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Abigail_Austin Topic Starter

Birdy99 wrote:
1. What is the most distant country you've RP'd with someone from?

The US, UK I think.

2. What is your favorite genre?

Friendship, romance, family or hurt/comfort I honestly am not sure which is my favourite.

3. What is your favorite hobby aside from writing?

Drawing, that’s for sure.

4. What is a word you tend to misspell a lot? (none is a valid answer, but I won't believe you!)

I misspelled ‘phoenix’ as ‘pheonix’ for exactly 6 years. 6 years and even now I still make the same mistake sometimes.

5.What kind of intelligence is most dominate for you (ex. verbal, mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, social intelligence, etc)?

Uh, logical-mathematical mostly, and maybe a bit of visual-spatial? But mostly the former, I mean, it is almost a hobby trying to find patterns and solve problems and the likes. Heck, I debate with myself most of the time because there is simply no one around. I am alright with music as well, not talented, but I can play and sing along to a tune alright that my conductor doesn’t immediately throw his baton(?) at me when I start playing.

Definitely not verbal, I mean, I can communicate alright, but beyond the ‘hello, how are you, how’s your food’ I am basically no better than a 3 year old. Definitely not inter-personal or social, I swear emotions bounce of me like-I don’t even know what’s the simile here. A rock? A trampoline? What even? All my reactions that make me seem more empathetic are literally learnt and copy-n-paste from websites and what I saw others do before me.

6. Do you like rollercoasters (a measure of thrill-seeking)?

-If I ever get the chance, I wouldn’t mind queuing up for hours just to ride it over and over again. The only time I get so ‘high’ and my heart pumps so fast is probably when I am forced to run 400m in 10 seconds or when I am drinking my third cup of americano. XD

7. What do you think the most beneficial medication to have ever been discovered is?

Tea! I’m only half joking, but there is that one medicinal tea that helped me get over my flu in a record of three days. But, I don’t use that much medication but...uhhh, there is this weird smelling pill that comprised of mostly traditional medicine that can immediately cure my stomach aches, mild food poisoning and any other issues such as diahrrea? And there is this other weird-smelling pill made of some sort of traditional medicine that reduced my extremely painful mestrual cramps (can’t walk, can’t sit level of pain) to just a some mild discomfort and pain?

8. What's your favorite accent to hear someone speak with?

British accent, probably, as long as it isn’t to the point where I can’t understand it at all. I also do enjoy the Taiwanese accent...not so much when spoken by women, but Taiwanese accent is very nice in my opinion.

9. What's something stupid you've done?

Deciding that pulling an all-nighter is worth it if I can hand in that essay by tomorrow morning which I know I will be deeply regretting when the mathematics teacher walk into the classroom.

10. What's a rather unusual thing you like?

I love snakes, which I am told very often that it is rather disturbing. I really do enjoy natto, a type of fermented beans usually eaten with mustard and soy sauce, which many people find disgusting/difficult to stomach. Kimchi is also way up there. Another weird thing is friends playing with my hair, and me doing the same to theirs. (Combing, typing it up or just playing with it in general.

11. Think about your favorite roleplaying partners. What quality makes them your favourite

Their style of roleplay just matches well with mine I guess; they don’t have to be particularly good conversationists or anything like that, as long as our roleplay makes me feel that we are contributing equally; not me writing too much, or writing too little in comparison to them, exactly at the same level.

12. What's your favorite sport to watch?

Ice skating, figure skating in particular. I tried skating before and my legs are aching for the entire week and there are already blisters after several hours on ice. Seeing people who are able to dance, jump and move so freely on ice.. I really admire them for the sheer amount of effort they put into it really. And well, ice skating is rather impressive as well, most people can’t really glide in a straight line and they have to run to compete with others? I personally think it is amazing really.

Also taekwondo and wushu- those are hella cool. Taekwondo with its kicks and wushu-have you ever seen those weapons? I mean, they are probably not real weapons but they are still friggin cool.

13. What's your favorite sport to play?

I am not very sporty, but I do occasionally ice skate. Basketball is quite fun as well, but I was never particularly competitive or active.

14. What is one thing people that makes you uncomfortable?

Taking on a stern or harsh tone; it shoots my anxiety up more than anything else really.

15. What's one thing people do that makes you feel comfortable?

Engaging me in conversation, even light and brief ones, before going on and doing their own thing. I don’t mind the silence, as long as they show that I am welcomed there, because I think too much and sometimes take people not acknowledging me as them not wanting me there.

16. What's your favorite nonsense word?

鸋, I am not sure what it means, but I just find the character really pretty

17. What's your favorite actual word?

‘Amalgamation; the action, procress, or result of combining or uniting’ I’m not sure why, but I think that it was because I came across that word when I am researching about the powers to give one of my characters and I liked the sound of that word.

18. What's a favorite quote?

-Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.-

-People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That's how they define "reality". But what does it mean to be "correct" or "true"? Merely vague concepts ... their "reality" may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?-

-Life is like a cup of strong wine, without repeatedly refining it, it wouldn’t be so delicious-

19.Who is the best songwriter of all time, in your opinion?

G.E.M, JJ Lin and Jay Chou, I don’t know if they are the best but I absolutely love their songs.

20. Is Schrodinger's cat alive, dead, both, or neither?

That’s..very complex- I mean I’ve heard of it, but I don’t know much about it. As the theory said, both and neither? Since it means the same anyways. Same as the question you had last time, the one with the trees I think. You don’t know whether it is alive or dead, unless you perceive it yourself, which means there are two possibilities, of it being either alive or dead. So...both? I don’t know hahaha

21. Do you believe there is such a thing as destiny?

Well, no, I don’t. I believe in that everything, no matter what, has a cause and thus an effect. So I think that people think is ‘destiny’ is simply caused by something they are unaware of.

