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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Chronicles of Obelus: Seven Days (Closed)

Joseph Henry III (played by Serverus) Topic Starter

Down the corridors of the interior, as they entered inside the Cidadel, they were met by a purple rug that lay in the centre of the main aisle. It was much larger inside than how it appeared on the marvelous exterior; very spacious and more comfortable than the wild environment that they escaped from. On each side of the main aisle, there were at least a thousand Drow male warriors standing with halberd spears. They were nearly shirtless, with bodies of perfection. From the youngest to the eldest, each was handsome in their own right. Even the little boys were conditioned and ran away after dropping glowing pink pedals on the royal carpet before the Knights proceeded.

"Well...I can get used to this place," Lady Anne said with a slight grin.

"I am sure Brenden feels the same way with all of these men surrounding us." Stephan said.

Brenden frowned at the Rogue, threatening to cripple him forever. The Rouge just snickered and entertained his companions with more wit. Kinley agreed with Gloria about the nightmarish things; not just the glowing poles outside that slithered like tongues, but all the half naked males that managed to be placed strategically together. "We can surely do without the bugs and the sensual entourage." The old man chuckled.

As they moved further, finally
the females were seen. They were elevated above the males, each sitting on a massive floating plate, that could hold twelve people in her circlet. At least thirty priestesses of Eilistraee, sat above, observing on their assigned plate which represented their Royal Drow House. On the foot of their platform was a strong male who either washed their feet, fed them or protected them. Ahead of the Priestesses were two Half Giants, one guarding each side of the royal carpet. Joseph led his Knights beside Smegly and Gloria. Naled walked closely behind her King, tugging his garment like a blind person. Jospeh took in everything that Naled had shared with him, because he was uneducated about how this Drow society worked. Elvira, he admitted had a much more pleasant exterior, thus some in her elven council were far more wicked then the Derro and Bugbears he had befriended. So he was by far intrigued by all of this and honored to be brought forth before the slaughter.

Then Smegly stopped. He fell to the ground, on one knee, before the High Priestesses; like a loyal hound. No words were said from the Bugbear, just action. Joseph on the other hand stood tall. He stood like The Titan that he he was, hearing whisperers and groaning from all the submissive drow fodder around them. He was going to thank Naled for her assessment, then Gloria interceded.

"The males seem to dislike us. Sorry, Brenden, if you thought you’d find a romantic interest here, mate. Perhaps the Lady of the House is far more generous." Stephan cackled.

Brenden spat violent retorts that were a bit indecipherable. Nicolas had to calm him down with the glare of his hard eyes. The battlemage nodded—like the pupil that he was. After the Glory of Jubilee spoke her words to Naled, Crimson hues glowed from the darkness above them. These twin pools of red remained center above all the Priestesses as well. Her circlet was the most massive and it hovered out just before the King of Jubilee and his outspoken companions. Jenessta was beautiful, with long lushous white hair, perfect skin that looked like ash soaked in cream. Her soft features looked unnatural compared to her harsh eyes. The dress she wore was see through at first, then once she came from the darkness, it magically filled in creating a black silk; with real purple roses that designed around the silken fabric; giving her a loving scent. Whilst her voice was as soft as her skin looked, clearly her feminine tongue held its own authority.

"Tell me, Guardian, which of those concepts does your King believe in?" Jenessta asked. her smile was in awe of Joseph while she spoke to the woman beside him.
Gloria DeVore (played by Dndmama)

At the rather elaborate entrance of what can only be the mysterious Mistress Jenessta, Gloria's pale eyebrows rise. At her words those same brows contract back down rather fiercely. The teasing words by his bodyguard had been meant for Naled and Joseph's ears alone. She would never speak ill of her king if she thought others could over hear her. The Hand of the King is jovial by nature, but deeply loyal to her king and her people. She will protect both with every fiber of her being and that includes their reputation among outsiders. Due to this, rather than answer as she might have if one of the Sixteen called her out on her jest by expounding upon Joseph's well known love of dancing, Gloria squares her shoulders and meets the drow's red eyes with her own piercing grey blue orbs.

"Redemption, lady. Naturally." Gloria is finding it rather hard to make the solid eye contact she would prefer given the way Jenessta keeps tilting her head to regard Joseph. He certainly stands apart from every other man in the room, even taking the Sixteen into account. Though he may not have wished to carry the burden of the crown, his regal bearing is undeniable. Though he is older by human standards he is still handsome and strong and bows to no one. It isn't surprising to learn that any woman finds the King of Jubilee appealing though one might assume that a female matriarch might find his lordliness off putting. Perhaps instead she finds it refreshing. Something twists within Gloria's stomach as she watches their hostess' gaze upon her king. It is a strange and decidedly unpleasant feeling.

"Aye. Cause it definitely isn't beauty. You should see his wife!" All fourteen of the Sixteen currently present turn to glare daggers at Stephen. Gloria's fingers even tighten their grip upon her sword hilt. Thankfully the loud mouthed rogue has the good grace to look as shocked and appalled by his own words as anyone. He had meant to think them, not say them! Donovan, who had stayed close beside him, solicitous to a fault after the man's near death experience, steps forward. His massive form easily blocks the much smaller man from the view of those at the front of the party.

"Please forgive him. He is not quite well yet after our battle with the drow in the caverns." Donovan's voice is a deep, respectful rumble from his barrel-like chest. The Templar even casts his eyes towards the ground in an attempt to show humility and diffuse the situation. The man has apparently learned a thing or two from his long talks with Naled around the campfire while Erik is out hunting or scouting with Lars and Balthazar.
Joseph Henry III (played by Serverus) Topic Starter

"So many stiff faces out there. And why all the spears? If this is a massacre I want to be on the high platform, with the ladies, looking down on all you ugly bastards." The Rogue spat.

"Enough Stephan." Joseph said. "You are...embarrassing us."

"Forgive me...your grace. You know I get cranky in dark places." Stephan mused.

Jenessta found it all amusing. She chuckled sweetly at the one called Stephan. Even through all of their disunity of opinion, her crimson hues were still enchanted and tranquilized by the King of Man. Her elven magic could sense the tension in Gloria who stood proudly beside her King. Perhaps she was the King's lover? She swallowed apologetically and hesitantly turned her gaze from the handsome man before her; impressed that Joseph did not bow before her throne. Such an act had angered the crowd, thus it had intrigued the Queen of Kemmu City, Daughter of Eilistraee.

