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Forums » General Roleplay » The Secret Revolution (Open to all)

Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli looked to her," Whenever you want. Doesn't matter ta me."
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"Well, I don't know. You're the one that came up with the idea to ask them!" Lonnie said.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

"Sheesh! Ya'd think ya were still mad at me or somethin'." He laughed," Alrighty I'll go ask one, but it's gotta be one o' me ol' friends. After all it wouldn't make sense if I asked about some random kid."
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"Okay so then go, I'll wait here." Lonnie tied her shoe.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli shrugged bouncing off. He was suddenly full of energy after the enormous meal he had eaten. He wandered the halls looking for a caretaker.

(( whose gonna take control of caretakers?))
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

(Oh, right. I actually have no idea XD. I will I guess but if you want you can I don't really care)
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli walked up to the caretaker," Hey" He said his hands in his pockets as he swayed. He had too much energy not to be moving at all times." What happened to Chase? He said he wanted to be a doctor. Did he ever go to college? I'd like to visit sometime. Maybe it could be like an educational fieldtrip."
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli nodded slowly," Ok. Thanks" And he wandered off to Lonnie," Yeah. So I don't know if they necessarily killed him, but they said that one of Chase's friends died and so Chase was unavailable. They were definetly lying but." He shrugged," Maybe he just doesn't want us to visit him. Maybe Chase is having a rough time."

(( Thanks, I wasn't feeling creative on names so I just took another one.))
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"Really? Chase always loved everyone here. Do you really think that the caretakers wouldn't think to bring us to cheer him up?" Lonnie brought up a good point.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli shrugged ," Could be its just that kind of hard for him. So hard that seeing people makes him hurt."
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

Lonnie gave him a look that said 'really?'
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

" What? It's better than the other option!" He exclaimed.
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"Which is...?"
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

" That they really did kill him once he turned 18." He shrugged like 'you asked'.
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"I'm just saying, they have no reason to joke about death!" Lonnie said.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

" Maybe it's for... Halloween!"
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"'s the middle of June" Lonnie said, annoyed he would even say that.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

" Maybe it's a gonna be a real big thing this year." He shrugged his shoulders," Besides, if we can have Christmas in July why can't we have halloween in June?"
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"Because Halloween and Christmas are two months apart! Halloween would have had to be last month." Lonnie said still sounding annoyed.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

" Oh well" He said throwing his hands," I'm sure they have a reason."

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