22. Which is better, to be likeable or to be authentic?

It is definitely to be likeable; it is cynical of me, but I would most definitely be deprived of friends or any close relationships if I am completely and utterly ‘authentic’ and thus honest about myself. So, whether it is little white lies or putting up an entire facade, I would still do it even if I loathe the person to hell and back, because if so I would be supported. There are still lines I wouldn’t cross though, and due to me lacking in self-control, if someone pisses me off enough, I basically throw away the cordial and friendly persona in less than a second. ;;w;;

23. If you could change one thing in the world...

People would be more reasonable and rational, thus leading to easier solutions to a lot of problems in this world.

That....was all very interesting. Because you said likeable, like I did, and most people say authentic, and the fact that you remember the tree falling in a forest question and caught that it is almost the same question! ;) And the Chinese character.
1. What is the most distant country you've RP'd with someone from?

2. What is your favorite genre?
Romance, Erotic,

3. What is your favorite hobby aside from writing?
Snuggling Cuties

4. What is a word you tend to misspell a lot? (none is a valid answer, but I won't believe you!)

What kind of intelligence is most dominate for you (ex. verbal, mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, social intelligence, etc)?

Visual-Spatial and Musical

6. Do you like rollercoasters (a measure of thrill-seeking)?

7. What do you think the most beneficial medication to have ever been discovered is?
The Smallpox Vaccine

8. What's your favorite accent to hear someone speak with?
Adorable or the Adorbs Accent

9. What's something stupid you've done?
Snuggle Abigail from behind and scare her

10. What's a rather unusual thing you like?
Lovecraftian Horrors

11. Think about your favorite roleplaying partners. What quality makes them your favorite?

12. What's your favorite sport to watch?
Football(Soccer), NASCAR, and F-1 racing.

13. What's your favorite sport to play?

14. What is one thing people that makes you uncomfortable?
When people judge me simply based on the disorders I have

15. What's one thing people do that makes you feel comfortable?
Warm hugs

16. What's your favorite nonsense word?

17. What's your favorite actual word?

18. What's a favorite quote?
What a man does for pay is of little significance. What he is, as a sensitive instrument responsive to the world's beauty, is everything! ~H.P. Lovecraft

19. Who is the best songwriter of all time, in your opinion?
Don't have one

20. Is Schrodinger's cat alive, dead, both, or neither?

21. Do you believe there is such a thing as destiny?
Only if it Involves Snuggles

22. Which is better, to be likeable or to be authentic?

23. If you could change one thing in the world...
To cause SexySultryBabe to be the happiest woman in the world
Obscure Cognition (played anonymously)

1. What is the most distant country you've RP'd with someone from?

When I lived in England.... probably Australia. I'm not even sure if there is further than that.

2. What is your favorite genre?

Definitely Urban Fantasy

3. What is your favorite hobby aside from writing?

There is nothing else worth mentioning ;)

I don't know... being a husband and dad.... does that count?

4. What is a word you tend to misspell a lot? (none is a valid answer, but I won't believe you!)

Maneuver - but I've finally figured out how to spell it. There are others, but this one was my bane for so long

5. What kind of intelligence is most dominate for you (ex. verbal, mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, social intelligence, etc)?

No idea to be honest. Maybe social intelligence when face to face with people...

6. Do you like rollercoasters (a measure of thrill-seeking)?

No. They suck. I don't like going upside down and I hate that feeling I get in my stomach when I'm hurtling down a slope.

7. What do you think the most beneficial medication to have ever been discovered is?

Probably anti-biotics. Though I think this really depends, because health is important to us all, and it fails us all in different ways.

8. What's your favorite accent to hear someone speak with?

Hmm... I'm English, so accents don't really do anything for me as there are tons of native British accents alone...
But I do kind of enjoy listening to Southern... Like rogue from the X-men... and Russian

9. What's something stupid you've done?

So many things it's hard to pick just one. I guess I'll pick the first thing I ever did, but I don't remember because I was a baby, but I apparently poured a kettle of boiling water over myself. I still have a burn scar down my left forearm from that one.

If that doesn't count... when I was 3 or 4, I decided it would be a good idea to jump into a pond with all of my clothes on... I thought it would be okay, because I had my Wellington boots on and a rain jacket. I realized it wasn't okay when the water hit my chest and I was getting yanked out by the teacher who jumped in less then a second later to get me.

10. What's a rather unusual thing you like?

I've been told it is unusual, but I like eating baked beans for breakfast, something which is perfectly normal in England.
If that doesn't count...

Waiting as long as possible before scratching an itch -lol-

11. Think about your favorite roleplaying partners. What quality makes them your favorite?

This one is a little unfair, because my wife is my favourite RP partner (No, not in that way - RPing like this is actually how we met).
However, she doesn't RP here, so I have 2 here.

And it's how they write. They write differently from each other, but I really enjoy reading their posts.

12. What's your favorite sport to watch?

Football... or for the US, soccer. (It took me way more attempts than it should have done to spell that right)

13. What's your favorite sport to play?

Football.... or for the US, soccer (I just copied the spelling from above, so I didn't struggle this time! - yay me!)

14. What is one thing people do that makes you uncomfortable?

Point out how they love my accent.

It's happened every day that I've gone out in public since I moved to the US eight years ago. It's normally compounded by "Are you Australian?" and once when I told them that I wasn't Australian or from New Zealand but from England, the reply was "Right, but you're from that general area."

.... No.... no I'm not.

15. What's one thing people do that makes you feel comfortable?

Laugh - not in a mocking way, but a good genuine, amusement filled laugh.

