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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » the land of skyrim (open)

matthew ebonsword (played by matthew22) Topic Starter

ok... (gtg se yall tmmrw)
Kosma (played anonymously)

She packs her stuff. ( ok)
Ryku (played by RandyARedPanda)

"Well, does that mean I have to go..? Is there any more shops around here that I could stay at..?" *He says*
Zombie character (played anonymously)

*I apprea in kosma shop* stop right there criminel scums!!! Dark brotherhood is criminal orgenization. I will bring u all to the dungeon now to facee jarl balgruuf punishment! *i bring out my whiterun sword and shield and look at them menancingly* dont dare resist, this is skyrim on legendary mode. I can even kill the dragonborn if hes here!!
Kosma (played anonymously)

Suddenly a scythe struck at the gaurd. “ you leave her alone. She needs the brotherhood to survive. If you do it I will e punish you.” It was the legendary mabuz. He was one of the best assassins and a noble with very high influence. Enough to cost the gaurd his job. “ your not taking the girl. Am I clear?”
Unknown user

Another gaurd bursts in

"I heard somone say stop right there criminal scum, what is going on? did sombody steal a sweet roll again?" he would draw his sword raising his shield again

"Or was it that Dragon guy shouting again" he would approach the fellow gaurd "No matter its time to pay a fine or serve time in the dungeon"
Kosma (played anonymously)

Mabuz took Zilla with him and soon dissappeared.
Zombie character (played anonymously)

*He stood in the way of Mabuz, clearly this guard was beyond influence and dedicated to his duty* You are not clear! Strike at me, and I will take both of you to rot at your cells!

*Sword and shield in hand, beside Jhon, his closest partner, brimming him in confidence*

Come on, make my day! Jhon and I've faced worse than assassins of your ilk!!
Kosma (played anonymously)

“ she not part of the dark brotherhood. We need to go let us pass. I need a medicine a curtain person has. They just happen to be in the dark brotherhood. Now go let me save this girl before she goes mad.”
Zombie character (played anonymously)

What do you think, Jhon? Should we? *He asked Jhon, still making sure to look at Mabuz incase he tries anything*
Kosma (played anonymously)

Suddenly Zilla collapsed. But mabuz caught her. “ if her and her friend die cause you keep me here then guess what happens? I have 2 girls who are really sick one near death at home the other in my arms.”
Zombie character (played anonymously)

*He sheaths his sword* Fine, be on your way. But do not make me regret it. If I see any of you louts coming aroud here all suspicious-like again, I swear I'd take you all to the dungeons! *He gestures them to move along*
Kosma (played anonymously)

He gets on his horse and rides off to get the medicine.
Unknown user

"Really were gonna let them go?" he would say sheathing his sword and letting out a sigh

"Well guess its back to harassing adventurers and looking out for any theif's" Jhon would turn to the other gaurd "Lets go i think i saw somone putting buckets on peoples heads, he might be the one who stole that one flower from Dragon's keep" he would turn to face the exit walking outside into Whiterun
Kosma (played anonymously)

Suddenly there was fighting nearby. It did not seem well. It was very was hurt but had put most of the attackers close to death.
Unknown user

The gaurdsmen would see the fight, Jhon would go over to one of the gaurdsmen at the stall

"Go alert the Captian, Get us some more men this might be a riot for all we know" the gaurdsmen would nod to eachother Jhon going over to the fight while the other one starts heading twoards the barracks with one of his comrades

Jhon would start sprinting twoards the fight drawing his sword and raising his shield and loudly shouting "Stop right there criminal scum!!" as he approches closer
Kosma (played anonymously)

I only will when they stop and when I find there leader. they killed a lady and left her daughter foe dead. im just doing as the daughter asked. to kill the one who killed her mom"
Ryku (played by RandyARedPanda)

"What...Just...Happened..?" *He said really confused when he saw all the gaurd stuff and he soon exits the room walking on his way when this gang came up on me and started to push me asking for money, when I say no constantly his men grabbed me and the leader punched me* "H-Hey...Stop I already said I have no money..Do not make me hurt you..!!" *He said trying to free himself* *After the gang heard me say that they responded* "What are you going to do..? Puny kid....Your weaker than the weakest person in my gang.!!" *He says going for another punch* "Thats it...I warned you.." *He said pulling out his dagger and flipping the people who are holding on to me in front of me hitting the guy, I then lunge at them cutting them all in the arm in a split second* "I said I warned you...You should of retreated.." *He said as the leader guts up charging at me* *I then slide right past his sword putting him in a headlock from behind, then kicking him to the ground* *He then starts to walk off*
Unknown user

More gaurds soon appear along with the captian of the gaurd, in total 20 out of the 36 gaurds in whiterun start to surround the fighters and defenders in the fight

The captian would bellow out "Shield formation surround them and dont let them escape" the garuds like ants would start going shoulder to shoulder with their shields up and swors up ontop resting on the shield as a few others would get behind them drawing their bows and putting an arrow in them each aiming trough the small shoulder gaps the gaurds provide

"Surrender now and nobody gets hurt we can all talk this out" said the captian "This is only gonna get you in more trouble throw your weapons away and get on your knees" he once again said as he continues to bellow out orders one of them being "Lock down the city we cant have anyone leave, Martial law is to be put into place, until we arrest the culprets of this nobody leaves the city" as a gaurd says "What will the Jarl say about this"

The captian replied calmly "Ive sent one of the men to infrom him i am awaiting further orders but until then the city is locked down" as the soldiers slowly advanced twoards the fight in the shield formation bows trained on the targets and gaurds with their shields up and swords ready to be springed into enemy flesh

The captian would again bellow out "Nobody has to get hurt anymore, give up and throw your weapons away get on your knees with your hands on your head"

(anyway gtg for a few see ya in the morning/night since its 11 am here)
Ryku (played by RandyARedPanda)

(Shall I be the one left in the fight that yall are surrounding..?)

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