"Redemption? What does this mean?" Jenessta asked never having heard it before.

"Atoning whol natha que'darn xor duanda," Naled answered swiftly using her skills of Eilistraee.

"Interesting, your translator speaks the dark tongue...may I have her?" She jested.

Balthazar the panther growled and slithered closely beside the Norse woman in protection, Erik was now at her side as well. Jenessta took notice of this and halberd spears were raised. Even the half giants pulled the great blades from their scabbards.

"Yield dosst velven. Udos ph'fridj inbalin natha friendly discussion." Jenessta commanded.

All of the blades were obediently lowered.

"An atonement. So you owe someone? Is that why you have risked the lives of your people to come down wont matter I am here to see you through. Queen Elvira is my ally and I am sure her Orcan scouts have sent word of your arrival, Joseph. The Titan of Jubilee! Yes, we have heard of your reputation."

"I am flattered, truly. Unfortunately, we did not come here to be praised. Your Bugbear servant said you know the way out of this hole? And we have business on the surface. So the sooner we leave the better our lives will be."

Choking was heard. Followed by the relentless torture of coughing and cursing. Blades were unsheathed all around from those who were not infected; mainly Joseph's crowd. Jenessta's Drow army on the other hand were dropping like insects. Jenessta elevated backward on her hover plate and sensed a breach. Healing was cast out on the males from the Priestesses, but this did not stop the coughing.

Soon very soon, there was a sea of weakened dark elves; some prostrate, holding their throats on the ground. To make things worst the half giants began to convulse, shaking as if possessed by something. Jenessta ordered for them to calm themselves but they had lost their minds or had their minds robbed from them...
Gloria DeVore (played by Dndmama)

When the half giants unsheathe their swords and the drow around them stir with ire, Gloria and the Sixteen are quick to ready their own weapons. Eric and Balthazar aren't the only ones that would protect the King's interpreter from a life of servitude with every drop of blood within their bodies. In consequence the harsh rasp of metal blades against leather sheathes fills the air. Even Naled's hands tighten around the hide bindings of her staff which might under normal situations be easily mistaken for a walking aid. The only one who makes no move to pull a weapon is Sarah whose mildly ashen complexion is strangely similar to that of the Queen of Kemmu City. Though her staff, little more than a gnarled branch wrapped in tattered cloth, hangs from a strap on her back and a thin, gleaming dagger is strapped to her thigh, she readies neither.

In the next moment all those weapons are proved unnecessary, however. With a sign from Naled who whispers the head priestess' words to her fellows, they stand down as well, though Erik takes the norse woman's fingers comfortingly between his own. Bruce alone, his arm poorly bandaged as unlike Gloria he was too proud to accept Anne's offer to bind his wounds for him, still seems eager for a fight. Unlike the others who are all rather tired and bedraggled and not particularly keen to do battle yet again, Bruce is never too tired for a good fight and the very sight of the half giants plunges a dagger through his memories drawing tears of blood from his heart. Had Boris not lain a silent hand upon the short man's shoulder he might very well have ignored Naled's reassuring words and lept forward dooming them all.

Then the coughing and hacking commences and the angry sound of swords being drawn is heard once again. The Sixteen are quick to react, moving as one with practiced ease. Naled, Anne, Anjilaku, Erik, Sarah and Brendan all step towards the middle of the group for they have the ability to strike at range should any afflicted attack their cluster while the others, Joseph, Gloria, Donovan, Lars, Nicolas, Boris, and Kinley move to circle, creating a barrier of shield and blade for their less armored kin. Donovan attempts to push Stephan into the middle with the others but the rogue protests and pulls his hood down, vanishing completely so as not to be held back by something as silly as the large man's concern for his well being.

Bruce should have been the last link in the chain of their defense as no overt actions had been taken against the men and women of Jubilee. Yet. Gloria even orders the lot of them to huddle up and stay defensive until they know what's going on but the Giant Slayer ignores her. His eyes are bright, trained upon the half giants as the monstrous creature's eyes roll and their limbs convulse. They seem taken over, no longer heeding their mistress and that is all the incentive Bruce Legends, Slayer of Giants, needs.

Twin daggers drawn the red headed man charges forward, a rage filled bellow issuing from his lips. Gloria swears beneath her breath at the sight. She glances over at Joseph both in annoyance. "I know that's not your fault, but I'm going to go ahead and blame you for it anyways," she informs him in a low voice, her tone grim. If others over hear at this point it doesn't much matter. She figures the drow have enough on their plate at the moment not to hold anything she says to her King against their envoy now.

Along with the annoyance, however, there is also uncertainty in her grey-blue eyes. Gloria hasn't spent much time as her king's temporary general and is uncertain how to handle this insubordination. Does she keep formation and let Bruce follow his sorely hurt heart? Should she follow and coral him while Joseph holds her gap? Should they all follow and engage? The Glory of Jubilee is known as such for her prowess in combat against her own personal opponents, but her wife has always had the logical mind of the tactician, seeing them all as pawns upon the chess board of the battlefield. Delilah is always five steps ahead. Gloria only ever seems to see the now.
Joseph Henry III (played by Serverus) Topic Starter

When Bruce galloped off, like a brokenhearted pillager, Gloria had blamed Joseph in good humor. Maybe this was his fault, he thought, taking in a vulnerable man like Legends. Mans heart was called wicked to the elder races because of such relentless passion. It was good that she could find some kind of solace even in their situation. Before, he was concerned about the Queen and them getting out of here, then he pitted her army that collapsed around them like poisoned rats; thus now his entire focus was on the ginger haired fool that ran into the fray without being ordered to.

Joseph sighed, "And I never told you that I loved you. Part of this was my fault as well. So I will take the blame for him." He said to Gloria.

Bruce leaped in to engage against the convulsing half-giant and was kicked in the chest, sending him flying backward. The other giant tried to bring his blade through Bruce from behind, but Joseph was there to catch it. Sparks dripped from the impact. The halfling roared. Joseph's claymore blazed to fire.

"Call them back or I will be forced to put them down!" He said to Jenessta.

"I am sorry, Joseph...they will not listen. We are under attack! Forgive me." Jenessta panicked.

Then the Queen's eyes rolled backwards as if something had taken her as well.

"Kill him! Kill The King of Man. Kill them all!" Jenessta said.