16. What's your favorite nonsense word?

Nannoo-nannoo - it was from a really old Robin Williams tv show called Mork and Mindy. Before my time, but I watched some reruns in England

17. What's your favorite actual word?

I probably can't put it down here because of the PG-13. It's a very British swear word which is another name for the masculine privates. Begins with a B and ends with a K, though is sometimes written to end with an X.
I heard it for the first time when I was on the bus coming home from school. There wasn't a special bus for school kids, it was just a public bus, and this old gentleman got on and dropped his booze on the floor and yelled it.

It made me laugh. Then some old lady started having a go at him for swearing in front of the kids. It was endearing but unfortunately, most of us kid had already heard and used far worse words than that by our age.

There have been a few other words that have felt incredibly satisfying to use, however, I can't for the life of me remember what they are.

18. What's a favorite quote?

"Don't mistake my kindness for weakness."

The person who said this (Al Capone) was not a good guy, but I think if more people understood the difference, the world would be a much better place.

19. Who is the best songwriter of all time, in your opinion?

Honestly, no idea. To suggest that there is one takes away from all of the other greats, and music is too much of a gift for me to want to do that.

20. Is Schrodinger's cat alive, dead, both, or neither?

Arguably both or neither. Science has proven that how we visually interpret what we look at is just that... an interpretation. It's not necessarily what it truly looks like.
An experiment has been done where they had these... particles? maybe?... in a box with a divide in the center. When they watched them, the particles hit the wall and could get no further. They did the same thing again, only this time they covered the box. When they uncovered it, some of those particles were on the other side.

Just because we see the state of Schrodinger's cat, doesn't mean that what we have seen is accurate.

21. Do you believe there is such a thing as destiny?

Sometimes I do... on the days where cold "Rationalisation" isn't dominating my hope. But I don't think it's as set in concrete as some believe. I feel that it's possible that we might all have multiple but a limited number of destinies, and our choices draw us closer and closer to particular ones in certain times in our lives.

22. Which is better, to be likeable or to be authentic?

Both and neither. You can be authentic and still be likable. Anyone who hides behind authenticity while being horrible to someone else is just being a... well you get the idea. A bit of tact and acknowledgement that your authenticity may cause another person difficulty or even emotional pain takes you a long long way.

If you mean, should you be truthful as opposed to lie for the sake of likability however? Then I will say to be truthful. If you can lie to be liked, that means you can betray someone who believes that you're their friend for the sake of being liked too, and that's not cool man.

23. If you could change one thing in the world...

The balance of wealth. Money sucks, but it runs the world. If more people had more of it, so many of our problems would be resolved.

1. What is the most distant country you've RP'd with someone from?


2. What is your favorite genre?


3. What is your favorite hobby aside from writing?

I don't have another hobby.

4. What is a word you tend to misspell a lot? (none is a valid answer, but I won't believe you!)

I used to misspell restaurant a lot.

5. What kind of intelligence is most dominate for you?

Visual spatial.

6. Do you like rollercoasters (a measure of thrill-seeking)?

Yes and no, I will go on one but I will never go on one's that flip upside down.

7. What do you think the most beneficial medication to have ever been discovered is?

That's a very good question.

8. What's your favorite accent to hear someone speak with?

Australian accents always make me giggle.

9. What's something stupid you've done?

Said something really embarrassing about myself to someone I had an interest in.

10. What's a rather unusual thing you like?

Virtual youtubers I find interesting and I do like looking at cosplay as well.

11. Think about your favorite roleplaying partners. What quality makes them your favorite?

Willing to do to genres they usually don't do.

12. What's your favorite sport to watch?

I don't like watching sports.

13. What's your favorite sport to play?

Dodgeball, I know it's not a traditional sport like baseball or football but I find it fun.

14. What is one thing people that makes you uncomfortable?

Being way too friendly or telling me a little too much about themselves.

15. What's one thing people do that makes you feel comfortable?

Making jokes or just generally being funny.

16. What's your favorite nonsense word?


17. What's your favorite actual word?


18. What's a favorite quote?

Don't have one.

19. Who is the best songwriter of all time, in your opinion?

No idea, it's completely subjective.

20. Is Schrodinger's cat alive, dead, both, or neither?


21. Do you believe there is such a thing as destiny?


22. Which is better, to be likeable or to be authentic?

Authentic, you shouldn't have to pretend to be liked by anyone. There are people out there that will like you for you.

23. If you could change one thing in the world...

Create monsters to make life more exciting. (More dangerous too but eh)
Abigail_Austin Topic Starter

damnationfromafar wrote:
My Replies.

1. What is the most distant country you've RP'd with someone from?

Uh... Most of my rp partners are from Canada, but hmm. Well it would be Australia but, that didn't happen unfortunately, so I guess I'd have to say The Netherlands.

2. What is your favorite genre?

In what? Books, shows, movies, RP? If I have to give a general genre then romance but it varies.

3. What is your favorite hobby aside from writing?

My entire life is writing, my passion/career, my passion/hobby, my therapeutic expression, everything - but one of the few things I do that isn't writing is watch people react to TV shows or Movies on YouTube. A few of my favorite YouTube show/movie reactors are SmurfVlogs, JayPerView, SimpleReactions, and TheFlamingShark.

4. What is a word you tend to misspell a lot? (none is a valid answer, but I won't believe you!)


5.) What kind of intelligence is most dominate for you (ex. verbal, mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, social intelligence, etc)?

I don't really understand what this means? So I guess that means none? LOL.

6. Do you like rollercoasters (a measure of thrill-seeking)?

Frick no. If you wan to torture me and see me dissolve into tears put me somewhere high and fast.

