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Forums » General Roleplay » The Silent Night. ( Open )

Griffon Pardoner (played anonymously)

"But why aren't you hiding? I haven't even passed through any gates, won't they want you too?" Griffon said this from his hiding spot, none too quietly.
Rae Blizard (played by wolfkill11) Topic Starter

Rae heard the guards start to run. " I guess I do now. " She jumped and hid behind the tree. Her emerald eyes looked at the guards as they ran by. " That was to safe for comfort. "
Griffon Pardoner (played anonymously)

"So um... I guess there is a heavily inforced cerfew here, huh?" He shook his head. "I've been to worst places."
Rae Blizard (played by wolfkill11) Topic Starter

Rae sighed, " Only really rich peoples place. " She grabbed the two and began to drag them. " If I can hide you two quickly then you should be good. " She walked towards a stone place. " Come on in. "
Ceilibell (played by Tolora)

"A-alright." Ceilibell said as she was dragged along behind Rae. She'd just gotten here and interesting things were already happening. The girl didn't know her and she was already willing to go outbox her way to hide her. She decided that she liked this girl, and the man too. He seemed pleasant enough.

((Sorry guys had a busy few days ^_^))
Griffon Pardoner (played anonymously)

Griffon hurried behind Rae, lost his footing, tumbled, rolled, got back up, and followed them into the stone building. Something smelt funny in there. He sniffed the air, then he recognised the smell. "Are we in a stable?"
Rae Blizard (played by wolfkill11) Topic Starter

Rae ran her hand through her hair. " Don't hate me, but yes. The guards have nothing to do with the stables. I usually bring guys here. " She walked down a hall and up a stair way. " Okay, if you keep walking there's a hide out. Two rooms, you guys need to stay in there. "
Ceilibell (played by Tolora)

Ceilibell nodded. It didn't really bother her too much that they were in stables. She liked horses, though she didn't have the money or the property to keep one herself. She wondered how many were kept here. She looked around a bit as she followed.
Rae Blizard (played by wolfkill11) Topic Starter

Rae kept walking and kept talking, " If you guys need anything you need to ask me. I can't risk you guys getting hurt. You are my guest. You can walk around the stables. " She stood and looked at the two.
Griffon Pardoner (played anonymously)

Griffon chuckled as he stood up. "You usually bring guys here?" He shook his head. "Ceilibell, stay away from the hay stacks." He smiled at his joke.
Ceilibell (played by Tolora)

Ceilibell's cheeks reddened at what Geiffon implied, but took what she hoped was an unnoticed step away from the pile she'd been standing next to. She didn't really think that Rae might do that, but who was to say others hadn't? She changed her thoughts to exploring the stables. She wondered what kinds of horses Rae kept here.
Rae Blizard (played by wolfkill11) Topic Starter

Rae rolled her eyes at Griffon. " This is the only place the guards don't come in. " She looked at Ceilibell and placed her hand on her shoulder. She whispered, " Don't worry. I wouldn't hurt you guys, " She then turned and walked down the hall. " These are some of my prized animals. "
Ceilibell (played by Tolora)

Ceilibell followed behind and peered into a stall. It was dark, but she could just make out the shape of a horse lying asleep.
Griffon Pardoner (played anonymously)

Griffon chuckled a bit as he followed the two ladies. He had been on the road for four years now, not many things grossed him out, or weirded him out for that matter. "Ahem," he cleared his throat, "the guards should have left by now, we should probably get out while we can. Stories of being in prison don't gain me very much money, trust me, I've tried."
Ceilibell (played by Tolora)

Ceilibell didn't turn around, still trying to discern the breed of the horse. "Really? I'm sure you could weave a good tale about a wrongfully imprisoned hero of the people. Throw in a corrupt cowardly king and maybe a damsel in distress, and you might have one people will pay for."
Rae Blizard (played by wolfkill11) Topic Starter

Rae smiled at the girl, she liked her attitude. She looked at him, " Only if you want to get thrown in prison then you may go outside and try to escape. This is a castle for crying out loud, not a house. My father is very mean, I can't wait to see what my punishment is for being out late. " She sighed and walked to Ceilibell. " That horse right there is a Azteca. " She stated, noticing the girls curiosity.
Griffon Pardoner (played anonymously)

I sort of did waltz right in here, didn't I?" The story teller smiled. "Besides, there are always higher ups he could have to listen to, and the Pardoners have a well known name. That's why I cannot tell that story cielibell, I can only tell true ones. This is tradition, it's also the reason I haven't had a home for four years, I've been traveling."
Ceilibell (played by Tolora)

"Azteca." Ceilibell said softly, tasting the name on her tongue. It was beautiful and exotic. She looked back inside the stall and decided the name fit the horse. "Well, you better get back before you're any later." She said to Rae. "We wouldn't want to get you into any more trouble than you might already be in."

She turned with wide eyes to Griffon when he finished explaining. "A Pardoner?" She'd been travelling for longer than Griffon but almost everywhere you went, you heard about the Pardoners. Mostly from other travellers though, who had crossed paths with him. She curtsied with a grin and a playful twinkle in her eye. "I had no idea I was in the presence of vagrant royalty." As Pardoners practically were. Roaming story tellers whose tales were all the more amazing given the fact that they were true.
Griffon Pardoner (played anonymously)

Griffon nodded and smiled, roses left a hint of their color on his cheeks. "That's me! Although I am still fairly small time, working up my fortune so that I can settle down like my parents. I take it you are the story listening kind?" Griffon bowed back as he spoke, right arm in front of his body, left arm behind. "And let's be honest, we aren't even really street royalty, more tavern royalty!" He chuckled. "Well my family is, I'm still up and coming."
Ceilibell (played by Tolora)

Ceilibell grinned and nodded. "I'm a traveller myself." She motioned to the bag over her shoulder. It was really just empty except for a few changes of clothes, including her performance clothes. "I'm a musician, so I usually end up being in the tavern when the stories are being told. I look forward to hearing the new collection to come from you."

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