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Forums » Smalltalk » Favorite games, Crappy Moments.


Have you ever played a game that you just cant get enough of? You could have played it a million times, and its still like new to you? Now, did this same game ever screw you over in a really crappy situation? For instance, recently in Skyrim, m level 5 nord was doing a quest for the companions, nothing new. But as soon as i get into the middle of an open field, i manage to piss off 2 giants, 3 mammoths, and a dragon o.0 Whats your guys's favorite game/crappy moment combo?
Sanne Moderator

Every time I die in Borderlands because a Bruiser blows up a fuel- or gas-tank right next to me. <.< I love that game, but sometimes I want to punch my monitor.
Kassidis_Daddy Topic Starter

Boy do i know the feeling...
When im just about to reach the next bonfire in Darksouls and I suddenly get ambushed by someone I didn't see and die forcing me to rerun it again and rekill everything.
Fable 3- DLC content. THere is a point in time where you take an elevator up. I was playing in my roomies game helping her out, and it autosaved and glitched at the same time, basically traping us underneath the elevator with no escape and no way to reload to a previous save.

Her game had to be scrapped.

It was sad, but I still enjoy that game.
That one time in any game where you feel like a god and then you blow up.

So basically any part of Skyrim that has enemies tougher than Frostbite Spiders or Draugr. (Bears, Sabre Cats, Trolls, Giants...)

Or legendary difficulty in Halo 4 (I know! I can't shut up about that game because it rocks the effing house! I'm sorry!)

Also Portal 2. I swear if that game wasn't so cute and hilarious and I wasn't as self controlled I'drpbably have at least two broken controllers and a broken TV on my hands. Now granted, it is a puzzle game designed to be diabolical, but... So. Freaking. Hard.

... And maybe those DS games that are just awesome until they have an impossible little idiotic minigame that is entirely unnecessary but you can't advance until you beat the stupid thing and you just want to tear your hair out and throw the system against the nearest wall. (Marvel games, I'm looking at you.)

Let's see, what other times has a game screwed me over? The Pokemon games' E4 and Champion, (I am thoroughly convinced Cynthia is hellspawn.) Any time where I have to replay a part in any game over and over and over again because of how easily I die (again, Halo series. Skyrim is also guilty of this. Same with Pokemon. Pretty much every game does this.) and times when I know I did something right but I fail anyway. (Skyrim' lockpicking minigame is especially guilty of this.)

But we loves our games anyway. <3 They're just too good to- WAIT. LEGEND OF ZELDA IS DESIGNED TO MAKE SMALL CHILDREN CRY.

Okay. That's all.

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