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Forums » Introductions » A little bit about me!

Hey! I'm Tash and I have decided to introduce myself because there's this BIG button on my home page that's practically begging for me to do so! So here I am, I would like to start by saying I found this site only a couple days ago and I'm already enjoying it! It has many sorts of people, characters, Roleplay settings, and I am also enjoying how well organized I can make my character pages. I find myself to be an okay Roleplayer who would enjoy many kinds of settings, and I would also like more inspiration for characters as that seems to be rare for me to find. I don't mind RPs with a small post length, but I do prefer large post lengths and I really want to see where this place will take me and my character(s). I also hope that the character I have up at the moment isn't too bad in the eyes of many, and I'm constantly re-thinking or adding to Xeron. I must say, I'm not good at creating settings or developing plot. It all depends on what type of universe/setting we're in, honestly...
I try to be about as fair as I can be in a Roleplay, especially in combat. I give my character weakness and I hope I give you time to find it for yourself and exploit it, assuming we ever go into combat in the first place. I like to post large detailed paragraphs, but definitely not as detailed as every grain of dirt you see on a building, but it will have enough detail for you to know what's going on I hope.
Enough about Roleplay, there's going to be more time to discuss it on here later I presume. I think I ought to tell you a little something about myself then I guess...
I'm 14, and I love to game; I know that's not too uncommon these days, but the fact remains that I enjoy it. Many games have captivated my interest and I'm sure there will be many to come that do the same. I enjoy puzzle games, or first person shooters, I also like hack n' slash games too. Most of all, I'm really interested in older games. Not too long ago, probably earlier 2012, I bought myself a N64 to have some of those games to play.
So enough about games then...
I like walking, or running... I don't know really I'm just active when I'm outside, aside from not knowing what to do, it's good to get fresh air. Aside from mowing the rather enormous back-yard, I usually just walk in the woods or practice my aim with my airsoft guns. I like many things that don't have much to do with the computer, like board games such as chess, even though I'm not that good at it; I guess practice makes perfect is all.
Hmm, is music the last topic here? Probably.
As many a human being have their own likes and dislikes, so do I. First thing's first, I'm not a fan of Rap, Vocaloid, or anything by Justin Beiber. It's not that I hate them per say, it's just that I'd rather not make a habit of listening to them. With music, I tend to like many songs done by Styx, Queen, Jonathan Coulton, and various songs from multiple anime.
I think I've covered many things, if you have any questions then by all means, ask! If there's anything else you'd like to know about me, ask! So on and so forth. If you got this far in reading this, I personally congratulate you and will give you a non-existant silver medal which will then be replaced by a magic wand that conjures marshmallows out of thin air. Thank you for reading!
Tashesto Topic Starter

I feel the amount of words on this page are what drove most people away. That or the title. Heck of a welcoming party, all! Danke!
I'm playing catch up with newbies!

Welcome Tashesto! Hopefully you've been having a great time so far. The people here are very awesome and friendly. If you haven't already, you should check out the forums and all they have to offer. Don't be afraid to converse with people.

Auto response out of the way, TL;DR unfortunately happens. However, it could also be the 'welcoming party' remark that made people not want to respond. Most players here are very chill, considerate, and eager to meet newbies... buuuuut snide remarks can be a bit of a turn off. I'm sorry that people failed to welcome you, hopefully your experience on other parts of the site has been more happy.

Welcome again!
Tashesto Topic Starter

Eh, I just find whatever I say to drive people away anyways. Sorry for the 'snide remark'. It's fine if there was no one there to welcome me, I'm having a hard time of doing anything here in the first place. So other than that, the forums look great, I just doubt there's much for me specifically to do here in the first place. Thanks for the welcome.
Sanne Moderator

I'm really sorry people haven't responded to your topic! The moderators have been insanely busy with all sorts of things in real life with work and personal situations, so the introductions board hasn't been our top priority with all the other tasks we tend to. :(

If you find yourself writing big paragraphs, try to create a white line between paragraphs (like I did in this post). It makes large chunks of text much easier to read, especially on small screens. A big post like yours gets difficult to read on things like smartphones (which many users use frequently), and while someone may really want to get know more about you, it's very to lose their place on the topic!

Other than that, I'm really happy to see you've joined us! It's rare to find people who make combat fair and fun before making it about gratifying their egos, especially of your age. :) We have quite a few younger members running around, so it might be fun to try and get in touch with them? Most of them at 13 or 14 years old like yourself!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » A little bit about me!

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus