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Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

Kara was enjoying her ride. It was nice to be up higher. She could see a lot farther than when she was walking. When the man came into view she tensed slightly. He looked fairly harmless but that didn't always mean anything. Kara nodded along with the wolf's answer and waiting to see what the stout man's reaction would be to a talking wolf. She felt her magic tingling the tips of her fingers as she waited to see what would happen next.
Rypa (played anonymously)

Rypa paused and looked at the dwarf. He seemed harmless or at least not a trained fighter. Her eyes darted around them looking for an ambush.
"Good morrow my fine sir how does the day find you?" Said the elf whilst raising her hand in greeting.
She tried to seem non-threatening but not vulnerable.
Tonaf blinked again in disbelief while the Wolf spoke, and he lay thick rope upon the ground to clutch at his eyes again. The second time was a force of habit, he knew he wasn't seeing things. He'd caught traders, vagabonds and the like tread on this road from time to time, but they were all regular folk of size and stature, often disenchanting too when they reminded the Dwarf of his unique self with a drawn out, unwanted stare. The three strangers seemed kind enough, the Elf's greeting putting Ton's spirit off edge. He mean't them no harm by any means.

"The day finds me well." He replied, less apprehensive this time as he stood the butt of his axe upon the ground, clutching at the broader part of the steel. "Sun's shining out nicely, but business has been quiet for me these days."

'Travellers,' Ton remembered, giving the word some thought. "Mind if I ask where your journey's taking you?" He wondered, hiding a half-smile from under his beard. "Don't really see any but tallfolk around this neck of the woods, myself."
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

Getsurei sniffed the air as he listened to the man. He couldn't smell anything that resembled a trap or maybe he was still half awake.

" We are searching for runes. There are some nearby" He glanced towards Rypa knowing she knew exactly where they were going.
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

Kara smiled at the look of disbelief that flashed across the dwarf's face when Getsurei spoke. When he seemed to relax, she did as well, letting the magic in her fingers go dormant again. She didn't really have anything to contribute to the conversation and decided it was best to keep quiet unless spoken to directly. She did make a hmmph noise under her breath at the tall people comment though. She felt the deference to Rypa in regards to the exact location of the runestones was best.
Rypa (played anonymously)

Rypa found herself the center of attention and she was not entirely sure she was happy with the situation.
"We're heading to the... maiden's circle." Said the elf struggling to pull the human name to her memory. "And what is your business?"
She took a couple steps forward eager to get on her way once more.
The Wood Dwarf raised an eyebrow. "Runes..?" He murmured with a stroke of his ginger hair. "You mean like er, old carved runes or the..." He stuttered for a second, as if he'd been lost for words "...G-glowing stones and what-like?" He gave his head a shake at own foolishness while crouching over his dropped rope upon the cobbles.

"A-anyway." Ton began as he rose. "Didn't mean to make you lot feel on edge earlier. My name's Tonaf, but most folk just call me 'Wood Dwarf.' The forest is my home, but I ain't ever heard of a maiden and her circle, or runes for that matter."

He took his wood axe back by the hilt and lifted the steel upon his shoulder, it's sharp edge staring toward the sun. "You've gotten me all curious, do you mind if I tag along for a look?" He asked, before tugging at his cart to release a stuck wheel underneath a wayward stone.
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

" Glowing stones is one way of putting it" Getsurei said shifting due to the sun now in his eyes from the axe. He was mindful of his rider tough, ensuring she didn't fall.

He started forward now and dropped his head a little, curious of what might be in the cart. " Well Tonaf, name's Getsurei. I don't mind if you tag along but..." His ears flipped back to listen to Kara if she chose to say something.
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

Kara gripped Getsurei's fur to ensure she didn't fall when he shifted, even though it was unlikely. She was glad she had grabbed hold when he darted forward towards the dwarf. She saw his ears turn towards her and decided it was probably time for her to speak up as well.

"I don't see why not. As long as he promises to behave himself." She glanced up at the sky, "We've wasted enough time already."

Kara turned to Rypa and spoke in Gnomish "I don't think he's dangerous, and we outnumber him."
Rypa (played anonymously)

Rypa looked at her companions. The shape shifter seemed to be capable of looking after himself but the gnome looked very vulnerable. Then she looked at the dwarf his body seemed to be though but she had taken on wild boar and come away unscratched.
"Ok, Tonaf your welcome to join us, you can call me Rypa. We'll soon be leaving the road so you'll not be able to bring you cart."
She put her hand on the gnome's shoulder.
"You of all of us should not be judging by size or numbers, but you can trust in my blade to be your shield." Said the elf in gnomish.
With a reassuring smile Rypa lead the way.
Tonaf acknowledged the words of his companions with a nod to each. He was a slight miffed at leaving his cart, but he knew it would be holding him back. The forest hadn't merchant's in days, he reminded himself. 'Too much lumber and none to sell to.'

"I hope the roads stay quiet in this case." Said Ton while he tied a noose across the rope, leaving his cart at the mercy of a small tree with a concerned frown. He didn't question the sudden change in tongue. He barely knew the language of his own folk, after all.