Nicolas was the first to aid his King, fencing the second half-giant, who dare try to take Joseph's rear. Blades clashed and sprayed, as giant steel met the elegant steel of dual longswords. The Knights all watched as the fight was now respectfully even. Bruce coughed blood, his ribs broken. He crawled and tried to move but could not. Legends screamed in rage. "No!" he tossed a dagger into the leg of one halfling. Crimson sprayed the Bugbear's armor and Smegly was confused, unsure of who to aid. The Halfling pulled the blade from his flesh and crushed it with his hand, still skilled enough to defend itself from Joseph's flaming sword. Now focused, the half-giant leaned in to bring his blade down into Joseph's shoulder. The Titan parried and tactfully took his arm. The giant arm fell to the floor and scarlet leaked out. Joseph brought his blade clean through the halflings chest, not to let him suffer.

Meanwhile, Nicolas fenced his opponent with two blades, testing to see if the giant was a barbarian or a warrior. He was a lover of the art, always learning new techniques of swordsmanship. Finally fatigue was recognized in the giant as his movement was now slowed in frustration. The Swordmaster had mainly been on the defensive, thus now he moved in to catch the giants armpit, when he raised it sloppily; his other blade took the halflings leg, cutting him down to size. He stepped back and sheathed his off hand sword, to watch his opponent crumble in agony. "Good fight." Nicolas said, taking the giants head with the blade of his main hand.

"Impressive, King of Man. You and your servant are true to the art of swordplay. But tell me, how well do you understand the dark arts?" Jenessta's voice grimaced, with a wicked laughter. "It matters not. I will destroy all of your rothen and turn you into my slave. Dos orn tlu ussta mzilst plesant lince'sa."

Jenessta begins to twitch, and vomit. A scream came from her mouth, then from somewhere else. It was no longer her voice that they heard but a higher pitch. The Illithid was finally seen, the causer of this chaos. His tentacles were wrapped around Jenessta's head and throat. He was controlling her mind and the minds of her followers.

"I can feel you. Show yourself! Whoever you are?! Cursed Elvatians...I can smell your sweet skin, hiding in our shadows like auflaqui. May Lolth have this victory. You can not defeat thee." The Illithid Mind Flayer cried; its slimy tongue slithering over and around Jenessta's soft skin, licking her tender face as if it was a meal.

Joseph and all of his Knights would fall to their knees, from the mind shatter this powerful being induced on them. Swords had dropped all around; it felt like a loud shriek in their heads, causing them to scream. The longer this spell went on, the louder this shrieking became. The main gates could be heard breaking in the distance. There was a ram or some kind of siege. Shortly after a few loud beatings, an army of Lolth Rothen came from the torn gates of the Citadel. The Derro Gatekeepers were overrun by over a hundred Drow warriors; who stormed in and begun slaughtering all of Jenessta's mentally poisoned army. Joseph weakened, crawled over to Gloria, reaching for her hand. It felt like tons of pressure was put on them, due to the Illithid's awful mind spell. If he was to die, he did not want to die without Gloria by his side. He brought her hand to his lips and held it near his breastplate; underneath was a strong heart that beat only for her.
Gloria DeVore (played by Dndmama)

Gloria shakes her head and smirks softly when her King accepts her unearned ire with his usual good nature. It isn't until he is charging forwards that the import of his first sentence actually sinks in through her thick skull and self constructed wall of denial. Grey-blue eyes the color of the sea before a storm widen in shock. Her breath catches in her throat and she can't even seem to call after him for a moment. Despite the fact that charging around in the wake of his recklessness is literally her job and has been since they were little, her feet suddenly seem rooted to the ground. The whole room falls away from her awareness. Jenessta, the half giants, the choking drow army, none of it registers as her king's words echo through his knight's heart and mind.

I never told you that I loved you.

Then suddenly Nicolas is running past her and the world seems to come crashing back into focus once more. The drow army is dying and Jenessta is betraying them. It all happens so quickly. Gloria still desperately wants to follow after Joseph, battle by his side, slap his stupid face for making such an ill timed joke.

A joke? Is that what you truly believe?

No. She had seen the truth of it in his eyes. Not only in this moment either but all her life.

Why?! Why now?! Her heart screams and thrashes within her chest even as her sword and shield rise. "Smedly! I won't watch you die as I was forced to watch your brother! With us!" The Glory of Jubilee calls out, gesturing with First Light for the bugbear to take Joseph's place in their defensive formation.

Donovan is hauling Bruce back away from the fray that the shorter man caused when suddenly the scream within her mind is no longer her own. Another voice fills her consciousness. Around her the Sixteen begin to drop beneath the weight of the mind flayer's power. The sound of sword and shield clattering to the ground is little better than a dull thudding next to the agony within her mind. For a moment Gloria is blind with it. She doesn't realize when her own weapons drop from numb, war calloused fingers. She doesn't notice when her armor clad knee strikes the hardened ceramic floor of the queen's palace.

Then suddenly, not someone. She knows the strength of that hand, the feel of that skin and would even were she dead. Joseph is taking her fingers within his own and pressing his lips against them. The act pulls her out of the depths of the psychic's spell, allowing to see and hear once more. Tears suddenly stand in the warrior's eyes but it is not the pain of the mind shatter or the fear of her own mortality that causes them to tumble heedlessly down her cheeks. The drow of Lloth are murdering Jenessta's army. The Sixteen are lost and writhing all around them. She has failed her King and worse...worse...
Joseph Henry III (played by Serverus) Topic Starter

Smedly had stood perplexed at this unexpected event, not sure what was happening. The chaos that would befall on his people had happened so fast, that the outcome confused him. Then his eyes understood the treachery, now that the Illithid showed itself and his Queen was wrapped around its jaws. He lowered his head, seeing the halflings cut down by the King of Man and his Knight. He cursed himself; damn it all. He gripped his shield and longsword from his scabbard and growled, fiercely.

Smedly could not let his brothers death be in vain.

Lolth troops broke the gates of the Citadel and Jenessta's army was being cut down before his eyes. That was when the Knight Guardian, Gloria spoke out to him. At this point, Smedly realized that he was the only one standing without a mental barrier. Joseph's people were under the Mind Flayer's Spell. The High Priestesses hovered down from their plates to join the fray as well. They were casting protective spells and healing enchants on some of the fallen males, thus soon the Lolth troops had outnumbered the fray and turned on the Eldest Priestesses. The Priestesses had no where to run, they tried to scream, but their bodyguards were occupied with their own defenses. The Priestesses were brutally slaughtered, without remorse.

