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Rypa (played anonymously)

The other elf's enthusiasm was an almost physical thing. Rypa found it cute even if she found the academic study odd. It was an odd way to look at something, one did not understand the river by looking at the content of the pale you dipped into it.
"There is a circle of stones not far from here." Said Rypa to the gnome. "The dark things keep away from it and I believe there are runes scratched into it."
Turning to the man gladden to find someone who walked the same path as her. She turned to him and smiled.
"Ah nice to to meet a brother in arms. I strive to keep the wilderness safe and in balance."
Taking another sip of her drink she understood Remora reaction it seemed like they had reached the bottom of the barrel.
"As the keg is nearly tapped It might be time to turn in for the night."
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

The energy Remora had left Getsurei's head spinning. Perhaps he had been away from others for far too long or maybe...He looked at the flagon before him and shoved it away.

Runes, now that was something he was somewhat familiar with. He rarely used them, if at all though. " Stones with runes...." He started then drifted into thought for a bit. If dark things stayed away then could he approach?
" I know of another place that has runes's quite far"

The statement Rypa made surprised him but in a good way. Perhaps he need not worry of her arrows after all. He relaxed once more as he nodded at her. " Then may we hunt together someday"
Now he carefully stood up. If there was thing he could agree fully on it was a good nights rest.
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

Kara was taken back by Remora's enthusiasm. It was not the reaction she had been expecting.

"Yes, I study magic. It's not as common, but some gnomes do find they have a natural talent for it. I'm one of them. I don't follow any particular field. I have noticed that I have a natural affinity for runes in general versus other types of magic. " She glanced briefly at the crystal orb and then sideways at Getsurei. She might still be fairly new to magic but she wasn't stupid.

She then turned to Rypa, "Yes, that's why I chose to stay here tonight. My plan was to go see the stones tomorrow."

Getsurei's comment caught her attention, "How far is 'quite far'?" She took a sip of her ale as well and grimaced at the taste. She shrugged and downed the whole glass quickly. "Maybe we could discuss this in the morning? Sleep does sound wonderful right now." As everyone stood and began to move around she hopped down from her stool and grabbed her pack. She stretched her small body before making her way to the room she had paid for.
Remora Entran (played anonymously)

Remora downed her drink as fast as she could, trying her best not to gag, before standing up.

"Truly, it was a pleasure meeting you all." She spoke with a smile, the drink slowly bringing with it a pleasant buzz. She stood and checked her personal note book, wherein she had written her room number, assuming that she would forget it after drinking. "Though I too must retire for the night. I'm more than happy to accompany you all tomorrow, however. I'm sure it will be a wonderful learning experience!"
Rypa (played anonymously)

Rypa watched her new companions depart for the land of dreams. once they had all departed she put her ocarina to her lips and played a lullaby as she slowly made her way to her room.

Some might have called the room spartan but it was an indulgence to the elf. Locking the door behind her she sat in the corner in the room her legs crossed. With a quick series of breaths she slipped into a trance.

The sun was just creeping above the horizon when she entered the main room. It was empty so she decided to sit out side greet the dawn. The sky was crimson as she sat down by the door. Drawing her swords she started sharpening them.
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

Getsurei paced himself with Kara long enough to answer her question. " Quite far as in the gates of Hell" He then turned away to head to his room.

To him almost any room seemed like a luxury. He sauntered over the bed and stretched across it, listening to the sounds around him as he dozed off.

He did not wake until the sun crossed over his eyes. Little flecks floating through the gentle beams seemed like glitter to him. He sighed as he rolled to his side. Morning always came too early in his mind.
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

Kara didn't react to Gesturei's comment but once she got to her room and climbed into the bed she did ponder it. He intrigued her for some reason she couldn't quite place. Sighing Kara rolled over and went to sleep. Maybe tomorrow would bring insight.

She rose as the sun came up, her body on a natural clock she had kept from her childhood. No matter how late she stayed up, she almost always rose with the sun. After changing into slightly cleaner clothing she wandered out to the dining area. She didn't see anyone so she assumed she was the first one awake. She ordered herself some breakfast. If she was to see the runestones today she wanted to have the energy to do what she needed to do. After she finished eating she wandered outside to get some fresh air. She saw Rypa sitting and sharpening her swords.

"Good morning," she said in Gnomish, wandering over to the elf. It was nice to talk to someone in her childhood tongue.
Remora Entran (played anonymously)

Remora retired to her room, which was nice and homely, with a thick animal fur in place of a blanket. Somewhat strange, considering how she wouldn't actually sleep in it, but rather she'd spend her time in a meditative like state known as a trance. Regardless, she did appreciate how comforting it looked.

Remora entered her trance, as she had countless times before, and quickly she was thrown back in time, as she was gifted images of her past. Unsurprisingly, it was her reading in a library. It was actually the first time she had entered a greater library of the arcane art, and she was learning her very first spell. When she woke from her trance, she was filled with a certain level of nostalgia.

When she woke, she left her room and sat in the dining room of the inn, ordering herself a light breakfast to eat, a warm smile seemingly permanently plastered to her face. Her trance last night was such a pleasant memory.
Rypa (played anonymously)

"How does the morning find you Kara?" Replied Rypa enjoying the feeling of the alien tongue. "Ready for the walk?"
She checked the blades and satisfied with the edge she strapped them to her back. Smelling food she considered eating but decided against it preferring to get something fresher later. Fishing out her ocarina from her bag she started playing a song of gathering.
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

It wasn't until the sound of the ocarina reached his ears that Getsurei decided to get up. The sweet melody would have easily lulled him to sleep once more but the day had only begun.