And with that, he tagged along, eager to see what paths he'd missed in direction he came.
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

Getsurei stayed by Rypa's side so that her and Kara could chat. His tail swung from side to side as he walked.

He noticed the frown that Tonaf had. Though he always traveled without extra he could understand leaving something treasured behind.
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

Kara nodded at Rypa’s comment. She made a good point. But Kara nodded in appreciation of Rypa’s promise.

Kara also noticed that Tonga did not understand Gnomish.

“I think it will be ok” Kara said to Ton in regards to his cart.

Turning to Rypa “So out of curiosity, what made you decide to learn Gnomish? I don’t think I’ve met anyone who isn’t a Gnome that speaks our language. It’s not exactly easy to learn.”
Rypa (played anonymously)

Rypa turned off the path and into the rapidly thickening forest. A smile on her face she turned to look at the Gnome.
"Would you believe that I'm not actually an elf but a half-gnome half fiend?" Said the elf with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.
She with a birdlike series of glances Rypa surveyed the woods and her companions before changing her coarse slightly. The quiet sounds of the forests were comforting. She could her deer nearby. Her stomach rumbled at the thought of venison but it was to early in the day to catch dinner. Her hand darted into her pack and with drew some jerky which she chewed on to sate her hunger. Looking again at the gnome she decide to share some truth.
"I grew up close to a gnomish burrow and as an elfling I wondered the tunnels. Eventually I learnt what they were yelling at me." Said the elf her ears twitching all the while.
Tonaf curled his lips as he followed the group turn away from the cobbled path and into the woods - it was as though he'd ventured into uncharted territory. Ton was of course at home within the forest, but quaint little travels like this always took him by surprise. They were unseen directions in a home he thought mundane, like a hidden attic filled with old paraphernalia.

He licked his lips when he caught sight of dry jerky in the hands of his guide. A man of his broad figure wasn't simply satisfied with a single breakfast. Maybe there would be something along the way, he wondered. God knew how many leagues of soil this maiden and her runes they'd have to plow through.

"You seem to know your way around." Commented Tonaf by sideline in the Elf's direction. "I take it you have walked this path before?"
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

The rays of sun reaching through the leaves was a comfort to Getsurei. If he wasn't carrying Kara then he would choose a perfect spot to relax in the sun and even catch a good wolf nap.

The scent of jerky caught his attention. He looked at Rypa briefly only to drop his head and ears in regret. " ....That's a good reason to carry stuff..."
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

Kara smiled at Rypa's first not truthful answer and shook her head slightly. When Rypa answered truthfully Kara laughed. "Yeah, I believe that. Gnomes don't take kindly to intruders. You must have learned some very interesting words early on." Kara laughed some more.

Like everyone else she also noticed the jerky and decided a morning snack was a good idea. She pulled out the bread and dried fish she had purchased at the inn before leaving. She knew it had been a good idea. She first offered some to Getsurei by leaning forward and holding the fish near his head so he could turn and eat it if he wished. "Would you like some? I also have bread if you are interested in that as well."

She then offered some to the dwarf as well before turning and offering some bread to Rypa.

"Glad I purchased more than enough to go around." Kara smiled and settled comfortably on the wolf's back to eat, doing her best to not drop crumbs into his fur.
Rypa (played anonymously)

Rypa changed direction once more.
"This place for leagues around is my home. So this is not a route I've taken before but I have to adapt my path to suit my companions." Said the elf waving her arms all around tossing the wold a piece of jerky as she did. "The gnomes made me promise not to repeat a few of the more choice words I learnt."
Suddenly she stopped and scanned the trees. Her hands reached to the handles of her swords.
"Somethings watching us."
Tonaf gave a nod of thanks as he took the piece of bread offered to him, accompanied by a light gruff from his throat. "Much appreciated, Miss." He smiled before gnawing on the crumbs, wiping away what little flakes fell upon his shirt on the ground. He found the thanks he felt more filling than the morsel given. Dwarves did not survive on bread alone, but Tonaf's sense of honour denied him any desire to beg for than his share -- his 'woodland friends,' the little critters of the forest served better in that regard.

"Ya know..." Tonaf muffled, stuffing the last crumbs into his bearded mouth while indulging in Rypa's words. "...Nice bit of intuition." He complimented. "I learned quite a bit myself out here in the wild. It all clicks into place when the only company you've got are next morrow's supper."

When the Elf mentioned her concerns they were being watched, he wrapped his fists across the pole of his axe. Fierce animals did not make him shudder anymore, but the thought of prying tallfolk made Tonaf nip at the inside of his lip.
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

Seeing the fish sent a light of delight through Getsurei's eyes. " Thanks." He took the fish gingerly to avoid hurting her. Only when he had straightened his neck did he snap at the fish to swallow it down, hapilly licking his lips afterwards.

The conversation was interesting so far and he had no qualms with listening to the others. A comfort fell over him like a blanket as he learned of the other's familiarity of the wild.

The moment Rypa mentioned they were being watched, he stopped, ears erect and nose high. He tensed in anticipation for whatever may be out there.

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