7. What do you think the most beneficial medication to have ever been discovered is?

Antibiotics with a second to allergy medication and inflammatory pain killers.

8. What's your favorite accent to hear someone speak with?

Southern (like deep Georgia.) or German.

9. What's something stupid you've done?

I don't go into detail but - let a 35 year old man take me to his house to watch a movie when I was 16, without telling anyone where I was going on top of that.

10. What's a rather unusual thing you like?

Pacifiers. I was really hesitant about putting this, and so I put scratching head with forks, but then I saw DarkCrows answer and it just made me feel so much better about it. For me personally it's a chewing and comfort thing. I'm also a former 'Little' and I still retain some of my habits which includes pacifiers...but that's about it.

11. Think about your favorite roleplaying partners. What quality makes them your favorite?

I can't pick just one thing. All my favorite roleplayers are very kind, creative, detailed in their replies, and talk very frequently OOC and are close to me.

12. What's your favorite sport to watch?

Ugh, eh. The only one I can think of that I even like is womens gymnastics. 1. because im bi as hell but tend to like women a little more 2. it's impressive as hell.

13. What's your favorite sport to play?


14. What is one thing people do that makes you uncomfortable?

Be sexist/fat phobic. Biphobia is annoying too but I deal with sexism and fatphobia way more. Like leave me alone, you know?

15. What's one thing people do that makes you feel comfortable?

Stand up for what is good and kind. Human decency. Tell people to wear what they want and like.

16. What's your favorite nonsense word?

I don't really use nonsense words, I'm realizing. I usually say stuff like 'good gravy' 'for petes sake' 'frickedy frick' (but the actual curse word.) I mean, I say LOL, LMAO, OMG, and TBH out loud, like the actual letters. Does that count?

17. What's your favorite actual word?

Curse word, the f word.
Non curse word, Sexthetic. It's a word I made up but I don't consider it a nonsense word.


For when you can see/think someone or something is sexy but you aren’t sexually attracted/aroused to/by said thing.

For when aesthetic isn’t enough but just ‘sexy’ is too allosexual or not quite right.

Especially helpful for people on the ace spectrum.

Example: 'Oh wow, she’s so sexthetic.’ Or 'that’s such a sexthetic outfit.’

- you’re welcome, a demisexual person.

18. What's a favorite quote?

"Yo Earl! You're fired!" - Princess Bubblegum.

19. Who is the best songwriter of all time, in your opinion?

I only know brands/musicians, and they don't all necessarily write their music, so I have no idea.

20. Is Schrodinger's cat alive, dead, both, or neither?

Schrodinger is dead. The cat definitely clawed it's way out the box and murdered him for putting it in there without air holes.

21. Do you believe there is such a thing as destiny?

Yes, but it is ever changing.

22. Which is better, to be likable or to be authentic?

I personally feel if who you really are is very unlikable, and you find that people avoid you, don't like you, are afraid of you. Then self reflection is needed. Being authentic is one thing, but if who you are is undeniably unlikable and hurtful, then you need to work on that, you know? If you're a nice person, truly though flawed as all people are, and people still don't like you, then you're probably looking in the wrong places or need to get out of a bad situation, which is difficult.

23. If you could change one thing in the world...

Minorish: More affordable and cute plus size clothing.

Majorish: Raise minimum wage for everyone, lower prices of everything, make it easier for self publishing authors to get ISBNS espeically in the united states where it costs a lot of money just for 1-2 of them, where as in Canada they are free.

Thanks for answering these. Same on the rollercoasters. I like it that you coined a term. That's clever. Sexthetic. Cool.
Abigail_Austin Topic Starter

DarkCrow wrote:
See more

1. What is the most distant country you've RP'd with someone from? Australia. Everyone I've ever RP'd with, to my knowledge, has been from the US, except for one! They were a wonderful RP partner, I miss them. <3

2. What is your favorite genre? Depends on the context. Movies? Action probably, but if I'm in the mood, I'll watch anything; TV? Competition or Comedy (Ink Master or Office for specific examples on both lol); Music? All of them xD; RP? Adult themed / Romance; ... are there genres for other things? My brain is going blank.

3. What is your favorite hobby aside from writing? Drawing!

4. What is a word you tend to misspell a lot? (none is a valid answer, but I won't believe you!) occasional (it took me a few times to spell it correctly this time around lol); One I used to have trouble with was resource, but I've since figured out a cheat for that one lol

5. What kind of intelligence is most dominate for you (ex. verbal, mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, social intelligence, etc)? um... let's go take a test shall we! .... My test says Linguistic! I would assume that's verbal in the options given.

6. Do you like roller coasters (a measure of thrill-seeking)? ... Let me put it this way... the last time I went on a roller coaster, I cried so hard that they didn't even get the option to send us off on the roller coaster... I was just dragged out by my parents lol... I was like... idk, 6? I don't plan on trying again anytime soon lol

7. What do you think the most beneficial medication to have ever been discovered is? oh gosh um... I don't think I'm nearly smart enough to answer this question tbh. Just off the top of my head? Vaccines and/or Insulin I guess...

8. What's your favorite accent to hear someone speak with? whatever James McAvoy's accent is (Scottish). I would actually give my left arm to have this man never stop speaking to me tbh lmao

9. What's something stupid you've done? ... do you want that list alphabetical or chronological? We'll say the fact that I'm a huge idiot who can never keep up with friends cause I'm a "Out of sight, out of mind" type of person by nature. It's the worst.

10. What's a rather unusual thing you like? ... um ... idk... Pacifiers? I have a chewing stimulation issue, so pacifiers make me ridiculously happy lol. I have a light up one somewhere (a party thing from jr. high) that I re-find every so often and use for a few days before I eventually lose it again lol

11. Think about your favorite roleplaying partners. What quality makes them your favorite? Quick replies... which is really ironic / awful considering how AWFUL I am at replying lol
Also, in-depth characters / good character chemistry.

