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Forums » General Roleplay » The Abandoned Alchemy Lab(OPEN!)

SEGNO Staff (played by dave_pod)

A generally unassuming building from the Outside; reasonably Large, with an observatory dome atop it.
What is odd is how... Clean, the building seems to be, despite how long it may, or may not have been here.
Who knows exactly how it has arrived in this tucked away corner of the world...
It may be worth investigating.

One never knows for sure what they may learn, or what they might find.
Or what potential consequences could result from meddling with forces they do not understand.

Is there anyone out there who would Risk exploring such a strange building?
Would they be willing to experiment with the forces of Magic in such a controlled environment? Out of curiosity, or a search for power?
Or would they take all they can; Looting the building, and inviting their society to the uncontrolled exposure to everything they took with them?

Let's find out, and see what happens!
Lorfea Torthalst (played by Kungfu6453)

I want to join
Blaz (played by Kungfu6453)

blaz goes in looking around. he had heard a rumor. about how somebody was rumored to have created a semi human. so he walked in. ( maybe one of my characters could be found in the lab and has yet to awaken and experience life? it add more to the mystery?)
SEGNO Staff (played by dave_pod) Topic Starter

(a homunculi of sorts? Certainly! there could potentially be all sorts of unfinished projects about; tailor made to operate in specific ways)

The Building opens up to a wide hallway. The adorning rooms easily able to be seen into due to the excessive use of Glass. Glass that would be discovered to be one-way, were one to enter a room... makes for easy observation, and minimal distraction, should a room be in use. So much to be seen, and just in this Hall alone!

One room has a few small, odd colored crystals lieing out among various tools, with a wall of labeled boxes most likely filled with many more.

Another has a circle of some sort traced out on the floor, and various, seemingly random objects ready for easy access; feathers, coins, mirrors, small knives, canned goods, candles, & more... A Crystal focus lies in the center of the Circle, colored a dull grey.

Another has a dormant machine with 3 dials and 1 button on its surface. nothing can be seen on the dials, as the machine lacks a power source. additionally, a complex lock seals the door to this room shut.

And another... Is there someone in that room? Lieing on a Table, perhaps?
Blaz (played by Kungfu6453)

he sees a dairy. he picks it up and starts reading it." day 1 of see a mother who was expecting a child felt something wrong. it was very sad only a couple days of knowing she had a baby in her and the baby had a sickness a virus. the baby was the first to develop this virus. I have become the baby doctor. 2nd time I meet the mother she was dying likely due to the child virus. it only been a couple weeks. so I removed the child from the mother and put it in a pod. the mother died that hour. the pod is acting like a womb. the virus has given the child powers. but there was a virus that could end the human race and possibly restart it. . year 15 it has been 15 years ago and the child grown into a teen I have tested on her for years. it sad having no real life. but I managed to seal the virus with magic. lets pray nothing happens. I fear today may be my last and I hid lorfea in a secret place. this magic to dangerous. lets pray lorfea lives.." blaz is shocked
SEGNO Staff (played by dave_pod) Topic Starter

Was The Diary and Figure made here, or has it simply been collected for observation... Certainly, with all the different kinds of research that could be performed here, there may have been the potential for a cure.
Or the potential for whatever 'power' lay within to become more understood.

... it is so quiet in this building... So much potential power, lieing so Dormant...
Who knows when something might 'awaken', be it by your hand, or by happenstance.

Is there anyone, or anything left here? Further investigation may give answers, should you seek them down other halls, up ladders, or down stairs...
Blaz (played by Kungfu6453)

he goes to a device and gives it a power source. maybe there was a living human here or a robot.
SEGNO Staff (played by dave_pod) Topic Starter

(guessing the 'device' in question is The Pod; far to many other potential devices otherwise, and far to many potential 'power sources' to)

Everything relevant to The Pod has been stored in this room; Diary, Power sources, and all. Very Organized, this place is.

Time to see what this thing does when activated.

Hopefully, it doesn't simply release The Virus by unsealing the magic, and cause your untimely demise.
Blaz (played by Kungfu6453)

he thought he leave it there for the time being. but found the bones of the so called doctor in the hallway. saw a remote. one said remote. " I wonder.."( do you have any characters that are going to join?)
SEGNO Staff (played by dave_pod) Topic Starter

(If I have a character join, it would most likely be a maintenance Golem, or Research Aid Golem; otherwise, this location exists purely for the potential advanced application of Magic that has been refined to a Science... oh, and more 'temporary' 'npc' characters may get involved if any summoning or channeling circles are used)

It would probably take time for the Pod to power up anyways.

A Skeleton? Possibly belonging to the one who found this place and wrote The Diary?

... Rest in Peace... But if they have been here, and if they have been working and writing their findings...
Why isn't that room more of a mess; filled with their experiments?

