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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Eternal Feast (Any and all may join)!

Lief Thous (played by AmberShades)

"Does it.. hurt?" La-Lief blankly repeated the question, blinking as he thought how to explain it without sounding strange. "Not.. exactly? I mean, yes, it is peculiar for someone to pet my tail out of the blue, but I don't think it would harm me in any way if you were to touch it again-" He added quickly, "Not saying you should do that again, Cherry." Readjusting his position, the Hellion shrugged. "I'm not sure what if feels like. Well, I s'ppose you could put it like this; it feels as if you were to pet a Mongrel, without the layers of fur, but instead, scales. Then, to me, it feels as if.. hm.." He clicked his tongue, squinting in somewhat of concentration. ".. as if I were to, awkwardly, run my hand down your back with no warning." The thief nodded, realizing that was as best as he could describe it. It was unusual, yes, but he wasn't talented when it came to words, to say the least. He stretched slightly, holding his arms beside him, before tucking them into his pockets. Exhaling, he sent a gaze that lurked across the room, scanning over each unfamiliar face.
Rylyn Carrie Locklear (played anonymously)

Rylyn listened intently, eyes switching from Lief's lips to his tail a few times as he explained what it was like to both have a tail and what it felt like to be pet. Come to think of it, the woman couldn't recall any time she had ever been pet and she narrowed her eyes ever-so-slightly, very slowly understanding where the man was coming from with his awkwardness concerning tail-touching. Though she couldn't help the, "It would be exciting though!", that came out of her mouth. Almost right after her words the red-head remembered that the--y -were- su-ppo-s-ed to- a-lre-ady b-e at- -th-e tabl-e!

"La-lief! You're distracting me from our plan! Come, come!", Rylyn exclaimed in minor disbelief but mostly just to tease him, as she quickly grasped his arm and began trying to scramble them towards the table, barely balancing the plate of food in her other hand.
Lief Thous (played by AmberShades)


Before Lief could ask for Cherry to explain what she meant, but he was, once more, startled as she tugged on his arm, briskly walking in a certain direction. "Pfft- Slow down! You're going to drop the food-" And break my arm, the male thought. He chuckled at her slight teasing, and took note on his nickname. Was it nickname? Or did she stutter between his real name and his previous one once again? Perhaps she didn't, and he was just overthinking- which wasn't hard to believe considering he possibly thought too much, anyways. What had the elderly lady said? The one in his hometown? 'If you have to much to think about, you have to much silence on your hands'? Oh! The Hellion hardly recalled the peculiar saying, and he recited it with furrowed brows. 'Sometimes you have to stop thinking so much about where you're trying to go, and let the Stars lead you there instead'. Lief found it ironic, because he had to think about what the elderly had said for days- weeks, even- before understanding what she had meant.

"Here- Let me hold this-" The white-haired male smiled, taking the plate from her, "-and you lead the way."
Rylyn Carrie Locklear (played anonymously)

Rylyn very casually ignored Lief's pleas to slow down as she continued on their journey to the darkened corner table a fair ways away from where they were. The red-head sent a gaze over her shoulder to make sure that the other men hadn't seen their escape and was pleased to find them looking around blindly, disordered. Just to be on the safe side the woman was going to angle herself so she would be hidden by her friend's body since they were looking for her more so than him. Most likely.

Though her to-do list was cut off when the plate was taken from her, causing her to sputter in protest, attempting to reach for it but falling short. Rylyn stared at the meal in the man's hand for a while before setting her mildly frustrated gaze to his face, not willing to admit that she couldn't even touch it without jumping. "I can handle a plate!", came her declaration and a wave of her arms in the item's general direction.
Lief Thous (played by AmberShades)

"And I can handle walking," He made a small gesture to his arm, smiling. "I mean, if I were to come to an immediate stop, you would've jolted forward before stopping yourself, and, therefore, the food would've been at risk of falling." He shrugged and hid his smirk. Jokingly, the thief straightened his posture and lowered his chin to look at her in attempt to make her feel shorter than him by a greater amount. "Of course, if you want it back, Cherry, you can have it." He rose his arm, holding the plate above him. By this point, La-Lief knew where they were headed, for he had previously followed the gaze of the woman multiple times as she pulled him by the arm towards their destination. So, with his chin raised, he continued walking to the table in the corner after patting the red-haired woman's head with a grin. This was one of the many times he enjoyed his difference, for his height was among the few who grew this tall. But, that besides the point, if the teasing wouldn't get him killed, he wouldn't know what possibly could.
Rylyn Carrie Locklear (played anonymously)