Only one Priestess remained, Jenessta's youngest daughter, Vivian.

Smedly called them off her, distractedly: "Weaklings! Puny Lolth cowards, with no honor. No skill. No backbone. Easy to kill Drow that sleep. Come and find true skill...find true honor!"

Pridefully, the squad of Lolth troops that surrounded Vivian stilled. They were trained never to avoid a challenge and so they focused their attention on the Bugbear. Smedly laughed at them, one by one as they rushed in to fence him. He gave a mighty thrust of his shield to crack one and this staggered a line of them.

"Fight me, Drow. Earn Smedly's respect." He spat more laughter.

The Drow were skilled swordsmen; one vanished and reappeared near the backside of Smedly, to strike from behind, thus Smedly sensed him and blocked the Drow's attack with his shield, his blade caught the drow's side and cut him into two. Blood sprayed on Gloria DeVore's face who held Joseph's hand; the King gripped her hand tighter and brought her closer. More Drow rushed Smedly from all sides and he spun to cut limbs by the dozen, holding his shield to defend the Priestess Vivian who went near the fallen Knights. A few Drow attempted sneak attacks on the Knights, but Vivian cut them down with her dual dao blades. Vivian and Smedly fought together now. Each Drow that stepped in lost a limb. Eventually the Illithid noticed them and ended this game.

"Foolish Bugbear. I purposely offered you a chance to prove your worth and you betrayed my trust. And you, Vivian of Eilistraee, last heir of Jenessta, you had a chance also to bow to my Matron Chalice. Now you will be forced to watch your kingdom lie in ruins." The Illithid snickered.

The next thing it did was suck the brains from Jenessta's crown, swallowing and chewing with savagery. The beautiful Queen collapsed to her knees.

Vivian screamed and tears flooded her eyes. She could not go on any longer. She dropped her weapons and let the Drow come....
Gweyr (played anonymously)

It looked like all hope was lost.

The Rangers had managed to track Joseph and his Knights, once they entered the heart of the Urdu Forest. When reports came to her in Welden'eve that the humans went into the Underdark, General Illy'vana had decided to go after them. It was by Pnuema's grace that Joseph and his companions made it to this side, unharmed. They spotted the Priestess Vivian, right when she dropped her weapons. When the Drow cowards tried to seize her, they were met with arrows in their vital limbs. Ewing and Akosh, were the best archers in the land and they competed against each other, sniping Drow from the citadel breach.

"You stole my kill, brother. You've always been the greedy one." Ewing grinned.

"You act as if there is not enough for the both of us." Akosh retorted.

"Point taken, brother. But please do your best to stay off my targets."

Gweyr smiled sweetly at her brothers, thus when she came closer to the scene she lost her smile. That was when she realized the seriousness of the threat that was in here. She instantly created a Mind Blank Spell on her and her brothers. This would make them immune to any mental or emotional scrying. The Illithid had just feasted and it was very powerful.

"Protect the Priestess. I will find Joseph." She said softly, her voice deep and hard to miss.

The brothers listened and moved in to take down Drow brilliantly. The opposition had no chance to advance, for each that came near was cut down by the mighty bow and fiercer arrow. Gweyr touched Joseph and Gloria from behind to give them comfort. But she could not release the spells easily. She would have to kill the source section by section to weaken the Mind Flayer's barriers. Yet now that the Illithid had fed, it would be a great challenge for her.

"I am here...Joseph and Gloria. You will not die today." Gweyr said.

She looked up at the Illithid and said no words to him. She begun to observe the fallen and she would cast a spell of Discerning Lies on Jenessta's army and this would break the weaker spell. The Drow would get up one by one and begin fighting back, evening the number.

"What is this? are the Elvatian I smelled from afar. Come Psychic. Let me see what lies underneath your skull." The Illithid spat.

"You will not have my skull." Gweyr voiced.

Her cold blue hues closed after the army was healed and she would begin breaking the spells on the Knights. Gloria and Joseph would be freed, now able to move and they would no longer feel the pressure and force clogging their heads.
Gloria DeVore (played by Dndmama)

Gloria hadn't even noticed when Gweyr and her companions joined the battle that was raging all around them. No, battle is too good a word for what is happening within Jennesta's hall. A more accurate description would be slaughter. Beneath the crushing weight of the Illithid's spell Gloria only has enough presence of mind to focus on one thing. That thing is laying beside her, crushing her hand with his and gazing desperately into her eyes, saying more with a look than he has had the courage to say with words in all the long years that they have known each other.

It isn't until Gweyr's strong hand presses against her back that Gloria realizes that something has changed. Jennesta's drow are getting up. Fighting back. The screaming within her own mind is cut short with one final shriek of angry defiance and suddenly Gloria is herself once more. She blinks rapidly as the fog of the Illithid's mind spell is lifted by their powerfully psychic friend.

"G-Gweyr..." the Right Hand of the King murmurs, her throat strangely dry. She swallows hard and licks her lips before continuing in a mildly amused tone of voice. "I'm so glad to see you I won't even bother asking what you're doing here. Other than saving our lives, that is." Gloria isn't the only one happy to see Gweyr. Each face among the Knights shows some version of relief at the sight of the three elves as they charge in to the rescue save for two. Sarah's face, normally stoic even in the face of death, lights up like the dawn at the sight of the beautiful white haired ranger while beside her Boris glowers.

Slowly Joseph's bodyguard pulls her hand back from his grip so that she can push herself up once more. Her fingers can still feel his warmth as they reach for the pommel of her sword, Midnight. Now isn't the time to think of warm hands or feelings finally expressed. They are all in grave danger. If they live, then perhaps she can attempt to make sense of what he said and how she feels about it. For now her teeth are gritted, a grim look of determination pulled taunt across her face.

Finally on her feet with her sword and shield in hand once more, Gloria returns to the fight. The drow blood splashed across her face has barely begun to dry before she adds to it herself. She doesn't stray far from Joseph's side, however. She failed her king once already by giving in to the power of the Illithid's mind flay spell. She refuses to loose him now. She would rather die.

"Sixteen!" Gloria yells back over her shoulders at her companions as Gweyr attempts to free them as well. "To arms! For your oath! For your King! For Jubilee!"
Joseph Henry III (played by Serverus) Topic Starter

Balthazar roared and leaped in to tackle a drowic neck that tried to ease in on Erik’s weakside. The drow was handled by the panther and forcefully taken down. Crunching of fresh and bones was heard. At that same moment, Gloria arose and rallied the Knights. All cheered as the spell was broken and the fight was willed in their favour.