12. What's your favorite sport to watch? Gymnastics or Figure Skating

13. What's your favorite sport to play? Volleyball. :>

14. What is one thing people that makes you uncomfortable? Small talk. I hate small talk. I'm JUST fine with silence. If it's not required, please don't talk to me, especially when I have my headphones in lol. If it's a serious conversation? Sure, I'll play. But a conversation of ten total words before dead silence, and then another dead words, and silence, and etc. is so frustrating. Either fill the silence or don't.

15. What's one thing people do that makes you feel comfortable? Sort of in-line with the last question... Silence. Just... let me be lol. Or nerd out with me, but unless we're talking about something we're mutually obsessed with, I don't like talking lol

16. What's your favorite nonsense word? Not really a nonsense word, but 'magma' makes me giggle. 'Bubbly' too.

17. What's your favorite actual word? ... See above?

18. What's a favorite quote? oh gosh um... I'm the worst about quotes so I'm going to pass on this one just cause I'm very bad with this kind of thing. I always feel like I have a favorite quote, but then I write it down and it just doesn't feel right? All the time, so I'll pass on this. :(

19. Who is the best songwriter of all time, in your opinion? -insert shrug emoticon here- hey man, I'm just here to jam, I don't much focus on the people behind the music tbh lol

20. Is Schrodinger's cat alive, dead, both, or neither? Unknown until we reveal said cat. It is technically both and neither at the same time because we just don't know.

Unless it like, meows or something lol

21. Do you believe there is such a thing as destiny? Sort of? Kind of... Barely.

22. Which is better, to be likeable or to be authentic? Both? Can I put both? I guess for purposes of the questions I'll say Authentic is better, but it doesn't work out if you're a crappy person who know one likes, even when authentic lol

23. If you could change one thing in the world... Get rid of humans.... Like, full stop, that's kinda it lol. Humans suck.

These answers were very interesting. I used to chew on the backs of pens, so I don't totally not get it. And nice Twitter site, and Scottish accents, oh yeah.
Abigail_Austin Topic Starter

Skrifa wrote:

4. What is a word you tend to misspell a lot?

Nessecary. I can't. Figure. It. Out.

Hahaha. I loved this answer. Cracked me uuuup! It's one of mine too.
Abigail_Austin Topic Starter

damnationfromafar wrote:
My Replies.

1. What is the most distant country you've RP'd with someone from?

Uh... Most of my rp partners are from Canada, but hmm. Well it would be Australia but, that didn't happen unfortunately, so I guess I'd have to say The Netherlands.

2. What is your favorite genre?

In what? Books, shows, movies, RP? If I have to give a general genre then romance but it varies.

3. What is your favorite hobby aside from writing?

My entire life is writing, my passion/career, my passion/hobby, my therapeutic expression, everything - but one of the few things I do that isn't writing is watch people react to TV shows or Movies on YouTube. A few of my favorite YouTube show/movie reactors are SmurfVlogs, JayPerView, SimpleReactions, and TheFlamingShark.

4. What is a word you tend to misspell a lot? (none is a valid answer, but I won't believe you!)


5.) What kind of intelligence is most dominate for you (ex. verbal, mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, social intelligence, etc)?

I don't really understand what this means? So I guess that means none? LOL.

6. Do you like rollercoasters (a measure of thrill-seeking)?

Frick no. If you wan to torture me and see me dissolve into tears put me somewhere high and fast.

7. What do you think the most beneficial medication to have ever been discovered is?

Antibiotics with a second to allergy medication and inflammatory pain killers.

8. What's your favorite accent to hear someone speak with?

Southern (like deep Georgia.) or German.

9. What's something stupid you've done?

I don't go into detail but - let a 35 year old man take me to his house to watch a movie when I was 16, without telling anyone where I was going on top of that.

10. What's a rather unusual thing you like?

Pacifiers. I was really hesitant about putting this, and so I put scratching head with forks, but then I saw DarkCrows answer and it just made me feel so much better about it. For me personally it's a chewing and comfort thing. I'm also a former 'Little' and I still retain some of my habits which includes pacifiers...but that's about it.

11. Think about your favorite roleplaying partners. What quality makes them your favorite?

I can't pick just one thing. All my favorite roleplayers are very kind, creative, detailed in their replies, and talk very frequently OOC and are close to me.

12. What's your favorite sport to watch?

Ugh, eh. The only one I can think of that I even like is womens gymnastics. 1. because im bi as hell but tend to like women a little more 2. it's impressive as hell.

13. What's your favorite sport to play?


14. What is one thing people do that makes you uncomfortable?

Be sexist/fat phobic. Biphobia is annoying too but I deal with sexism and fatphobia way more. Like leave me alone, you know?

15. What's one thing people do that makes you feel comfortable?

Stand up for what is good and kind. Human decency. Tell people to wear what they want and like.

16. What's your favorite nonsense word?

I don't really use nonsense words, I'm realizing. I usually say stuff like 'good gravy' 'for petes sake' 'frickedy frick' (but the actual curse word.) I mean, I say LOL, LMAO, OMG, and TBH out loud, like the actual letters. Does that count?

17. What's your favorite actual word?

Curse word, the f word.
Non curse word, Sexthetic. It's a word I made up but I don't consider it a nonsense word.


For when you can see/think someone or something is sexy but you aren’t sexually attracted/aroused to/by said thing.

For when aesthetic isn’t enough but just ‘sexy’ is too allosexual or not quite right.

Especially helpful for people on the ace spectrum.

