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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The queen of deception and the underworld kingdom

Kosma (played anonymously)

Suddenly the walls glowed bright and became magic proof, so they guy was a normal human in here. But it did not affect drew.
Drew Howler (played by FlamingPsycho)

Drew flinched, rather confused.
Kosma (played anonymously)

Hood wrote:
((Can I join pls?))
Kosma (played anonymously)

Drew Howler wrote:
Drew flinched, rather confused.
Kosma “ he left”
Hood (played anonymously)

A loud echoing knock comes from the main door.
Kosma (played anonymously)

Kosma looked at the door. “ who is it?”
Drew Howler (played by FlamingPsycho)

Drew nodded, setting the device down and heading back out to her.
Hood (played anonymously)

A rasping noise comes from the door.
Drew Howler (played by FlamingPsycho)

Drew heard the noise and narrowed his eyes, shifting back to his lithe warrior form.
Hood (played anonymously)

The noise happens again, accompanied by two knocks.
Drew Howler (played by FlamingPsycho)

Drew grabbed his staff, growling warningly.
Kosma (played anonymously)

A butler opens the door.
Hood (played anonymously)

It nods it's head respectfully and enters the building.
Drew Howler (played by FlamingPsycho)

Drew was ready to attack, muscles tense. He walked to Kosma, still staring at the door.
Hood (played anonymously)

It looks at Drew, the rasping noise coming from underneath it's hood growing slightly quieter.
Drew Howler (played by FlamingPsycho)

Drew pointed his staff at the....thing that just walked in. He bared teeth that shifted to be pointed, standing stiffly. "Who are you?" He hissed.
Hood (played anonymously)

It bows low to the floor, the rasping sound somehow resembling unintelligible words.
Kosma (played anonymously)

Kosma looked at him. She opened a mind link to drew just to be safe.
Hood (played anonymously)

It stands up straight, the noises slowly becoming more like words, until finally they can understand it. "Greetings...."
Kosma (played anonymously)

“ hello and who are you?”

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