Joseph was last to stand up, finding himself no time to enjoy the rally, nor gather his sword. Two drow moved in quick to take this opportunity, but they were unable to succeed as Gloria and Nicolas cut the assassins down, and yelled to rally once again. The Knights came in tight to defend their King. Joseph retrieved his claymore and closed his eyes to make the divine steel burn with searing flames.

“Lord Ecru and Lady Pneuma! Here our battle cry! Guide us in your marvelous light and see us to safe pasture. May we fight with the might of Huios and offer up much blood for Lady Sorrow! Aye!” Joseph shouted.

The Knights heard Joseph’s cry and everyone roared to engage in the fray, cutting Drow down by the number; their King leading them. Much offering was sent to Ecru’s Blackheart Queen. They all fought at will, finding Ewing and Akosh, who did well to secure the Eilistraee Princess.

Donovan kept Bruce at bay, him being no use now with a broken ribcage. Albeit the Mender would not hear the end of it. The stubborn Knight just could not accept his injury. “Calm yourself, Bruce. Else risk doing more damage. Puncture the wrong artery and your guts will flush out of your arse.” Donovan warned him.

“Fine. I’ll just sit here and look like a bloody idiot, while the glory of battle lingers all around us.” Bruce seethed his words through gritted teeth.

“Better to be a bloody idiot, then a dead one.” Donovan said logically.

Soon the battle was decided. With the Illithid’s spell uplifted, the forces of Jenessta would avenge their Queen and bring glory to Eilistraee. The assassin’s of Lady Chalice we’re defeated. Cheering and victory cries were heard throughout the Citadel. Smegly returned from the glory of battle to meet Joseph with a nod for helping his kingdom.

“To our new Queen. Vivian Eilistraee, last blood of the ancient Chosen!” Smegly said.

All of the drow survivors took a knee to Vivian, who would succeed Jenessta.

“Well, congratulations Vivian. I would offer you an alliance, but I am not sure I will ever come back here again.” Joseph smiled. “Sorry about your mother.”

Vivian did not respond, the girl’s eyes were still filled with tears and misery.

Joseph looked at Gweyr to see how she was holding up. The sooner she destroyed that Mind Flayer the sooner they could get out of this cursed hole...
Gweyr (played anonymously)

The Illithid as strong as he was, could do nothing about Chalice’s fallen soldiers. He had lost. And even if he survived this fight, Lady Chalice would not accept his defeat. He would have to kill them all to escape. But he could not return to Lolth as a loser. Gweyr withstood him, but could not break his defenses. The two would battle silently, a mental struggle that was like chess on a more complicated scale. A few Drow tried to sneak behind the Illithid and were torn asunder—no one could get within his sphere of mental defense.

“Do not go near him!” Gweyr cried.

“You will not defeat me, Elvatian. I will win.” The Mind Flayer said.

“And if you destroy me, where will you go?” Gweyr asked.

“I will not destroy you...I will enslave you and feast on your brain for a millennium.”

“You are truly evil.” Gweyr collapsed.

“Gweyr!” Ewing and Akosh yelled together.

Gweyr was weakened and could withstand no longer. Not after it had fed. She fell to her knees as if she had offered up herself, having really no choice. The Illithid snickered. Waves of pressure were felt again on the crowd and no one could move, thus all would watch. “I promise to be a good master. I will command The King of Man and his Knights. Soon I shall rule as Grand Lord of the Underdark and rebuild my own society...for the Illithid!” His eyes widened.

He came closer to pour over Gweyr’s head with his slimey tentacles.

“You have much...ambition.” Gweyr said weakly. “But you forget one thing...”

The Illithid can already read her treachery. “No!”

“I am a Hunter.” Before he could react, Gweyr pulled her sword to lift it upward with all her force, cutting through the Mind Flayer’s torso. Blue blood struck her face and the Illithid clenched his fingers in terror—it’s eyes aghast.

The Illithid shrieked in a terrible cry and fell to his side to bleed out. The spell was eradicated and Gweyr pulled her ivory blade from its leaking flesh.
Gloria DeVore (played by Dndmama)

The Illithid's dying shrieks echo through every mind in the city, drow, human and other. All fighting ceases for several seconds as sentient beings cringe at the pain and despair that is forced into their hearts by the last remnants of such a powerful creature. As the the slippery, tentacled creature crumples to the palace floor there is a moment of forced and unnatural silence. Then sound of clashing steel rings out through the streets of Kemmu City once more as Eilistraee's followers finish off the last of Lloth's invading drow. The day...night? The sixteen have lost track of time deep in these subterranean caves. Well, the city has been won, though at great cost.

Anjaliku, being of a similar age to the young priestess (at least developmentally due to the differences in aging from elf to human) and having the death of her own family freshest in her mind, steps forward to console the new queen of Kemmu City. She does not bow or grovel or offer mindless verbal platitudes. The dark skinned young woman embraces Vivian as a sister and holds her close, letting the other's hot tears fall upon her shoulder and soak into her tiger skin cloak. Around them the Sixteen mill, wiping blood from sword and staff and checking wounds. Gloria reaches up and attempts to wipe the blood that had spattered across her face but only manages to smear it a bit so that it mixes with the dried blood on her face from her earlier injury.

Icy blue eyes travel over towards her King and rest there with a mixture of longing, confusion and pride. They live. That is something to be proud of but what now? What of his words before the battle? She isn't sure. She can't think. She's exhausted. They all are. Time has become damn near meaningless down here but she's sure they've been awake longer than they should. On top of that they've done battle twice this day and the fight with the Norse had been only a day or two behind that.

"We need rest," she says to any among their group who will listen though naturally her words are meant for Joseph's ears. "Stephan and Bruce need time to heal before we can hope to continue on." Her voice isn't forceful. It's just as tired as she is as the adrenaline of the battle wears off and leaves her feeling like a broken husk of the warrior she is.
Joseph Henry III (played by Serverus) Topic Starter

They all seemed to watch as Anjaliku embraced the young Drow Queen in her odd coronation. Even Bruce and Nicolas who once ridiculed Delilah and Gloria for taking in the Acebean girl had learned to love her like their own younger kin. They had become paranoid brothers and sisters who looked over Anjaliku protectively.

Surprisingly, Naled was the only one unfazed by this affection.