Example: 'Oh wow, she’s so sexthetic.’ Or 'that’s such a sexthetic outfit.’

- you’re welcome, a demisexual person.

18. What's a favorite quote?

"Yo Earl! You're fired!" - Princess Bubblegum.

19. Who is the best songwriter of all time, in your opinion?

I only know brands/musicians, and they don't all necessarily write their music, so I have no idea.

20. Is Schrodinger's cat alive, dead, both, or neither?

Schrodinger is dead. The cat definitely clawed it's way out the box and murdered him for putting it in there without air holes.

21. Do you believe there is such a thing as destiny?

Yes, but it is ever changing.

22. Which is better, to be likable or to be authentic?

I personally feel if who you really are is very unlikable, and you find that people avoid you, don't like you, are afraid of you. Then self reflection is needed. Being authentic is one thing, but if who you are is undeniably unlikable and hurtful, then you need to work on that, you know? If you're a nice person, truly though flawed as all people are, and people still don't like you, then you're probably looking in the wrong places or need to get out of a bad situation, which is difficult.

23. If you could change one thing in the world...

Minorish: More affordable and cute plus size clothing.

Majorish: Raise minimum wage for everyone, lower prices of everything, make it easier for self publishing authors to get ISBNS espeically in the united states where it costs a lot of money just for 1-2 of them, where as in Canada they are free.

Oh, and I found a neat Infographic for the Multiple Intelligences Theory. It's a popular theory in the education field.

The idea is, instead of just one IQ test, Intelligence is better measured in a more wholistic way.

I'm not saying I agree or disagree with that, but I do believe this describes people's various gifts and brain types pretty well!

Trying to clear the brain fog

What is the most distant country you've RP'd with someone from?

Pakistan, Malaysia, Finland, and the Netherlands. Haven't talked to any of them in a while, though.

What is your favorite genre?

I'm trapped in some sort of eternally changing sci-fi/fantasy/horror trinity.

What is your favorite hobby aside from writing?

I think anyone who's seen me around the forums knows that I collect bones, insects, curios, that sort of thing.

What is a word you tend to misspell a lot? (none is a valid answer, but I won't believe you!)

I can't think of one specific word that's my arch nemesis, but when I'm tired I'll start spelling everything phonetically and it's a real mess to edit.

(Also, for anyone who struggles with 'necessary': it is necessary for a shirt to have one collar and two sleeves.)

What kind of intelligence is most dominate for you?

Based on the graphic you posted I would guess either naturalist or linguistic, but I've never taken a quiz on it.

Do you like rollercoasters (a measure of thrill-seeking)?

As a measure of thrill-seeking they don't really appeal to me. As long as we're talking theme park attractions, though, I'd go in a haunted house any day of the week.

What do you think the most beneficial medication to have ever been discovered is?

Obviously there's much worthier contenders for the title, but ibuprofen is a food group to me at this point.

What's your favorite accent to hear someone speak with?

The Canadian east coast dialect is like Irish Lite and I appreciate how the Quebecois have turned swearing into a performative art. The Ontarian hick accent is unfortunate but what're you gonna do lmao

Aside from that, I do like eastern European accents just because they're familiar to me and I have no trouble understanding them.

What's something stupid you've done?

My life is a 24/7 nonstop clown parade so it's difficult to pick one incident. Going back about ten minutes my roommate's pet bird has a scheme that I keep falling for (he comes close to the cage bars like he wants to be scratched because he knows my fingers are too big to fit through the gaps and when I get stuck he starts biting the **** out of my knuckles.)

What's a rather unusual thing you like?

Anything that tastes bitter, writing an exam (the alternative is 35 page term papers so at this point I'd rather just sit down for three hours and regurgitate whatever I could cram into my short term memory), picking up spiders with my bare hands.

Think about your favorite roleplaying partners. What quality makes them your favorite?

Anyone who's patient and collaborates with me instead of expecting to be entertained is A+

What's your favorite sport to watch?

Hockey is the only team sport I can follow, and I'll watch the winter Olympics sometimes.

What's your favorite sport to play?

Never been that into sports. I did martial arts for a while, if that counts. I'm also weirdly good at croquet? If I ever get sent back in time to some duke's garden party I'm ready to humiliate him.

What is one thing people that makes you uncomfortable?

I don't like being approached on the street for any reason.

Edit: also when I ask people not to kill an insect and they do it anyways. That cicada spent over a decade underground and you stomped on it because it was 'ugly'. Great job.

What's one thing people do that makes you feel comfortable?

When they're generally just in a good mood, I guess.

What's your favorite nonsense word?


What's your favorite actual word?

Gallimaufry's a weird one.

What's a favorite quote?

It changes all the time. The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth is the first proverb that comes to mind.

Who is the best songwriter of all time, in your opinion?

I can't say who's the best of all time, but I've never heard a Queen song or a Gregorian chant that wasn't a bop.

Is Schrodinger's cat alive, dead, both, or neither?

Well, it's dead now.

Do you believe there is such a thing as destiny?

Predestination seems kind of bleak to me so I opt not to believe in it (maybe it's my destiny not to).

Which is better, to be likeable or to be authentic?

I think most of us make concessions for likable. It's good to put in the effort to be genuine, but you also have to be realistic imo. Personally if I was 100% authentic (or even, like, 25%) I would have zero friends.

If you could change one thing in the world...

Serious: redistribute the wealth

Okay but what if: I live in a castle that's also a sovereign state and declare war on several powerful countries and none of them take me seriously

i’m bored and procrastinating practicing playing ukulele lmao. alliteration not intended

1. What is the most distant country you've RP'd with someone from?

new zealand? i think?

2. What is your favorite genre?

anything that lets me beat up my characters

3. What is your favorite hobby aside from writing?

i think i annoy people with how much i talk about photography tbh.

