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Forums » RP Discussion » Character Exploration

Heya RPRians! I've got a little favor and a request to make.

I just made a Pokémon version of my dark elf character, Johann Malagrav, and I kind of want to give the guy a test drive in a short, easy scene so I can get a feel for the character. I'm one of those folks who believes just because a character is an AU version of another, doesn't mean that this character plays identically to its counterpart. Y'know what I mean?

Anyway, as stated, I just want a simple, possibly small scene for practice purposes. If it turns out to be decent and really fun RP though, I might consider carrying it on for a good while longer!

So if you're interested, here's a couple of points to note about myself and this character:
  • About Myself: there's a chance we may get two pages in and I discover this guy clicks really well, and I may want to stop the RP right there (although I'm usually a person who likes to wrap scenes up, if possible, and will even go so far as to discuss things in PMs if needed just to finish stuff up). This IS a practice RP, after all. If that really bugs you, then here's your forewarning.
  • About Myself: This may or may not turn canon to Johann's backstory/life/&c. If you'd like it to for your own character, feel free to discuss it with me in PMs so we can hammer out any details that might need hammering out.
  • About Myself: I'm not super duper picky about PMs or public forums as the medium. I do however juggle a lot of stuff in general, so don't expect me to make rapid-fire replies. However, if I take a day or two to reply without reason or warning, feel free to give me a nudge!
  • About Johann: He will, of course, be played appropriately to the forum's rules (even if done in PMs), but please do keep in mind that he's not a nice guy, and your character may get a gruff reaction out of him instead of rainbows and cupcakes (so-to-speak). If provoked properly, he may even throw a punch!
  • About Johann: In case this winds up turning towards a battle, I'll be focusing on his main team with their respective levels, stats, and moves (all listed on his site under The Team). Please keep this in mind if you decide your character might engage his in this way. As a forewarning, he may or may not cheat!
  • About Myself: I'd prefer, at most, 2 other players. Like I said, this isn't intended to be a big long thing for me, and I start to lose interest really quickly if an RP drags on forever. If it does grow to 3 people, for sake of ease I'd prefer to do the RP in the forums.

So there you have it! S'not too hard, is it? <3

Questions? Comments? Interested? By all means, drop me a reply below!
You definitely have an interest from me! I have actually been on a bit of a pokemon craze lately as it is. If I remember correctly, I have a character set up that has a counterpart in the pokemon universe. If you dislike her though, I can always create someone on the spot to see if this works.
Copper_Dragon Topic Starter

That depends on who it is, ma'am! Why don't you tell me who you've got in mind to play as? :3
The character in question would be miss Liza Ransberry. :)
Copper_Dragon Topic Starter

Oh okay, cool! Yeah, sounds fine to me! <3 Would you prefer PMs or forums?
Normally I prefer forums, but since this is a practice rp I think PM might be best.
Copper_Dragon Topic Starter

Alright then! I admit, at this very moment my brain is a little dead, so if I don't ship a PM off to you tonight, I will most certainly do so tomorrow! <g>
This is a tad old, so I fiured you did the practice already. However if you did click with him. I have a few pokemon chracters who would love a chance to play....
Copper_Dragon Topic Starter

Thank you for showing interest, Katia, but I'm afraid I'm taking a break from this character for a while. Sorry about that!

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