Never leave me alone with a large dog(small doggos aren't my thing... No hate tho!). I kid you not, by the time you come back, me and that dog will be gone. Out the window. Miles away. That doggo is mine now.
never leave me alone with a bag of popcorn or'll be gone before you get back!
Never leave me alone with chocolate or similar sweets. I'll eat them all. I have poor self-control when it comes to my sweet tooth. You can have the ones with nuts though. I'm not allergic, I just don't like 'em.
Never leave alone with my thoughts, as dark and deep as that sounds. I have difficulty clawing myself out of intrusive thoughts, which is why I tune it all out with distractions and music
"Never leave me alone with the beer. If you do, you better get some more and bring it back with you because you'll likely find it gone."

Never leave me alone with your man, or better yet, please do!
"Never leave me alone with a tome or scroll of ancient spells. More specifically, spells of illusion."
"Just never leave me alone in general. I get restless and start looking for shenanigans to get into."
"Never leave me alone with corn chips and salsa. I won't stop until one or the other is gone."
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