The Translator stood back, emotionessly, as if she had failed. Her face looked sickened and Joseph took notice of her. Thus before he addressed his Knight, his eyes turned to Gloria, hearing her words to be correct. “Gloria is right. Bruce is hurt. If it is as bad as you say, Donovan, he’ll need a week at least until his ribs are one again.” Joseph said. “I don’t plan on leaving without him.”

“I can help him.” Vivian exclaimed. “If it is a bone fracture my Priestesses can heal him with magic. It will take eight to ten hours depending on how stubborn your man friend is.”

“He’s real stubborn.” Stephen grinned. “I don’t oppose leaving him, honestly. And with those poor giants dead you could use another half breed in your ranks.”

“Shut your mouth Rogue.” Bruce coughed.

The two went on back and forth in the background. Joseph agreed to have him cared over by the Drow Priestesses, Stephan as well. He needed his Knights rested and mended before they left this hole. After that was decided, Vivian also offered them all a room in the royal quarters. Joseph stepped close to Gloria, adoration in his eyes. He was beginning to say something as if he made a confession. He took her blood covered hand... “I—“

“I have something to say.” Naled cut her King off demanding everyone’s attention. “You only know half of my story. What you don’t what I must share with you now. You know that I fled Belgora after freeing myself from my Lord. It was not the entire truth. I was trained and prepared to be more than a slave if I was to devote my cause to the one who helped free me. When I returned to my prison cell, a place I once called home, I could not defeat my master alone. There was another who helped me and we killed him together. Then I promised this noble warrior, my first love that I will serve him forever. I asked him what is it that you will have me to do? He said go into the lands of Jubilee and become my informant. Win King Joseph’s love and when the time comes he will trust you and you shall lead him to a path of destruction. This man, his name was Widsith, my first love.”

Erik welled with tears. The Knights all murmured amongst each other in frustration and disbelief. Naled continued fearlessly. “This was all my doing. When you all slept last night I used the meat of my own people to lead the panther to this place...this dark hell in hopes that we would all die down here together. I have failed my lord...I have failed my—- “

“Enough!” Erik pulled his blade and brought it to Naled’s throat. “Traitorous bitch!”

“Erik don’t do this! Erik!” Joseph commanded.

“She has committed treason to our King. To you! To us! I must avenge you, your grace. She defiled our loyal oath. She went against everything we believe in.” Erik pleaded. “She broke my heart.”

“Kill me, Erik! Kill me! I have nothing left to live for.” Tears fell from her eyes. “Kill me!”

Emotion was seen in everyone’s eyes. Even the toughest talkers amongst them had no words...Joseph had to make a choice. A choice as their King. It was the hardest choice he ever had to make. And now he understood why no King took up a Knights oath in those hundred years before him.
Gloria DeVore (played by Dndmama)

As Joseph reaches out his hand to take her own, Gloria can feel her stomach twist with anxiety. The look in his eyes speaks volumes, especially now with his previous admission having cut through the final thread of her self imposed denial. The white haired woman knows what her King is about to say, or thinks she does, and she isn't ready to hear it. Not here. Not now. Not like this. Not covered in blood and out in the open for their new allies to see and judge. Her own lips part, desperate to cut him off but Naled beats her to it.

Gloria stands to the side, jaw limp with shock at the woman's confession. She isn't the only one either. All the Sixteen seem uncertain of how to react though the feelings that are flowing through their hearts at such a complete and intentional betrayal by one of their own, their most trusted, are varied. No matter what the emotion is, however, it is intense. Donovan has stepped up to put a hand on Erik's sword arm, valiantly trying to restrain the man from doing something he may regret though one word from Joseph would cause him to stand down once more. Lars and Kinley, however, were already to pull their own swords should Naled choose to resist her fate. Her words seemed to imply that she wouldn't but who could trust those any more?

Most eyes were turned upon the King of Jubilee now to see how he would choose to handle this betrayal. The Northwoman had indeed broken Erik's heart in the course of her loyalty to another man, but she the true injury lays at Joseph's feet, and to some extent Vivian's as well for her people have suffered for this injustice and her mother's life was snuffed because of it.
Joseph Henry III (played by Serverus) Topic Starter

Naled shivered at the chilled blade placed roughly at her throat. The moisture on her face was so intense it made her eyes itch with redness and her hair reeked sweat. The humidity in this Underdark was not comforting her nor anyone who was not accustomed to it’s warmer depths.

When Donovan encouraged Erik to lower his blade, the Beastmaster really had no choice in this matter. Not only was Donovan the strongest physical man amongst them, it was also King Jospeh’s order not kill her. Erik tossed his blade down and turned his back on the informant.

While everyone turned their eyes away from the traitor, many eyes instead watched Joseph. It was like everything had turned into slow motion. He came closer to the Translator, tears drenched in his eyes and took her long Nordic fingers and placed them within his own.

“Despite whatever promise you made before me, I gave my oath to love and protect you, not only as your brother...but your King.”

He brought Naled’s knuckles gently to his lips before he released them.

“Sir Kinley...remove my breastplate.” Joseph said.

“What?” Kinley echoed.

“Do not question me. You are wise enough and old enough to know I speak not in the merriments of a jest. Remove my breastplate, now!”

“Yes sir.” Kinley began unbuckling the straps.

Once the deed was done, Kinley let the auteate armor piece fall to the ground. All that was left was Joseph’s leather cuirass whom he untied himself. Now he was truly bear. His paler skin was now naked—a muscular form and scarred with many cuts and rashes, similar to Gloria’s own. He never told her about his own infections and bodily inflictions. He had hidden a lot of things from his best friend. He looked at Gloria one last time as if it was to be the last he’d see her sweet, boyish visage. He smiled at the Glory of Jubilee and turned his eyes back to the informat.

Joseph pulled a dagger from his side and placed it in Naled’s shivering hands.

“And since I gave my oath to love and protect you, I could not live or go on knowing that you truly wished to betray me after all the love I’ve given you. If you honour Widsith more than you love me, than free us both and place the dagger deep within my heart.”
Gloria DeVore (played by Dndmama)

The moment Joseph gives Kinley the order to remove his breast plate Gloria begins to step forward. "No!" She doesn't need to hear her King's next words to know what he's thinking about doing. She's known him too well for too long to have to guess at his heart and motivations except where she herself is concerned. Before she can reach the two of them, however, she is intercepted by Donovan. Ever the peace keeper among their number, the large man restrains the King's bodyguard just as he restrained Erik moments ago.

