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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Gifora Mystic High

"are you happy I helped?"
She nods. "Y-... yeah..." Her voice just now sounded a lot like Siren's. Are they related?
she blinks and looks at the shape of laz and compares it to her picture of siren
They look nothing alike except for her skin and love for baggy clothing. While Laz is tall, brunnete, and purple eyed, Siren is albino, magenta eyed, and a bit on the short side.
she shrugs
"Hmm..?" Instantly her smile disappears, replaced with a curious expression. She turns to look at you.
"for a moment, i thought you might be related to siren, or maybe be her in a different form"
"E-Eh?" She's clearly startled, and blushing like crazy. "I guess you could call her family?!"
Back at the car, Siren sneezes.
"why are you blushing?"
Not even aware she could blush, she starts blushing more. "No reason!" Boy, does she want to disappear.
"just calm down"((i feel like i am being shipped with two people now))
((Nope. It's hard to explain but right now they are two different people. She's just blushing because it's awkward and she's trying to cover up her past. The reason Siren sneezed was a nod to that fact. It's very common in anime's shows for different people to sneeze when they are being talked about.))
Lazari teleports away, while the kitchen items all just hover in place.
she goes and waits for siren
The sun is starting to set on whatever planet Laz is on. You could go outside and take a look.
((are you going to come here soon)) she goes outside
((Gotta wait for Sky to get back on.)) Surrounded by fir trees, the wooden cottage seemed to glow from the sun's rays as it started to touch the horizon. Around the back, there seems to be a path made of two lines of tiger lilies that are parallel. It looks like it leads into a garden.
she watches the sun go down
It's a really beautiful sun. There seems to be a bit of a red swirl on it which is contrasting from the usual orange and yellow. In fact, it seems almost too perfect as if someone made sure the swirl would be visible when the sun went down.
she smiles

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