeared behind him "You think im just gonna stand there and take the hit?" She said and laughed and she shot a beam of shadows at him without even moving her body
He flipped over the beam, slashing downwards at her, letting out a cry that enveloped his sword in yellow flame. "Eldrvarí!"
Saeye suake (played by wolfydere)

She smiled and again dodged his attack "Ancient language...Nice" She said and smiled "But not enough power to fuel that ability for a long time" She said and more shards of shadows flew at him
He snarled, stabbing his sword into the ground and letting out a stream of words, cracks spreading across the ground. "Eka should letta relying äthr thornessa site!"
Saeye suake (played by wolfydere)

She smiled and she dodged out of the way again and launched a barrage of more shadows at him
He grinned, the shadows hitting him and flowing off into the ground. "I have a natural resistance to most shadow spells, due to my.... heritage."
Side Characters (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

???: the glitched figure watched from afar.
Saeye suake (played by wolfydere)

She smiled and she pulled out a what looks like a small rod and she flicked it and a blade appeared out of one end and she dashed at him her long hair flowing fast behind her
He ducked to the ground, hurling a runestone at her which exploded in midair.
Saeye suake (played by wolfydere)

She dodged out of the way and she slashed at him again with the blade
He grabbed the rod just underneath the blade and drove a fist into her face.
Saeye suake (played by wolfydere)

She frowned and a blade appeared out of the other end "Watch where you put your hand"
He grinned and punched her again.
Side Characters (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

Side Characters (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter


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