4. What is a word you tend to misspell a lot? (none is a valid answer, but I won't believe you!)

@ restaurant and embarrassment: i will have your heads on a platter

5. What kind of intelligence is most dominate for you (ex. verbal, mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, social intelligence, etc)?

i genuinely have no idea lmao i’d say linguistic? every time i take those sorts of tests i always get musical as my #1 even though i can’t read sheet music and can hardly play any instruments i’m just good at memorizing lyrics ig.

6. Do you like rollercoasters (a measure of thrill-seeking)?

i love rollercoasters but i always feel so awkward on them and i wouldn’t call myself a thrill seeker at all

7. What do you think the most beneficial medication to have ever been discovered is?

i live off of ibuprofen and without zoloft i wouldn’t be a functioning person and i say that with 100% seriousness

8. What's your favorite accent to hear someone speak with?

i don’t really have a favorite because i honestly love all accents. i hate southern indiana accents though and i’m allowed to because i’m from there and i hate this diet southern nonsense

9. What's something stupid you've done?

oh boy WELL when i was 14 someone dared me to snort pepper and i did

10. What's a rather unusual thing you like?

first thing that comes to mind is the smell of gasoline? also really terrible weather, idk if either of these things are unusual but i tend to get weird looks for them lmao. also my friends judge me for liking diet coke.

11. Think about your favorite roleplaying partners. What quality makes them your favorite?

i like rambling about the plot and coming up with ideas so anyone who lets me have input and puts up with my incessant oc-related rambling is A+

12. What's your favorite sport to watch?

not to be dramatic but i would rather do literally anything else

13. What's your favorite sport to play?

one time i took a personality test about what your irl dnd stats are and my dexterity was like 3 and i think that answers this question pretty well.
however last night i had a dream that i became a professional drag racer so maybe that’s what i’m born to do. but also in that same dream i tackled someone in the middle of the road and slit their throat so maybe not.

14. What is one thing people that makes you uncomfortable?

people touching me after i’ve told them i don’t like it. like i’m fine with it in certain situations but most of the time i’m not and if you didn’t know i’m patient but if you keep touching me even if you know i don’t like it i get annoyed. also when people i don’t know at all approach me and ask me for advice/start venting to me, this happens a weird amount of times and i mean i’m glad i apparently give off an inviting vibe that makes people trust me but if i don’t know you at all i’m really not comfortable telling you if you should ask out your crush or something.

15. What's one thing people do that makes you feel comfortable?

tbh it’s honeslty pretty hard to make me uncomfortable and i like talking to people so as long as you don’t do any of the things i mentioned in the last question i’m probably going to be fine lmao

16. What's your favorite nonsense word?

does the f word count

17. What's your favorite actual word?

for some reason i really like viscera and carion and if you’ve ever written with me before you probably know this

18. What's a favorite quote?

"don’t set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm”

19. Who is the best songwriter of all time, in your opinion?

i don’t think there can be one singular best songwriter of all time, writers are talented in a lot of different ways.

20. Is Schrodinger's cat alive, dead, both, or neither?

i’ve never understood the cat thing honestly

21. Do you believe there is such a thing as destiny?

sorta? maybe?

22. Which is better, to be likable or to be authentic?

i think being authentic makes me like someone more

23. If you could change one thing in the world...

don’t wanna get overly political so i’m just going to say i want all cats to be happy always and i should be allowed to pet every single one of them
Abigail_Austin Topic Starter

psoliver wrote:
i’m bored and procrastinating practicing playing ukulele lmao. alliteration not intended

1. What is the most distant country you've RP'd with someone from?

new zealand? i think?

2. What is your favorite genre?

anything that lets me beat up my characters

3. What is your favorite hobby aside from writing?

i think i annoy people with how much i talk about photography tbh.

4. What is a word you tend to misspell a lot? (none is a valid answer, but I won't believe you!)

@ restaurant and embarrassment: i will have your heads on a platter

5. What kind of intelligence is most dominate for you (ex. verbal, mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, social intelligence, etc)?

i genuinely have no idea lmao i’d say linguistic? every time i take those sorts of tests i always get musical as my #1 even though i can’t read sheet music and can hardly play any instruments i’m just good at memorizing lyrics ig.

6. Do you like rollercoasters (a measure of thrill-seeking)?

i love rollercoasters but i always feel so awkward on them and i wouldn’t call myself a thrill seeker at all

7. What do you think the most beneficial medication to have ever been discovered is?

i live off of ibuprofen and without zoloft i wouldn’t be a functioning person and i say that with 100% seriousness

8. What's your favorite accent to hear someone speak with?

i don’t really have a favorite because i honestly love all accents. i hate southern indiana accents though and i’m allowed to because i’m from there and i hate this diet southern nonsense

9. What's something stupid you've done?

oh boy WELL when i was 14 someone dared me to snort pepper and i did

10. What's a rather unusual thing you like?

first thing that comes to mind is the smell of gasoline? also really terrible weather, idk if either of these things are unusual but i tend to get weird looks for them lmao. also my friends judge me for liking diet coke.

11. Think about your favorite roleplaying partners. What quality makes them your favorite?

i like rambling about the plot and coming up with ideas so anyone who lets me have input and puts up with my incessant oc-related rambling is A+

12. What's your favorite sport to watch?

not to be dramatic but i would rather do literally anything else

13. What's your favorite sport to play?

one time i took a personality test about what your irl dnd stats are and my dexterity was like 3 and i think that answers this question pretty well.
however last night i had a dream that i became a professional drag racer so maybe that’s what i’m born to do. but also in that same dream i tackled someone in the middle of the road and slit their throat so maybe not.

