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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Gifora Mystic High

From in the garden, you hear a strange melody. It seems to be coming from the garden.
she listens to it carefully
It's not of any world you've visited before. The sound seems sad but somehow upbeat. Almost as if it's feigning being happy while holding a deep well of regrets.
she cries a bit
Siren starts humming the tune as the car turns another corner.
It stops, but then a mechanical noise like gears turning breaks the temporary silence. The tune starts up again. Most likely, the music is coming from a music box or else it wouldn't need the gears.
she waits
A depressed Lazari turns the corner, but somehow doesn't see you. She curls up into a ball and leans against the tiger lilies. The only thing keeping her from you is those same lilies.
she watches
She hangs her head low, whispering something in another language.
she walks over to you
((Which side? In front of her behind the tiger lilies or to her side?))
((the side))
((Fine. I'll figure it out through the power of DICE ROLLS!))
rolled 1d100 and got a natural 47.

Note: 1-25= my choice 26-50= nope 51-100= yep

((what does that mean?))
((She would've definitely seen you if you approached from the front, but I didn't know if she would from the side. Thus the dice roll.))
she hums to try not to spook her too bad
She somehow doesn't notice you, but you can clearly hear her ramble. "Auqi aquodna oeninopi eam terfer? Eog uistus tummoncue suaqum. Pamur sorro teses suilem tes ihim ebaqus nemi a frunem." Her voice, although you couldn't understand her, sounded secluded and melancholy. Laz shook her head. "Xespacte! Lila ostel esse tepost cepasre es. Ocontcie eog erenam." This she said with a bit more vigour.
After Cino started humming, she snapped out of it. "A-Ah! I'm so sorry!" She quickly got up.

((I'll send you what it said, but just pretend Cino doesn't know what it means.))
she sits down"what is up"
"...Just a bit worried about Mia..."
"one of your friends?"

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