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Forums » General Roleplay » The Settlement Of Demeral ((Open))

Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

“Yeah I guess so... but what’s more surprising...” Hans leaned in and quickly kissed her lips “is that I just kissed you...” hans winked under the shadow of the brim of his cap
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter



As the captain pulled away, her hand immediately flew to her lips, covering them. Had she lost her mind? Turning her head to the left, Ezra shut her eyes tightly. "Excuse me, Hans. I'm truly sorry-" She cut her apology off, briskly exiting her seat and fleeing from the building. It was as if the kiss had snapped her back into her senses. Somewhat. She still stumbled and her mind was still hazy, but she tried directing herself in the right direction. Panicking, she shook her head at herself. How could she be so foolish to forget she had been in an engagement? It wasn't her choosing, of course, but it was still an engagement, wasn't it? Even if she ran from it and attempted to deny it, was it still true? Sighing while holding a hand to her spinning head, Ezra continued to fumble, struggling to put one foot in front of the other as she paced farther from her previous location.
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

Hans sighed now he knew he had truly messed up “ah well... I guess I have to get back to business now...” hans directed 2 of his guards to bring Ezra to him as he exited the building and met with a mix of tanks and pioneers armed with flame throwers about a mile away from the town
Feldwebel Karl Spiess (played by Major_payne25)

Karl was one of the guards sent to bring Ezra back to Hans.. he and the other soldier approached her with caution “excuse me ma’am but your coming with us...”
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

Were there footsteps?

Rather, why were they gaining distance? Turning with a bewildered expression, Ezra blinked, meeting a familiar face. "What? No, I.. I'm rather alright-" She tightened her grasp on her fan, which she had been holding for quite awhile. Huffing, the red-head smiled and nodded. "I'll be on my way, I believe. I have somewhere I need to be." It was a small lie, but what did it matter to the soldier?
Feldwebel Karl Spiess (played by Major_payne25)

Karl grabbed Ezra’s hand before she got too far “the captain has selected you to be exempt from the invasion and execution... if you stay your exemption will be invalid... so for your own sake come with us...”
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

Head spinning, Ezra curled back her lip. "Captain.. Hans? Why in the Heavens would he want to demolish something, let alone invade it? What is going on?" She pulled on her arm, attempting to free herself from the man's grasp. Hurriedly and in a panic, she began unfastening the laces on her boot with her free hand while growling and cursing under her breath.
Feldwebel Karl Spiess (played by Major_payne25)

“Yes captain Hans... he received word of German high commands order to destroy and invade the city during your date... apparently the council owed much more than what hans was told and paid therefore total annihilation was ordered... and unless high command gets their money Soon the pioneers will come in and destroy the place... the captain went to go stall the invasion force and ordered us to come and get you in case he didn’t hold them off entirely or they didn’t get the money...”
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

Blinking, Ezra nodded. "Well, I suppose I should understand why this is happening," She sighed, growling, "but I do not. I apologize for my further actions, sir." She slipped off her boot quickly, smacking the heel into the soldier's elbow until he loosened his grasp. Until she could escape, she tugged on her wrist to break free, kicking off her opposite boot in the process. Still drunk and turning briskly, the red-head lifted her skirts and began running, hoping she would lose the soldiers soon.
Feldwebel Karl Spiess (played by Major_payne25)

Karl sighed and soldiers could be heard marching closer and singing this song:
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

Either she was drunk and out of her mind, or she was just insanely stubborn. Most likely, she was both. Hearing the stomping of what she hoped was a friendly army, Ezra made her way to the Town Hall, climbing the steps in a hurry. If it was some sort of raid, and the folks wanted money, then wouldn't they go to the head of power? The place that provides the funds and takes them away? The red-head was standing at that very place, high above the first set of steps. If she could attempt to save the town from whatever chaos had started, she would do it. Besides, it might lend her a hand with her own currency problems if her plan works out.
Feldwebel Karl Spiess (played by Major_payne25)

“Die waffen legts an!” A man within the marching party shouted it was german for ready the weapons and as he said so the hundreds of men holding flame thrower held them in dint of themselves the light on the end ignited ready to burn at the pull of a trigger and they surrounded the town hall
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

Inhaling, Ezra squinted and looked over the crowd. There were a lot more soldiers than she had expected, and it was slightly frightening. Exhaling, she straightened her posture, sending a glare across the unfamiliar faces. "Hey! What the hell do you men think you're doing?" The red-head snapped, planting her feet firm on the ground. Her voice was risen, just as the weapons were. "Do you really believe that violence will get your money back, let alone anything at all? Ruining the town will only give it yet another reason to collect money for repair, and do you know where it gets those funds? Us! You are only playing yourselves! I object to your doings! This-" She swung an arm at the Town Hall, and then the soldiers. "-This 'good' you believe you are doing will only last so long! It's temporary! But, I warn you, the evil you cause is permanent."
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

Hans ran in from of the soldiers “stop! Soldaten! The führer has called off the attack! You have all been orders back to Berlin!” The soldiers paused and then turned around getting back into formation and marching off... Hans turned back to Ezra “I’m so sorry... I wasn’t able to hold them off long enough...” (( I think the music kinda helped the atmosphere lol ))
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

Ezra exhaled, her breath quivering as she saw Hans commanding orders. As the soldiers retreated, she took a small step back, running her fingers through her hair. It frightened her to think of how close she could have been to losing her life, and she was shaken by the very thought. "Are.." She had to collect herself for a moment. "Are you out of your mind? That was the so-called business that had to wait? I understand you are a soldier, and you command an army, but that does not mean you have to bring violence everywhere you turn!"

(( Lol ))
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

“This I know dammit!” Hans took her hand “this wasn’t my doing! My business was for me to go and stall them as they attempted their assault! I wasn’t the aggressor here high command called the attack not me!”
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

The red-head ducked her head, slowly taking a step back as she removed her hand from his. "Apologies, then. I don't know why it was more important to attend a silly date then to save a town from flames, but I suppose that is something you can figure out." Sighing, she began walking down the steps with a hand on her forehead. "I'll bid you a goodnight, Captain."
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

“Nein!” Hans shouted running after her “we can talk about this!”
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

She whirled around, stopping in her tracks. "What is there to talk about? It is very clear what happened, and there should be no further explanation." The red-headed woman continued walking, fumbling over the last step. She regretted using her shoes for an attack method, for her feet were now aching and blistered. The troubles this night has caused her had ridiculous results...
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

Hatred and anger could be seen in Hans’ eyes as he whispered an order into Karl’s ear causing him to run off with the other guards and when they left hand whispered a chant “storm clouds fire and steel death from above make the enemy kneel... fighting power and grace death from above it’s an army of wings...”

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