When Joseph removes his leather cuirass, Lars has to step forward to aid the Templar Healer in holding Gloria back. Her hands are clenched and her cheeks are red as she thrashes against their restraining hands. "Let me go, you fools! Are you listening to this madness at all?!" She stamps on Donovan's foot and tries to elbow Lars in the jaw, but the two men hold her fast.

Unlike the Glory of Jubilee, Naled the Translator seems remarkably calm now that she no longer as to stare into the pain evident in the Beastmaster's eyes. She looks down at the weapon she has been gifted by the man she so recently betrayed. Two paths lay before her. She can almost see the fork in the road as if it were a laid out in the hardened clay of the palace floor. If she chooses to lay down the dagger and spare the King...her King...then she will have failed Widsith finally and utterly. Beyond that, no matter how Joseph might choose to forgive her, she knows many if not all of the Sixteen never would. She would no longer be able to stand a sister among their ranks or a lover by Erik's side. Worst of all, she would have to live with the guilt of what she was and what she had done.

If she takes the King of Jubilee's offer however...

Her oath to Widsith would be fulfilled. Beyond that she has no doubt that Gloria would kill her for such an act. She can already see the tears and rage building on the pale woman's face. Naled can not take back her betrayal but she can pay for it with the only thing she had left to give. It is enough. It has to be enough.

The dagger raises in the air and the Norsewoman lets out a cry of despair. Gloria screams, a primal sound that echoes through the hall already covered with the blood of many. For all their raw strength and valiant skill, Donovan and Lars can't hold her. Or perhaps they don't wish to. The pale haired woman breaks free. She is little more than a clattering, shimmering blur as she throws her own body between the blade and her beloved. Beloved...

The tip of the dagger scratches harshly against her metal breast plate before finding the small chink between it and her shoulder guard. There it buries itself allowing Gloria's blood to flow freely once more. From the other side of their group comes a guttural roar of anger and defiance. Up until now the inhabitants of Kemmu City had stood silently by and watched as the humans dealt with their internal troubles. Upon seeing Gloria injured, one of the only ones to mourn his brother and offer to aid and fight beside him, Smedly surges suddenly past Boris and Sarah. His longsword slices deeply into Naled's back, striking the Interpreter down.
Joseph Henry III (played by Serverus) Topic Starter

A frown of disapproval was seen in Naled’s face as Gloria intercepted the King’s fate and caught the dagger in the joint of her breastplate. It was stuck in the steel and she could not release it with her tiny arm strength. She laughed wickedly. “You cunt, I knew you loved him. I hope Delilah takes both of...” A violent blade had struck her down. The Bugbear made sure that it was not an execution but a vital thrust nonetheless. Naled fell to her face to leak out slowly.

She began to shiver and speak in Norse tongue.

Joseph for the first time looked nervous. He did not even take notice of Naled’s condition, even though he knew she was dead to him for choosing the latter. Instead his warm fingers touched Gloria’s face with fear. “You know I was not going to let her kill me. Donovan help.”

“She is okay.” Donovan tested the depth of the dagger. “Thanks to Kinley’s armor.” He pulled the dagger from her shoulder guard.

“I see it’s good for something more than making us itch.” Stephan jested. “Dammit Gloria you almost got me emotional.” He hugged his sister. “Don’t scare us like that again.”

Boris was even near her, whimpering and moaning out curses. He hugged Gloria also.

Joseph swiftly ran his lips onto Gloria’s tender flesh passionately in the kiss—all would watch. “I love you.” He said to her. “And Smedly thank you for your loyalty. I will never let any speak ill of your kind again.”

“Smedly seen King of man in trouble. King of man friend to us...we see to him safely.” The Bugbear said.

Sarah could not help but watch Gweyr, adoring her as she cleaned the Illithid blood from her ivory ore blade; not at all worked up by the drama here. The elf Commander noticed the woman staring at her like she was a deer being hunted in the forest. The witch’s mind had decided to lust over a forbidden fruit. ‘You wish to hunt the huntress?’ Gweyr said in Sarah’s head. This shocked Sarah and intrigued her all the same.

Meanwhile when things were calmed down, Joseph had one last thing to do before he could rest and recover. After Gloria recieved his love he went near Naled to gently turn her over so she could face him and everyone.

“Was it just a...test?” Naled’s lips shivered—her face near ice blue.

“Aye, and I am a kind King to have given you one last chance. We were your friends, your brothers and sisters and you betrayed us.”

“I am sorry, Joseph.” She said. “I could not go on living, knowing the hurt I caused you.” She cried.

“I know. But let this be the last thing you ever hear. So when your soul rots in damnation you will remember that you not only betrayed me but your God Ecru as well.” He pulled his divine longsword from his hip and let it torch into a bright searing flame. The reflection of the fire was seen in Naled’s eyes as the steel burned her neck. She screamed while it cooked her pale skin. “This is for Queen Jenessta and her people whom you also betrayed. The damage you’ve done here we will never forgive you for.” He said as she continued to scream.

Eventually the blade had cooked her bone and the head tenderly cut loose. He let the flames roast her entire body so all could watch the fate of the Translators betrayal.
Gweyr (played anonymously)

Later that night, the battlefield was cleaned up. All the many bodies were taken to the fire pits to join Naled and the Lolth warriors who died as enemies in this citadel. The late Half Giants would be waxed as statues; the great warriors who died to King Joseph and Sir Nicolas’ Swords. The new Queen Vivian was already stepping into her role naturally. She would focus on defense so an infiltration like this would never happen again.

While the Sixteen had all departed to their guest houses, including Gweyr’s brothers, Gwyer stayed back with Vivian whilst they sat on an elevated circular plate above Kemmu City to discuss a more lucrative alliance. Where Jenessta kept to herself for centuries, Vivian had youth on her side and could better connect to the horrors of this new world.

“So your people were at war all this time? How come you never told my mother?”

“Elvira informed her like all of the alliances. Many Elvatian Houses have refused to join us. But these humans, King Joseph and his Knights have sacrificed their own reputations to aid us. They are our most valued allies. This is why I came to save them.”

“How come the Elvatian Houses refused to join her?” Vivian asked.

“Pride, fear, jealousy. But mostly the acceptance of Dezus Ib’ahali.”

“I heard of him. The one they call the Kapellmeister. My mother said Dezus was a traitor of our House. He stole a necro relic from our treasury. King Jharadis refused to give him up even after learning of his treachery. This is probably why Jenessta did not accept the truce.”

