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Forums » Smalltalk » What's special about you?


I'm a self taught musician and songwriter. My parents got my first bass out of a pawn shop and I've been playing ever since.
I'm an aspiring director and filmmaker, I'm working on my treatment actually.

I’m working on a romance novel
And I’m a twitch streamer
I’m a seal! Wait, that isn’t special or unique.... uh... I’m decent at piano? I guess?
I have the ability to back-bend and put my feet on the back of my head. With ten minutes of stretching, I can also put my bum on my head.
I seem to be a bit of an introvert magnet. I've been told that I cost little to nothing to hang out with.
Sanne Moderator

I'm a pretty speedy learner. Most times I only need to be shown something once, and I research the heck out of it so I can do it independently for the most part. I can get super obsessive with something for a while, and then my interest just plummets hardcore once I feel I made a bunch of progress and I find something else to get that rush of accomplishment all over again. It has the benefit that I'm decent or pretty good at a lot of things, but really struggle to specialize in one thing specifically!
I can lay on the floor with my limbs splayed out, making me look like a frog ready to jump, lol.

I have a fairly decent knowledge and can recall certain things easily and can remember most of my early life easily,especially the fossil incident where I got hit in the head by a fossil.

Don’t know if anything is special with me. I can write with good syntax and punctuation, and I like what I think is good music, and I live life the best I can. Don’t think I have any outstanding talents that comes to mind.

I’m not that great of a Typer on my phone though.

I remember every story i ever read. I can also read upside down and backwards. Draw with my right hand and paint with my left
Sanne Moderator

SarietheFae wrote:
I remember every story i ever read. I can also read upside down and backwards. Draw with my right hand and paint with my left

That is so ridiculously cool!
I have published a book! And even though I am tired of the content, then I am quite proud of it. And I have a stupid fast reading speed.
I have a passion for writing and my goal is to publish 1 book a year, eventually 2 books a year. I will be publishing a book in July! So maybe that's special? I can type 107 words per minute max, 86 words per minute average.

I can watch a movie and play it over in my head word for word, scene for scene. It's always nice to be able to run through movies before I sleep.
I can assemble a a wall mounted Vanity, drill a hole large enough for the piping in sed vanity as well as make sure it is perfectly level and silicone the counter tops while keeping it perfectly symetrical.

Minor electrical work, can operate a forklift, a sawsall, a chipping hammer, and can demolish a wall in about fifteen to thirty minutes with a demo tool.
I can make my body do weird things. I can turn my foot and thumb backwards, I can do this weird thing with my fingers that I can’t explain, I have taught my right pinky toe to move onto the toe next to it, I can flip my eyelids, I’m really flexible, I can put my foot over my head (sorta it’s weird), and I have a really long tongue.
8_Stars_8 wrote:
I can make my body do weird things. I can turn my foot and thumb backwards, I can do this weird thing with my fingers that I can’t explain, I have taught my right pinky toe to move onto the toe next to it, I can flip my eyelids, I’m really flexible, I can put my foot over my head (sorta it’s weird), and I have a really long tongue.
I'm not so extreme, but I guess my ankles are abnormally flexible. I tried snowboarding once and kept falling all day (intentionally and not), and I'm not sure how many times I had to explain "yes my ankles are fine, no they aren't broken or sprained or anything, seriously I'm fine."
I don't have any interesting flexibility but I can raise one eyebrow at a time. As made famous by Spock.

I take baths instead of showers, I like rainy, windy days more than sunny days, I like the smell of wood (I will literally walk up and down the timber aisle of Home Depot for that reason alone), I like the smell of paint, ink, gasoline (if not too strong), nail polish, the ink on the pages of new books, new money fresh from the bank, what else...I think those are all the most unusual things, but also, cedar essential oil. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...


I don't notice what people are wearing but I often recite many things people said years ago almost word for word, I am socially anxious on the phone, yet I work right now taking phone calls because if I know what they're going to say and what I'm going to say, it's okay, as I'm not trying to sell something and people want to be talking to me.


I'm good at searching for things online.

When I was a kid, the feeling of having socks on the regular way bothered me, because I could feel the hem of the sock touching my toes, so for years and years and years I turned the tip of my socks back before I put on my shoes. Now I don't notice it anymore.

Ok that's all
Novalyyn wrote:
I'm not so extreme, but I guess my ankles are abnormally flexible. I tried snowboarding once and kept falling all day (intentionally and not), and I'm not sure how many times I had to explain "yes my ankles are fine, no they aren't broken or sprained or anything, seriously I'm fine."

XD Yeah, I’m weird. I’m pretty sure half of the things I said don’t make sense, but when you see them, it’s a lot easier to see where I’m coming from

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