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Forums » General Roleplay » The return

Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I smiled "idk if he notice I'm probably going to get trouble my bracelet was going off" I siad to her
Ace (played by A__Girl)

She grabbed a screw driver, she walked over to Stephanie and opened the panel on her bracelet resetting it “there no he went not even know it went off”
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I smiled "how you learn to do that" I ask smiling I balcne on leg for a second before resting foot
Ace (played by A__Girl)

“Just a little trick I learned from my boyfriend..” she smirked proud of herself
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I smiled "so your boyfriend or I guess ex for me is a bad boy" I siad grinning I was on cast and lean on desk
Ace (played by A__Girl)

She bit her lip “ya...and what do you mean wax for you??”
Ace (played by A__Girl)

Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

Ace (played by A__Girl)

She stood up and put the screwdriver back and she walked up stairs and knocked on psycho’s door “hey?”
Ace (played by A__Girl)

“Are you ok psycho?” She stood outside the door
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

Ace (played by A__Girl)

She opened his door, she had forgotten that she was only in her sports bra and shorts when she walked in “are you sure, cause your usually more cocky then this...” she smiled trying to lighten the mood
Ace (played by A__Girl)

She walked over to him sitting on the bed and she sat in a officer chair that was next to the bed and she smiled “cmon go back to being your cocky self” she smirked
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

"Sur when pigs fly"
Ace (played by A__Girl)

“Alright, how long do they have to fly for..?” She smirked lightening the mood more
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

Ace (played by A__Girl)

She smiled”see there you go..” she looked at him
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

Smiles "thanx now get a shirt dont wann see thst"
Ace (played by A__Girl)

“Hehe..oh shit I almost forgot about that...” she stood and walked to his door and turned around “..and don’t pretend like you didn’t want to see them..” she smirked, and walked down the hall to her and grabbed a shirt putting it on
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

((cough cough keep it pg XD))

I was going up the stairs sore and sigh not using crutches was chasing pain on foot

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