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Forums » General Roleplay » The Settlement Of Demeral ((Open))

Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

Smiling, Ezra snickered at the kind yet charming gesture and walked inside. Immediately, she scanned over the format of the building and the unfamiliar faces. People were speaking, laughing, and chattering, yet the place seemed quiet to the red-head. Folding her hands together, she tugged on the sleeve once more and lifted her chin slightly. Perhaps she was overthinking it, but it seemed like something was.. off.
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

Hans sat down across from the woman at a booth next to a window “you alright?... seems like something’s on your mind...”
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

Drumming her fingers against the table, Ezra blinked in slight surprise. "Oh- I'm fine, I suppose. I'm not from these parts, and I've heard.. rumors about the place," She drew a breath, managing to smile. "But, I'm sure it's nothing. I tend to overreact when I'm worried. Besides, I'm still a little flustered over the meeting. I really thought I had persuaded them, but, turns out, the town is just in desperate need of money, and it won't be changing anything anytime soon."
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

“Ah I see... I’m surprised that they didn’t cave in immediately due to your incredible beauty...” Hans said with a smirk he had hopes that he would start off on a roll like he did before
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

"I know! I-" She paused, her cheeks slowly reddening. It had taken her a moment to realize what the captain had said, and it caused her to freeze, shutting her mouth quickly. Clearing her throat once again, she sent a glimpse out the window. "..Thank you." Perhaps it had come out sourly, but she didn't mean for it to sound so harsh. Maybe. Was it her, or did the compliment seem to be mocking her?
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

“No problem... I mean I should be thanking you.. a date with a goddess like you is more than anything I could ever ask for..” hans leaned on the table and winked at Ezra his more charismatic side of himself slowly becoming more obvious
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

Scoffing beneath her breath, Ezra placed her chin in her hand, gazing out the window. It wasn't very clear to hear that this was going to be a date until she had agreed, and, slowly, she was regretting it. She smiled roughly, batting an eye at Hans. "Well, I'm going to get fresh air for a moment. Like I have previously said, I tend to overthink, and I do believe something isn't right. Excuse me," Ezra sends a nod in his direction, exiting their booth, and walking out of the building for a moment. Gritting her teeth, she paced back and forth, her brows furrowed and her mind full of thoughts. Was the captain simply looking at her outer aspects? Did he even care about the meeting, let alone the taxes she was fighting against? Or was he simply looking for a date? Sighing, Ezra paused and looked at the sky. It wasn't too dark out, but it was dim enough for the stars to shimmer ever so slightly. Leaning against the wall, Ezra tapped her foot and watched the stars, debating her next move.
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

Hans facepalmed realizing that he had gotten too cocky he ordered a beer and waited hoping that she would come back Inside so that he could possibly get another shot...
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

Shivering as a frosty breeze lingered, Ezra straightened her posture, kicking a small stone as she reentered the building. She immediately sent a glare to her heeled boots, wishing she hadn't wore them. Putting a bright smile on her face despite the ache of her head and feet, she returned to her seat. "Apologies, Hans," The red-head chuckled. "I didn't anticipate so many people in such a small space." The woman sent a glimpse around the area. "I suppose I just had to calm down. Do I sound strange?" She looked back at Hans with furrowed brows and an anxious grin. "Of course, I'm not saying that the place is unpleasant, just a little..packed.."
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

“Yeah sorry... didn’t expect it to be so crowded... I also want to apologize if I was moving to quickly for you..” hans scratched the back of his head
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

She swayed a hand, slightly embarrassed. "No, no- It's fine! Don't worry about it," She chuckled quietly. "I'm.. not used to hearing such things that are meant for me, and I suppose it caught me off guard." Quickly, she narrowed her eyes. "Which won't happen often."
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

“Right then” Hans winked at her and handed her a menu “pick your poison...”
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

Picking up the menu, she blinked and attempted to hide her face behind the pages. Ezra shut her eyes tightly, muttering something beneath her breath in the language of her hometown. "A Thiarna déan trocaire-" Or, rather, 'Lord , have mercy' in English. Perking up again, Ezra slowly closed the menu and set it on the table. "Anything is fine with me, I suppose."
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

Hans smirked “well then...” hans pulled a flask that had the word jäger written on the side and handed it to her “this is some of Germany’s strongest alcohol... we know a thing or 2 when it comes to that kinda stuff...”
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

Raising an eyebrow at the bottle, Ezra took it from him with a challenging smile. She struggled to open the alcohol's top, but she eventually got it to pop open while being startled to the slightest. Cautiously raising it to her nose and giving it a small whiff, she recoiled and snorted for an excuse of a laugh. "Is it safe to drink, Hans? Or will I go spinning like a fish on the harbor?"
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

Hans laughed “c’mon don’t be a lightweight! It’s safe to drink but if you’re a lightweight just a shot might get ya goin so be careful...”
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

"I swear, Hans, if I go insane from just drinking a sip of this, I'm coming for you," The red-headed woman half-joked, half-threatened with a smirk. Praying silently, she briskly lifted the bottle of unfamiliar alcohol to her lips, taking a small sip. Shutting her eyes and setting the bottle on the table between the two, Ezra flinched at the sour taste. "Are you positive that is completely safe?" She grinned while sticking out her tongue. It was strong, considering she was one to rarely drink in the first place.
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

“Yeah it’s safe but like I said it’s extremely strong so just be careful you don’t overdo it” hans winked at her and then pulled out his own flask of jäger and chugged the whole thing down in a few seconds “see? I’m fine! It just takes years of drinking it to get a higher tolerance...”
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

"Do you enjoy the drink, or is it simply something to pass time with?" She queried, sending a gander at the strange, strong, yet admirable alcohol. Of course, Ezra could easily get drunk, and another sip of.. that would do it. And, if the red-head were to be drunk at any moment, it would usually end with her yelling or shouting or giggling about whatever. But, why should she worry? It was tempting to have another shot of it, seeing as she hadn't had alcohol in quite some time, but she didn't make any movements for it. She did not want to embarrass herself here, of all places.
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

“I love it! Back home in Germany drinking is practically a sport and people who can brew and have high tolerance are treated like kings..” Hans laughed “here take another sip” Hans edged the flask towards Ezra “and then I can teach you one of our old drinking songs!”

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