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Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

Kara was also eager to ask questions...

"Where... where did you take me? What was that place? Who was that?" Kara suddenly remembered all her questions and her 'trip' while on the wolf's back. "If you're a hellhound... was that.... was that Hell????"

Kara suddenly sat down very hard, trying to come to terms with what had happened. While she understood magic and how it worked, this was a whole new degree of crazy for her. She just stared at the wolf waiting for answers to her questions.
Rypa (played anonymously)

Rypa looked at the wolf her brow furrowed.
"You don't have anything to do with the moon?" Said the elf. "I don't trust the moon..."
She flopped onto her back. left the flow of nature wash her injuries away.
"Oh, this has to be some right nonsense." Moaned Tonaf, still clutching at the stining wound across his arm. "I can't say I'm too surprised myself, never really did believe in magic up til now." His words were struggled while he concentrated on the throbbing pain by his side. Gripping the open flesh didn't help much in relieving the sensation.

He looked over to the little Gnome sitting beside while she processed the strangeness of this trip. "Excuse me, Miss Kara." He murmured in her direction with a smile hidden by his beard. "You k-know this magic stuff, do you? Can you heal my arm, stop the bleeding maybe?" Ton asked.
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

" The moon..." He said as he closed his eyes. " Why do you not trust it?" A single ear flipped up towards the sky. " No...I have nothing to do with the moon beyond my shape"

He could smell Tonaf's blood from his spot. A sigh escaped as he thought of what he had done. " I will answer your questions after the dwarf is healed, Kara. I am to blame for failing to protect him"
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

In response to Tonaf's question, Kara jumped up quickly and went over to the dwarf. "Oh, yes, I'm sorry." She quickly healed him and helped him wipe off the remaining blood. "It might scar a bit, hope you don't mind. You can probably come up with some really cool story to tell people." Kara giggled hoping to relieve some of the tension that still was in the air. She then went and plopped herself back down on the ground. She was determined to hear what the wolf had to say before going anywhere now. "Why do you think it's your fault?" she asked the wolf hoping to get him to talk again.
Rypa (played anonymously)

"I don't really trust anything which can change is shape and there you have the moon never the same shape from one night to the next. Sometimes it's not even there when it should." Said Rypa. "What is it up to?"
She flipped herself to her feet. and started checking the bodies of the goblins. After taking their gold she pulled the bodies into a pile.
"Well that's interesting they're a raiding party but I've not seen goblin's in these parts for years."
Sula (played by copperbrownies)

(Hey! This looks pretty cool and I've given the posts a quick skim through. I was wondering if I could join with Sula?)
Tonaf felt a wave of relief smother across his wounded arm, the open cut slowly knitting together before becoming weaved into a long battle scar across his fore arm. The stings upon his nerves continued for a few seconds before themselves disappearing as soon as the Dwarf had noticed his wound. He gave his hand a quick wave as Kara released herself, visibly satisfied with the mark of battle he'd gained.

"Looks good on me." He scoffed with a grin. "Thank you Miss Kara, I owe you a debt."

With that said, he raised himself from his makeshift seat, gripping once again at the pole of his trusty axe. While Kara and Rypa seemed inquisitive of the origins behind the Wolf, Tonaf felt it was better to simply go with the flow. After all, runes and prissy magic were something he'd only heard in urban legends up until now.
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

The answer Rypa gave made him chuckle a bit. " I see..." He said slowly sitting up.

Watching the wound heal was incredible. Such an ability made him smile. " It is my fault because I did not stay where I was needed. I could have taken the wound instead" He said looking at the scar.

Kara's giggle touched his regret, easing the weight just a bit. " Now that he is healed....yes, that was Hell you saw. The giant hound you saw was Cerberus, my friend and ally" He shifted his head to watch Rypa look over the goblins. If she didn't trust him now would this earn a dagger in his side? " I seek to become a gate guardian myself so Cerberus sent me out to protect this realm. They prey I hunt are those that need to be dragged back into hell. When my powers grow and I have Proven my worth, then I too shall become a Cerberus"
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

Kara wasn’t quite sure how to respond to the wolf’s answer. While she had asked if it was hell... she also hadn’t been prepared for the answer to be yes. For some reason she was incredibly sad over the whole thing. Getsurei seemed to be so self depreciating and she wished she could make him smile.

