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Forums » General Roleplay » Spiderman

Max Nicholls (played by NeonGreenHair17)

I smile at Elena, "Hi. I'm Max, Pete's best friend."
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)

She smiles * I...if I die m...make sure he doesn't eat all...the cookies in the cookie jar
Max Nicholls (played by NeonGreenHair17)

I chuckle, nodding, "Of course." He kept a smile for her, but he was sad, hoping she wouldn't die.
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)

She coughs * t...thank you
Max Nicholls (played by NeonGreenHair17)

He nodded, smiling for her sake. He didn't know exactly what to say or do.
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)

She falls asleep*
Max Nicholls (played by NeonGreenHair17)

He leans back in his chair, being silent.
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)

An hour later she starts I toss and turn
Peter Parker (played by DevinGardner)

Elena (played by Starwarsfan)

Keeps tossing and turning *
Max Nicholls (played by NeonGreenHair17)

He watches her worriedly, smacking Peter, "Hey, Pete. Psst. She's tossing."
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)

Keeps tossing and turning*
Peter Parker (played by DevinGardner)

*kneels beside her and gently sets his hand on her*
Amber Diaz (played anonymously)

i wanna join
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)

(( there no more people sorry))

Keeps tossing and turning*
Peter Parker (played by DevinGardner)

"Its ok sis"
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)

She shoots ul* ah!
Peter Parker (played by DevinGardner)

*gets head butted*
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)

Oops * laugh little*
Max Nicholls (played by NeonGreenHair17)

He laughs

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