Either they were unusually tidy, or... Something Else has been cleaning up the mess.
Whatever has been cleaning, would most likely be attracted by a significant mess.
And anything designed to be in this place would clearly know more about it
Blaz (played by Kungfu6453)

he then saw a circle and tried to use it to summon something
SEGNO Staff (played by dave_pod) Topic Starter

The circle back in one of the Earlier rooms; With the Grey Focus in the Middle.

Attempting to use it results in...

The Circle to experience feedback since the proper reagents had not been provided. This... Is not a summoning Circle...

Things start to fly about as a circling breeze builds up power, until a number of objects get caught up and dragged in

Once enough object have entered, ~!~

A Vision of an infinite landscape of various night time goods like blankets & pillows, & numerous labor saving devices lieing in a pile can be seen. Some of the offerings that were pulled in are accepted; mostly candles, feathers, and such.

The Being known as SLOTH has been channeled. And they would like to know why someone has contacted them.

"hello? what do you want?"
Blaz (played by Kungfu6453)

" I need your aid. i seek knowledge about you and this place"
SEGNO Staff (played by dave_pod) Topic Starter

"uh. I'm SLOTH. This is my realm you can see right now. ... That's enough. stuff you offered wasn't really all that valuable. come back if you get any better stuff to give me."

~!~ The vision fades, returning your perceptions to the Channeling Room.
Wow. this place really got trashed when the Channeling Circle was misused.

A small wooden humanoid construct with a small ceramic Core has set to work reorganizing all the things that got tossed around.
Seeing that your senses have returned, it looks over at you a moment; just in case the mess is intentional.
Blaz (played by Kungfu6453)

he had a item. he had a rare treasure. he summoned sloth again. this time he was going to get what he wanted
SEGNO Staff (played by dave_pod) Topic Starter

Activating the Circle again with the 'Rare Treasure' in place, SLOTH's realm returns to focus.
The offered item does not take off and join the infinite pile.
"what is this supposed to be? I don't want this. stop pestering me and go contact GREED or something."
And, back to the world around you. Turns out, 'Treasure' Doesn't exactly tempt SLOTH.

The cleaner golem is looking at you; unless you are very specifically trying to see what making the wrong kinds of sacrifices does, it suspects that you may be totally unfamiliar with the functions of this room.
Blaz (played by Kungfu6453)

He grabbed a object. He found a paper and reads it. He wanted to become master of a magical being. He made sure to follow the steps to the letter. ( I’m making a new oc who kinda like the master of magical being cause she been lik3 there gaurdian. But also cause of her power is that ok?)
Lilliath (played anonymously)

Liliath was in her small room like usual , but this time she managed to break the door and walked in the halls of the lab .

Her green eyes looked to the doors and it gave her and headache seeing so much things.

She opend a door noticing the 2 of you
SEGNO Staff (played by dave_pod) Topic Starter

(Hello 'Liliath'! We'd love to let you join, but I have no idea what 'Room' She is in at all! Is it supposed to be a room in the Lab? If so, why exactly were they locked up, and only with something capable of being easily broken? You can msg me if you want, and we can figure out a way to properly introduce you to the rp :3 )

Plenty of notes on Channeling in this room. Seems that there are numerous types of Foci, each attuned to a different '🜁 Soul'.
Different ones liked different things. For example, 'SLOTH' should have objects relevant to resting & low effort sacrificed to them. In exchange for sacrifices, these beings share some of their Power. using SLOTH as an example again, the power to sleep well, or to forcibly drive others unconscious.

The cleaner golem resumes cleaning, getting things organized for you.
Plenty of 'SLOTH worthy' items available. amassing a greater power of SLOTH is much easier when done on purpose & with instructions.

If you had something to ask of SLOTH, this should be enough to ask it.

('Master of magical Beings'? They Guard magical Beings? Sorry, but could you please explain a bit more clearly? where they are, how they might become involved, and what kind of power the have would be nice to know. :3 )
Lilliath (played anonymously)

SEGNO Staff wrote:
(Hello 'Liliath'! We'd love to let you join, but I have no idea what 'Room' She is in at all! Is it supposed to be a room in the Lab? If so, why exactly were they locked up, and only with something capable of being easily broken? You can msg me if you want, and we can figure out a way to properly introduce you to the rp :3 )

Plenty of notes on Channeling in this room. Seems that there are numerous types of Foci, each attuned to a different '🜁 Soul'.
Different ones liked different things. For example, 'SLOTH' should have objects relevant to resting & low effort sacrificed to them. In exchange for sacrifices, these beings share some of their Power. using SLOTH as an example again, the power to sleep well, or to forcibly drive others unconscious.

The cleaner golem resumes cleaning, getting things organized for you.
Plenty of 'SLOTH worthy' items available. amassing a greater power of SLOTH is much easier when done on purpose & with instructions.

If you had something to ask of SLOTH, this should be enough to ask it.

('Master of magical Beings'? They Guard magical Beings? Sorry, but could you please explain a bit more clearly? where they are, how they might become involved, and what kind of power the have would be nice to know. :3 )

((She is an expermentt of the lab , the room where she was in was her room where she simply was in locked up so she couldn’t escape ))

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