“There is truth to what you speak. What are your feelings towards Dezus?”

“He means nothing to us. If we are to hold onto ancient grudges, we will never be able to advance. Will always be victims held back by our past. Besides everyone who knew him died today.”

Gweyr nodded and thought the female spoke with wisdom. They toasted wine glasses and sipped to continue discussing prospects of a fruitful alliance.

Sarah should have been resting, but curiously she followed them. She was a rebel with her heart and a patient woman. When Gweyr was finished with the Drow Queen the first eyes she met was the Witch’s dark gaze; stalking her in the dim lit corridors of the citadel.

Gweyr swallowed and was exhausted. The wine had relaxed her and she did not want to say any more words tonight. Fortunately for her, talking was not something that Sarah desired. She was a woman of few words and Gweyr appreciated her for that. Gweyr would use her smile to respond instead of empty conversation. Vines had come from the ground as they subdued the Elvatian. The Witch’s call. Gweyr’s arms and legs were locked into position as she exhaled excitedly and met the aggressive lips of Sarah the Witch of Jubilee. Gweyr returned her kiss without hestitation and in that moment a relationship was established.
Gloria DeVore (played by Dndmama)

The night did not, could not, bring rest to the Glory of Jubilee no matter how much exhaustion from their seemingly unending string of battles weighed upon her limbs. Donovan had already come and gone, stitching up the gash in her shoulder, deeper than he had thought before but not deep enough to be a mortal wound. Her shield arm will be out of action for a few days lest she rip the cut open once more with her rather acrobatic fighting form. That is the worst of it.

At least, that is the worst of the physical injuries. Naled's betrayal still weighs heavily on her heart. How had none of them seen through her deception? Had she really held no love for them? Had the long nights of laughter and stories and commiseration all been for naught? Gloria knew she would never forget the sound of the woman screaming as she died beneath the King of Jubilee's fiery blade or stop torturing herself wondering if something, anything, might have been done differently to produce a happier ending. The whole situation felt far too familiar to her liking.

Worse yet, when Joseph had leaned forward to kiss her right there in front of the Sixteen and their new allies, Gloria had turned her face away from him. Despite the ecstatic beating of her heart, so fast and loud she thought it might burst out of her chest at hearing him confess his feelings for her in such a straight forward and unreserved manner, she could not bring herself to allow such a thing to happen for all to see.

Has he lost his mind? All sense of propriety? Has he forgotten who he is and and who she is and where they are and why?!

Some part of her always knew he never truly loved his shrew of a wife. That she had simply been convenient, available and willing. His bodyguard may have even suspected their lack of emotional connection to be one of the major contributing factors to his eternally wandering ways. Still! That he would so blatantly disregard his marriage vows (and hers!) in such a public display...

The white haired warrior paces the length of the room she and Anne are supposed to be sharing dressed in a simple set of undergarments while her armor sits in the corner, still unpolished. Surprisingly the amenities of this ceramic city are imminently suitable for its above world visitors. The beds are comfortable, the bedding is warm, the light is a soft glow from half covered sconces and there is fresh water in a basin against the wall. Other than the strange, slightly disturbing insect-like decor, she might almost feel comfortable here. That is, if she had the presence of mind to pay any sort of heed to her surroundings after all that had happened in the throne room earlier.

Anjaliku, however, had been having a harder time settling into their strange new environment. Since her bunk mate, Sarah, had seemingly vanished, Anne had offered to keep the girl company through the night while they waited for the priestesses to heal their injured comrades. It is also possible that she simply found Gloria's confused and pent up brooding too awkward to simply sit and watch. No doubt the two women would hold each other and speak of the days events in hushed tones, comforting each other after the sudden loss of their friend and colleague.

So it is that Gloria is left alone with her thoughts and worries, fears and desires, without even the sweet oblivion of sleep to give her some modicum of peace.
Joseph Henry III (played by Serverus) Topic Starter

Even while the bright flames burned in his guest chamber, the dark elven stone felt like frozen walls surrounding them, ignoring the fire that roared in the deep center pit. His sheets and blankets were like layers of ice as he sat and smoked his pipe weed trying to ease his mind and stay warm. Boris the Mute would share his Kings bed. Shamefully, Boris wept in Joseph's arms. He comforted the Knight like a little boy; like a blood brother who he would embrace. Usually the three of them would share this room together, but after his foolish ways, Gloria did not want to be near him. It was a hell of a day, one that he hoped to forget but knew it would probably haunt him forever.

"Get up, Boris. I should really be the one crying." Joseph sat his pipe down to remove himself from Boris' grasp. "But I am a selfish man...only thinking of my self. I do not feel sadness or guilt. I am not ashamed of my actions, yet I am wrong and my pride can not even convince me around that truth. The only right thing I've done is not hide how I feel, Boris. Maybe you should do the same. Show her that you love her."

Boris signaled to his throat.

"I know, but you don't need your tongue to tell her. Thus as long as you play like its not real, the longer your heart will suffer. Our women are not here. And here we are, sobbing and venting like two bridesmaids."

Boris laughed a bit, and wiped his eyes, getting himself together. He signaled for Henry to go after her.

Joseph hesitated.

Boris pushed him and mumbled out sounds that were encouraging.

Henry grabbed his blanket and headed out into the cold halls. Their rooms were not that far apart and Joseph could see Sarah pleasing Gweyr down the corridors, without shame; the two naturally fled from the King's gaze, into their own private quarters. He shut the door swiftly so Boris would not see and rage with anger. He went the opposite way of the couple only to turn the corner and find Gloria's door. He hesitated again, catching his fist as he prepared to knock. Instead he decided to sit down near her door and think....

Had he lost his mind?! The Titan felt like a pile of waste, littered near her crib. All the good he was doing, it all felt for naught when Gloria refused his kiss. Such action had brought him back to reality. He did not only betray his best friend, but also Delilah, who trusted him to care for her wife. And Ellen who loved him so much that she would rather him be a tyrant and let his cousin Martha remain enslaved by the Norse, then try to save her. So many innocent people were brought into their love triangle; an affair that started long before he had become a King.

"I am sorry, Gloria. Forgive me." He said through her door. "I don't know what came upon me. I guess I have never been this close to death before. And in that moment, all I could think about was how much I love you. I did not want to die without you knowing how I truly feel. If you choose to resign from your position once we bring Delilah back home, I will support you. I would rather have your friendship and your love than your anger towards me."

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