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Forums » General Roleplay » Spiderman

Peter Parker (played by DevinGardner)

Mary Jane (played by jessikahjones)

Peter Parker (played by DevinGardner)

Elena parker (played by Fantasygirl2) Topic Starter

Covers eyes*
Elena parker (played by Fantasygirl2) Topic Starter

Tackles Peter trying to get the phone back
*teleports onto the ledge of a tall building and studies the New York landscape* Let's see what we can do around here. *teleports into the middle of Central Park* How about a little robbery? *looks for the nearest bank to rob from*
Peter Parker (played by DevinGardner)

*hides the phone*
Ah, I think I found my target. *smiles and teleports into the nearest bank vault and starts taking money from it*
Peter Parker (played by DevinGardner)

spidey sense

*gets up and changes then jumps out window*
*teleports out of the vault and shoots a couple of the tellers to get the customers in a frenzy* Ah, this is it. Keep your fear up! It'll make me stronger!
Peter Parker (played by DevinGardner)

"Hey!!" *his voice seemed to come from everywere seems his suit blends in with the night*
*smiles* Well, sounds like we have an effect man in the house. Hello, little hero. You may as well come out of the shadows befire I find a way to do it for you.
Peter Parker (played by DevinGardner)

"heads up" *shoots a web at him*
*smirks and moves his hand up and summons an earthen wall* Nice shot kid. But, you'll have to try harder. *focuses all the light sources to shine brightly in the room* *sees Spidey* Well well well, looks like I've found the little spider. *fires a couple shots across the wall* Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I got some places to be. *summons chains to go around Spidey's arms and legs that pin him to the wall* When we meet again, Arachnid Boy. *salutes and teleports away*
Peter Parker (played by DevinGardner)

*breaks the restraints with his spider strength and jumps on him as he teleports
*teleports too quickly for him to be caught* *leaves a note on the ground that says "Nice try Spider Boy, TN"*
Peter Parker (played by DevinGardner)

"Eh the avengers will get him" *swings away*
*arrives in his base, which almost resemble's Tony Stark's lab, except darker and more adapted to his powers* Okay Cody, where are we at for money? *he places his money into a tube which goes into a vault labeled "Hospital Dues"*
Cody- Well, we should be good once we get a good amount of money, like $200.
Nightmare- *sighs* Well, we're getting closer. Closer than we were asking for donations.
*Nightmare sits down and swings around his chair and plays a clip recorded from his suit that was focusing on Spider-Man* But, I may be working on some fun stuff.
Peter Parker (played by DevinGardner)

*goes back to mj and Elena*
Elena parker (played by Fantasygirl2) Topic Starter

* Elena sits in park bench upsiddown texting

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