Rylyn had furrowed her eyebrows at some point and began pouting a little as he spoke, gaze shifting from him to the plate above all the same. She wanted to complain but just barely managed to hold her tongue- though it was thrown out the window once Lief patted her head. If it were under any other circumstances the woman would have felt incredibly happy, but it wasn't, and so she wasn't either...mostly. Not moving from her spot as the male walked by oh so casually, Cherry thought about jumping him in order to get the plate of food back. Though the thought was dismissed upon realizing that the action would probably throw him off balance and cause them as well as their stolen meal to tumble to the floor. Should she touch his tail again? Squinting her chartreuse eyes and coming to the conclusion of no, the woman started looking around her for a chair; maybe if she could climb it near La-Lief quick enough, that wouldn't work either. Childish frustration was beginning to get to her as she tapped her foot once on the ground, staring at his retreating back, watching his swishing tail. Then something clicked.

Touching his tail would probably make him stop and turn at least, but...if something were stuck on his tail, then he would have to bend down to take it off!- as long as the stuck object was low enough on it. Perf-ect! Now to stick something on! Looking around, Rylyn eventually found a younger woman with extravagantly styled hair and figured something was in the curled ball on top of her head that was helping it stay together. Quickly she made her way over and plucked a solid-looking shiny pin from her hair, before turning around and pretending to tuck her own top into her pants. Not even caring to check if the other woman noticed her steal, the personality "sneakily" made her way to the almost white-haired male and slid the pin on one of the smaller scales near the tip. The moment Cherry placed it, she began making a run for his right side, hoping that if he turned, it would be the other side. That plate was going to be hers once more!
Lief Thous (played by AmberShades)

What was Cherry's obsession with his tail? It was a good question, but he didn't know if it would ever be answered. Not anytime soon, at least.

As soon as he had walked past her and didn't hear the light footsteps behind him, La-Lief understood she was causing chaos at the moment, or soon would be. And it happened sooner than he thought. At the tingling feeling of a pinch near the lower half of his tale, the male had stopped moving forward, whipped around, and began to shake his tail vigorously in attempt to make it stop throbbing. Squinting, the white-haired man struggled to find what was bothering him so much, sending a small, half-joking glare to Cherry. Had she done this, or had he accidentally caught something in between the scales as the tail carelessly swayed against the floor? He was quick to bend down, running his free hand over the scales near the tip before brushing over a small bump in the middle of two scutes.

The thief removed the pin, blinking at it. His ears had perked in mild surprise. This was causing him so much irritation and annoyance? He rose to his feet again, raising an eyebrow at the red-head while lifting the pin so it was visible in her sights. "And where did you get this, hm? And why was it a good idea to stick it on my tail?" Speaking of which, he reminded himself that he had the ability to make his Hellion structures disappear without a trace in a matter of seconds. Why hadn't he done that before? Oh, the trouble it would've saved him from..

Pushing back his hair with his hand, Lief's fingertips made contact with his curled horns, and he muttered beneath his breath. A wave of glacial chill was sent along his spine and continued throughout his arms, and he kept his hand in place until he could no longer feel the horn itself. It was slowly devoured by invisibility, much as his tail was. With a small headache, he managed a small grin. Problem solved.
Rylyn Carrie Locklear (played anonymously)

She misse-d her chance! Crap! "Not sure what you're talking about! 'as innocent as they come!", Rylyn grinned coyly and shrugged at her first sentence, but blinked in mild surprise as the man's horns and tail slowly become invisible. Th-at's so cool! With a small gasp the red-head went to investigate where his tail was supposed to be and waved her hand there, feeling nothing, and almost gave herself whip-lash from turning her head back to him as quickly as she did. "Where did it go?!", came Cherry's question, eyes wide in awe. "Is it gone? Did it hurt? Why did it leave? Can you bring it back? How?", a string of questions followed with her voice becoming higher in pitch with each inquiry.
Lief Thous (played by AmberShades)

La-Lief chuckled at the woman's reaction to his Hellion's differences as they faded from sight. "Well, you sure have questions, hm?" The thief tilted his head, grinning as he joked. "Where did it go? Wonderful question- one of which I don't know the answer to, surprisingly. We- Hellions, I mean- like to think the Universe holds them as a pile of ash until we wish to make them visible again, but that's simply a belief. But, explaining that, they're not gone." He snickered faintly as he watched her wave her hand where his tail once was. It was somewhat amusing. "Did it hurt? Not completely. Will it end up bothering me soon? Mhm. I can bring it back, of course, but it takes a fair amount of time. How?" He winked, a Cheshire Cat-like smile creasing his lips. "That's a secret I won't tell, Cherry."
Rylyn Carrie Locklear (played anonymously)