She decided to address the guilt first. Not really thinking about it she got up and went to the wolf. She rested her hand on his head and said “It’s not your responsibility to take every wound. Tonaf is ok. Rypa is ok. I’m ok. You helped fight the goblins. You did exactly what you needed to do.”
Rypa (played anonymously)

Rypa joined her companions.
"You can't take responsibility for the actions of others." Said Rypa Sternly. "Our wounds came from the blades of the goblins. They chose to attack so they alone hold responsibility. "
She took a deep breath and looked around.
"We need to move are you ready to go?"
Exhilarated by his restored strength, Tonaf cracked his side with a satisfying crunch.
"I'm ready to go, but something tells me that won't be the last lot of them little buggers. " Ton lamented. "Not if magics and stuff have anything to do with it."
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

He looked back and forth between two as he pondered over what they said. With a sigh he stood back up. " Well....everyone is alive.."
He dropped his head by Kara. " I'm ready to go. You can ride on my back again if you wish"
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

Kara climbed back up on the wolf and settled herself. "I agree, we should get moving. We've lingered here long enough." She looked around again to make sure she didn't hear any of the goblins coming back for round two.

As they continued to move through the forest, Krise decided to continue the conversation they had been having earlier. She turned to Rypa, "You said you were raised around here? That's how you know of the runestones then. Do you know why they were originally put there? I've read that some were raised to protect areas and others were used for magical purposes."
Rypa (played anonymously)

Rypa took a deep breath to recover from her exertions.
"The past is past... The circle was built in a time before the living memory even of the elves." Said the elf. "All I know is that I've never seen any being of ill intent approach it."
She headed in the opposite direction to where the goblins had fled.
Tonaf creaked his neck in the direction of the conversation as everyone meandered through the bark and vines laced within the forest. A premonition within his stomach caused him to clench rather tight at the wooden handle of axe -- he struggled to think why, let alone put the thought into a sentence. 'Nothing of ill intent...' He brooded upon that phrase. With the Goblins they had just faced, Ton felt that there was going to be something much worse before they finally reached this glowing runes...

...Or perhaps he'd simply become heavily superstitious with the forest after being ambushed by a bunch of tribal natterers. Regardless, Tonaf did not voice his concern; he just kept up with the group.
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

With little else to do besides keeping pace with Rypa, Geysurei started counting his steps. His paw snagged a vine only once but he kept going.

Comfort filled his soul with the simple words 'ill intent'. Perhaps he could approach these runes after all? His gait relaxed finally allowing him to find better footing faster.
Was it wise to relax? He was watching the dwarf from the corner of his view. Perhaps his tension was just. His nose dropped to the ground now.
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

Kara was happy to be heading away from the goblins. She thought over Rypa's words but didn't have any other questions. She instead found herself lost in thought. The forest around her brought up memories of her home and childhood. These trees were not the same, but they were similar enough. It had been a long time since Kara had seen her home and she missed it dearly. She shook her head and pulled herself out of her thoughts. Dwelling on the past was not going to get her anywhere. She needed to focus on the future and that future was the runestones. Once she made her name she could go home again.

"So Getsurei you obviously are traveling with a goal in mind. What about you two," she asked turning towards the others, "What are your goals? What brings you to travel?"
Rypa (played anonymously)

Rypa was concerned goblins were not with out wisdom and this was far from their usual hunting grounds. The thought of hunting made her stomach growl.
"There is an hunter's cabin up ahead we can go there to rest and eat." Said the elf. "I don't travel I wander; I patrol."
Tonaf breathed a sigh of relief at the notion of shelter, letting his axe arm relax a slight bit. At least within the safety of a cabin, they'd have a wall between them and the next host of Goblins that decided to harass the group.

"How far off do you think this cabin is?" Wondered the Dwarf, his heavy footfalls digging into the soil like spades for limbs. "I hope our little friends from earlier hadn't raided the place before setting onto us." He gulped.

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