14. What is one thing people that makes you uncomfortable?

people touching me after i’ve told them i don’t like it. like i’m fine with it in certain situations but most of the time i’m not and if you didn’t know i’m patient but if you keep touching me even if you know i don’t like it i get annoyed. also when people i don’t know at all approach me and ask me for advice/start venting to me, this happens a weird amount of times and i mean i’m glad i apparently give off an inviting vibe that makes people trust me but if i don’t know you at all i’m really not comfortable telling you if you should ask out your crush or something.

15. What's one thing people do that makes you feel comfortable?

tbh it’s honeslty pretty hard to make me uncomfortable and i like talking to people so as long as you don’t do any of the things i mentioned in the last question i’m probably going to be fine lmao

16. What's your favorite nonsense word?

does the f word count

17. What's your favorite actual word?

for some reason i really like viscera and carion and if you’ve ever written with me before you probably know this

18. What's a favorite quote?

"don’t set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm”

19. Who is the best songwriter of all time, in your opinion?

i don’t think there can be one singular best songwriter of all time, writers are talented in a lot of different ways.

20. Is Schrodinger's cat alive, dead, both, or neither?

i’ve never understood the cat thing honestly

21. Do you believe there is such a thing as destiny?

sorta? maybe?

22. Which is better, to be likable or to be authentic?

i think being authentic makes me like someone more

23. If you could change one thing in the world...

don’t wanna get overly political so i’m just going to say i want all cats to be happy always and i should be allowed to pet every single one of them

I enjoyed reading this. I really like that quote too. That's profound.
Abigail_Austin Topic Starter

Yersinia wrote:
Trying to clear the brain fog

What is the most distant country you've RP'd with someone from?

Pakistan, Malaysia, Finland, and the Netherlands. Haven't talked to any of them in a while, though.

What is your favorite genre?

I'm trapped in some sort of eternally changing sci-fi/fantasy/horror trinity.

What is your favorite hobby aside from writing?

I think anyone who's seen me around the forums knows that I collect bones, insects, curios, that sort of thing.

What is a word you tend to misspell a lot? (none is a valid answer, but I won't believe you!)

I can't think of one specific word that's my arch nemesis, but when I'm tired I'll start spelling everything phonetically and it's a real mess to edit.

(Also, for anyone who struggles with 'necessary': it is necessary for a shirt to have one collar and two sleeves.)

What kind of intelligence is most dominate for you?

Based on the graphic you posted I would guess either naturalist or linguistic, but I've never taken a quiz on it.

Do you like rollercoasters (a measure of thrill-seeking)?

As a measure of thrill-seeking they don't really appeal to me. As long as we're talking theme park attractions, though, I'd go in a haunted house any day of the week.

What do you think the most beneficial medication to have ever been discovered is?

Obviously there's much worthier contenders for the title, but ibuprofen is a food group to me at this point.

What's your favorite accent to hear someone speak with?

The Canadian east coast dialect is like Irish Lite and I appreciate how the Quebecois have turned swearing into a performative art. The Ontarian hick accent is unfortunate but what're you gonna do lmao

Aside from that, I do like eastern European accents just because they're familiar to me and I have no trouble understanding them.

What's something stupid you've done?

My life is a 24/7 nonstop clown parade so it's difficult to pick one incident. Going back about ten minutes my roommate's pet bird has a scheme that I keep falling for (he comes close to the cage bars like he wants to be scratched because he knows my fingers are too big to fit through the gaps and when I get stuck he starts biting the **** out of my knuckles.)

What's a rather unusual thing you like?

Anything that tastes bitter, writing an exam (the alternative is 35 page term papers so at this point I'd rather just sit down for three hours and regurgitate whatever I could cram into my short term memory), picking up spiders with my bare hands.

Think about your favorite roleplaying partners. What quality makes them your favorite?

Anyone who's patient and collaborates with me instead of expecting to be entertained is A+

What's your favorite sport to watch?

Hockey is the only team sport I can follow, and I'll watch the winter Olympics sometimes.

What's your favorite sport to play?

Never been that into sports. I did martial arts for a while, if that counts. I'm also weirdly good at croquet? If I ever get sent back in time to some duke's garden party I'm ready to humiliate him.

What is one thing people that makes you uncomfortable?

I don't like being approached on the street for any reason.

Edit: also when I ask people not to kill an insect and they do it anyways. That cicada spent over a decade underground and you stomped on it because it was 'ugly'. Great job.

What's one thing people do that makes you feel comfortable?

When they're generally just in a good mood, I guess.

What's your favorite nonsense word?


What's your favorite actual word?

Gallimaufry's a weird one.

What's a favorite quote?

It changes all the time. The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth is the first proverb that comes to mind.

Who is the best songwriter of all time, in your opinion?

I can't say who's the best of all time, but I've never heard a Queen song or a Gregorian chant that wasn't a bop.

Is Schrodinger's cat alive, dead, both, or neither?

Well, it's dead now.

Do you believe there is such a thing as destiny?

Predestination seems kind of bleak to me so I opt not to believe in it (maybe it's my destiny not to).

Which is better, to be likeable or to be authentic?

I think most of us make concessions for likable. It's good to put in the effort to be genuine, but you also have to be realistic imo. Personally if I was 100% authentic (or even, like, 25%) I would have zero friends.

If you could change one thing in the world...

Serious: redistribute the wealth

Okay but what if: I live in a castle that's also a sovereign state and declare war on several powerful countries and none of them take me seriously

That was ALSO very interesting to read, a hard-hitting proverb. I agree with that sentiment 100%, the lack of a sense of community and belonging is what leads to a lot of stuff.

And thanks for the "necessary" trick!

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