He shook his head to get his hair to fall right before heading to the dining room.
Though distant to the world around him, he noticed Remora and her warm smile and decided to sit across the table. " You clearly got good rest"
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

"I'm well thank you" Kara replied. "I am quite ready but I don't think the others are up yet." Kara settled a short distance from Rypa while she played. The melody was lovely.

Kara waited for a break in the music before saying "You play quite well."

Kara began to rummage around in her bag. Pushing aside clothing and other miscellaneous items, she pulled out a small leather notebook. She started paging through it looking at the different symbols. Each page had a rune carefully drawn on the top half of the page with what looked like notes in Gnomish written underneath. There were perhaps ten pages total that had been filled out.

"Do you know how many runestones there are?" Kara asked, turning to Rypa.
Rypa (played anonymously)

Rypa smiled at the complement.
"Spend enough time on your own and you can pick up all sorts of skills. I must admit that I've not made a close study of the stones. The centre is a ring of six... doorways? made of stone but they are surrounded by a ring of smaller stones." Said the elf counting on her fingers which clearly showed that she seem to lack the pinky on both of them. "I think there's a least a score of the smaller stones. All covered in runes and other inscriptions."
Standing she poke her head back into the inn to see if the others were up.
"Good morning you ready to go?"
She turned back and looked at the sky trying to get a feel for the weather.
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

Hearing Rypa call, Getsurei got up from his spot and meandered outside. He still seemed a bit groggy but he was moving " Looks you two are the morning types" He said as he stretched.
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

Kara began to feel excited at the description of the runestones. She had been told they were there but not much about them. As Getsurei wander out she smiled "Morning sunshine."

Kara also looked up at the sky. The day seemed to be clear and warm. She hoped it wouldn't get too hot.

She turned to Rypa "How long do you think it will take for us to get there? Should we take food with us for lunch and/or dinner?" She didn't want to end up going the rest of the day without eating. "We should probably at least take water. I'm not sure how hot it's going to get. And... I don't exactly have a horse to ride..." She vaguely gestured at herself. They didn't really have horses or even other pack animals that her kind could ride easily. And she was small even for a gnome.
Rypa (played anonymously)

"Water is always a good Idea and I should be able to find food along the way. It is just ..." Said the Elf who paused and looked the gnome up and down.
She started counting on her fingers with brow furrowed. Looking to the horizon she thought about how best to deal with this.
"If we walk it will probably take most of the day, if we can make good time."
Looking at Getsurei she nodded and said "I need very little and there is often much to do. Lets gather supplies before heading out."
Rypa checked her supplies and found them adequate only needing to fill her water skin.
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

Gather supplies? He felt the fool now as he realized that he held nothing to actually carry supplies with. Being a wolf did have it's advantages....or disadvantages in this case.
He looked away with a sheepish look but another challenge he could solve and possibly hide his fault. He changed to a wolf and gently nudged Kara.
" I may not be a horse but...." He lifted his head to look at his back. " I think I am tall enough for you ride."
He glanced up at Rypa now as though scolded. " I can help find food too"
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

Kara backed away out of instinct when Getsurei changed, but came closer when he made his offer. She was quite wide-eyed at the wolf. Hesitantly, she reached out her hand to feel the fur. It was quite nice. She smiled and nodded. "Ok!" She glanced at Rypa, "This will make traveling much faster for sure. But before we go let me run inside."

Kara ran inside the inn and purchased some bread from the innkeeper as well as some water. She looked around for Remona but the other elf had disappeared. Kara shrugged and went back outside with her supplies. "So that other elf seems to have disappeared. Guess she changed her mind." Kara slung her pack over her should and climbed onto the wolf's back as gracefully as she could. This was going to make travelling SO much more fun.
Rypa (played anonymously)

Rypa tried to suppressed a shudder as she watched Getsurei changed his form. She looked away quickly blushing.
"Well I was going to suggest a pappus but this is probably for the best." She said to cover her embarrassment.
She checked all her stuff was properly strapped as the Gnome went about her business.
"Oh well she properly got lost in one of her books..." Said Rypa when informed about the wizards departure. "Right are we all ready to go?"
She offered her hand to the Gnome to help her onto the wolf's back. Once everyone was ready she lead the way down the road .
A stout little man strolled toward the inn, whistling a nameless tune and hauling an empty lumbercart from a thick rope hung over his shoulder, and a freshly sharpened wood axe clenched within his opposite fist. Both objects seemed comically large in contrast to the waddling figure that carried them, but the broadness of the Dwarf's ginger arms seemed to challenge that thought. The rickety cart behind him came to a sudden halt while the bearded fellow scanned the building on the horizon, as though he'd never noticed it beforehand. He felt a dryness upon his tongue; the thought of an inn came with the promise of a drink. Perhaps a bit rash for the start of his day, but a small cup of cider never hurt any honest man. The wheels of the cart hissed again as the Dwarf walked forward, still whilstling his made-up tune.

His indecision was halted as he saw three strangers on the roadside. Two giddy figures with a pet, one slightly taller than himself; the other was the size of a small child. He wasn't familiar with these folk, kneading the rope by his eyes as if he thought they were merely figments of his mind.

"Travellers?" He blurted out loud from the distance, almost assuming they would not answer.
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

It was different letting someone ride on his back. The extra weight wasn't bad at all and helping another caused a smile to appear.

The sounds of the cart was the first to catch Getsurei's attention. His ears swiveled to find the sound better. It was more than just a cart he was hearing it was whistling too. " Hmm?"

Lifting his head, he saw the strange stout man and his cart. When the man asked his question, Getsurei nodded. " Yes, we are travelers"

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