Rylyn listened in awe, her green orbs unblinking as the woman processed the information slowly, not very use to having things explained to her. Cy would always just give her a smile whenever she asked for an explanation of something so she stopped expecting proper answers many years ago. It was a nice change to what the personality was used to! Cherry smiled at the man's own smile, enjoying the light tease from him, before replying to the Hellion. "I'll get it from you eventually Lawrence.", Rylyn whispered coyly with a tilt of her head and a narrowing of the eyes. Original plan forgotten, she spun around and was about to start heading over to the table again. "Off we go!"
Lief Thous (played by AmberShades)

La-Lief chuckled at his name- his real name, to say the least- and rolled his eyes with a grin. “I’ll be waiting.” As the red-headed woman spun and began walking, he was brisk to remain by her side. The thief had nearly forgotten he was the one who was holding the plate of food, and he glanced at it before returning his gaze to his colleague. “Y’know, Cherry, you’re not bad. Energetic, but not terrible. Perhaps this is a closer step to friendship, hm?” Of course, what was said was simply a mocking of her previous words, but he also meant it. Or, at least, he thought it did. Did he? Confusing himself, the Hellion began overthinking once again. Honestly, this was one of the many reasons why he chose to say little words. Confusion and the process of overthinking.
Rylyn Carrie Locklear (played anonymously)

Was- that a that the -s-econd time? Does cou-nting matter if h-e plans on givin-g more? Does countin-g matter if they're fr-iends...? There was that warmth again. Staying quiet for just a second longer, Rylyn soon decided that she should retaliate instead of thanking him; it just felt like the right thing to do in her mind. "'know La-Lief, for someone who tries to act tough an'all, you're pretty soft!", came the woman's squeaky reply to his compliment, casually placing her hands behind her back with a smile on her face. A small hop entered her step as well though it was hardly noticed as the personality thought about the man's words of being closer friends. She had no idea what exactly she did to make the Hellion suggest that they were increasing their friendship level, but there was no complaints on that part. Only mild and happy confusion. If he thought they were good companions then so be it!
Lief Thous (played by AmberShades)

"Soft?" The Hellion blinked, which was followed by a small snort. "I am not! Stars forbid-" He laughed, genuinely surprised. What could he say to defend himself? It wasn't usual he was called 'soft', so it was hard to come back from the statement. "Well, under certain circumstances, I s'ppose I can be friendly, but I am anything but soft. Besides, I'm not trying to act tough, Cherry." The thief flashed a joking smile. "I am, honestly, acting tough- and, might I say, it works out for the most part! No one has dared to threaten me-" He stopped, furrowing his brows. "-this.. I.. Besides from inside this tavern, no one has dared to threaten me, and it's due to my scowl." The white-haired male scrunched his nose, smiling with a jesting expression. Did La-Lief know he was soft? Unfortunately, he did. Did he still act like he could kill with no regrets? Of course. Would he ever admit that he was tenderhearted compared to most Hellions? Oh- Stars forbid!- never!
Rylyn Carrie Locklear (played anonymously)

(( Apologizes! I am back again! ))

Rylyn scanned the table that was becoming closer and closer with every step, pleased to find said furniture void of any clutter or of any signs of other people using it, before responding to the man on her side. "Whatever you say~ But don't worry!-", she exclaimed then turned her face to the Hellion. "- no one will be threatening my m-friend again!", came the woman's bold and slightly worrisome declaration, filled with pride as well as underlying possessiveness. Just starting to twiddle her fingers, the red-head could feel her head becoming hazy with the idea of someone else trying to cause La-Lief any more harm. They would be begging for anything other than what payment she would put on them in that regard- something worse than what Cy would even commit when the higher tier would occasionally become mad. It made the woman's body grow in warmth for a different reason and she was loosely debating on if she should let it go...see what happens. Yet doing that would most likely take away everything she's worked for so far with the almost white-haired male nearby. Cherry couldn't risk it. So instead the personality stuffed down the complicated emotions of murderous urges and wanting to just break down, in order to bump her hip into his cheerfully, a small grin plastered on her lightly colored face.
Lief Thous (played by AmberShades)

La-Lief snorted, sending a glimpse towards Cherry with a risen brow. "That's quite bold of you to say, isn't it? I wouldn't cross yourself." With a small snicker, the Hellion sent a grin her way, but he also took note on her expression. He wasn't clever when it came to reading people like an open book- let alone reading itself- so he turned his gaze forward once again, making sure not to stare for possibly too long. Though, when the red-headed woman smiled and bumped his hip, La-Lief's ears had perked and he turned his head to her once again. She was full of energy and surprises, wasn't she? Rolling his eyes with a Cheshire-like smirk, the thief returned the bump, but clumsily fumbled over his own feet in the process. If not for leaning over awkwardly and flailing his free arm, he would've dropped the plate without a doubt. Sometimes, La-Lief didn't know if he could handle himself..
Rylyn Carrie Locklear (played anonymously)

Rylyn smiled cheerfully. "You got that right!", she instantly agreed with his statement just before witnessing his very close balancing mistake and burst out laughing. Covering her mouth with one hand and the other holding her stomach as she doubled over in mirth, the tavern echoed a fair bit with the woman's shriek of laughter. Not even bothering to hinder the noise in the slightest and completely ignoring the turn of multiple heads in their direction, the red-head managed to eventually get some words out between her chuckles. "Wha-what was that?", she asked with a very wide grin spread across her slightly red face. Soft and clumsy, handsome and adorable, kind and selfish in the sense that he only decided to start trusting her recently; how much better can Lief get? Fate must of turned a generous eye towards the woman today to have had this kind of luck.
Lief Thous (played by AmberShades)

His cheeks flushed with rosiness, and the thief scrunched his nose. "That, Cherry, was.. a- uhm-" The Hellion clicked his tongue. "-a frolic. Mhm. That was done on purpose, Cherry." Jokingly, La-Lief grinned, jumping slightly to click his heels together. When he landed from his random jig, he made sure not to stumble while walking. "Besides, whatever it was, tumble or not, it made you laugh, so I think that's a small victory." The white-haired male shrugged with a smile, though he winced as he supposedly ran into the corners of a table while looking over his shoulder at Rylyn. Whipping his head around to glare daggers at the table he had bumped into, Lief turned on his heels and handed the food to the red-headed woman. "I think it's best if you hold the plate, hm?"
Rylyn Carrie Locklear (played anonymously)

Rylyn continued to giggle a little bit, still jittery with the oxygen rushing to her head, making everything look as if it was buzzing constantly for a while. "I don't really know what your idea of frolic is- but I don't think that's it!", she replied as she also went to grab the plate from the man's hand. It was a bit of a lie on here part since she really did know exactly what a frolic was and that what he did was definitely not what he says he managed to pull off. She had been told multiple times that if she remembered about her past, she wouldn't say anything about it; it would mess everything up. Or so she was told anyways. The red-head's thoughts were cut off as her fingers grazed Lief's own as she grabbed the plate. A small shock was sent through and up her arms from the contact, her almost making a noise of surprise in it's wake. There wasn't any reason for it to have happened so it was slightly confusing, but the personality tried to play it off with a short wiggle of her body.
Lief Thous (played by AmberShades)

The Hellion raised an eyebrow at her small wiggle when their fingers brushed against each other. “You alright, Cherry?” The thief looked her up and down twice, slightly bewildered at the reaction. Though, nonetheless, he weakly smiled. Perhaps he was overthinking once again, which he had expected was most likely the case. Cherry did move quite a bunch, so the small movement could possibly be nothing. But, on the other hand, there was always a chance Lief wasn’t overthinking. That was a rare case, though. In his defense, the fact he overthought too much did cause him to lose himself in his thoughts, and then he proceeds to lose the reason why he was overthinking in the first place— much like he has now. What was he going on about, in the first place?
Rylyn Carrie Locklear (played anonymously)

Rylyn gave Lief a toothy grin as she replied, not fully taking the plate from his hand just yet, both trying and trying not to linger. "'m not sure what you're talking about La-Lief! So silly and adorable- you~!", his name had gone higher in pitch as she spoke, closing her eyes as well, just so she could focus on the feeling of his fingers for a time longer. They were warm in contrast to her colder limbs and felt so soft! She wanted to squish them a little but knew that it would give away the reason behind her wiggle. Most likely anyways. Chartreuse orbs shined in the dim light once more as the red-head reopened them and smiled just a little wider, still not really pulling the plate away. There was a gently thumping in the deeper parts of her chest and it sent vibrations through her smaller body, tinting her skin pink in some places as the blood rushed everywhere in mild embarrassment. Oh-hhhh she was going be caught for sure at this point...

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