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Forums » Smalltalk » Have you met anyone famous?

My mum's english teacher was Stephen King (and my nana waited on him a lot at this diner in Maine), and I've met Warren Sapp a few times (he went to the same high school).

I got to meet, and hug, and got an autograph from, Robert Englund at a horror convention. c:

I did work at Universal Studios (Orlando) for a time, and I did get to meet, interact and see lots of other celebrities during that time, but that doesn't count.
I've been lucky enough to meet and have a photo with Brent Spiner (Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation), and Marina Sirtis (Same show Councilor Deanna Troi), both are wonderfully hilarious people. :) Marina is totally one of my idols so I was so star struck when I was able to actually *talk* with her. Adam Baldwin (Firefly - Jayne Cobb) was also hilarious and is built like a truck...*cough*

I guess it depends on who you consider 'famous', but I haven't met any actual celebrities, which is weird considering I live in Las Vegas and a ton of them live here!

I've met lots of voice actors at AnimeVegas, though, liiike...Veronica Taylor (Ash from Pokemon! Who I was cosplaying when I met her, teehee), Johnny Bosch (Vash the Stampede, Kiba from Wolf's Rain, etc. etc.), Lex Lang, and Neil Kaplan (Optimus Prime, among others). They're all super-nice and cool people. Lex Lang let me stay and ramble to him about my favorite obscure anime he did a voice in, and let me retake a picture with him THREE TIMES until I got one that didn't suck. Also, this happened. When Optimus Prime tells you to do the thing, you do the thing.

My parents and my aunt used to work with Drew Carey at Denny's a long, looong time ago, and that same aunt has met a bunch of celebrities because she used to work in casinos back in the day. :x
At the NAMM show in Anaheim - a music convention for buyers, sellers and occasional guests - I've met Brian Wilson (of the Beach Boys), Gene Simmons and his son (who were hilariously trying and failing to get into convention with their reality TV show), Alan White (drummer for Yes), the drummers for Weird Al, the Raconteurs, and so on. Bootsy Collins roomed next door to us several years ago. That was kind of cool - we'd assumed he was just dressing up, as we'd met several Elvis and Hendrix impersonators that day. Granted, Bootsy Collins isn't dead, but we'd keep talking with him whenever we'd meet up at the convention or in the hall, and it took hilariously long to that is Actually Bootsy Collins.

Also at the same convention, I met a drummer and an animator friend of my dad's, who did cleanup for Disney during their renaissance, through Treasure Planet. That was more of a personal geeky moment for me. We'd go to that convention for many years, though, and I have actually lost track of who I've met.

More locally, my parents are professional musicians, so there have been plenty of connections, there.

Neil Gaiman's a local, though the only time I've seen him around so far, we were at the same restaurant, sitting at adjacent tables. I had only been feeling weird deja-vu around him, though, along the lines of: "Why should I know this oddball floofy-haired Englishman? I HAVE SEEN HIM BEFORE, I SWEAR." Even when the waiter - a boy around my age at the time - started evidently and quietly being a fanboy around him, I still didn't put two and two together. It was only when my family piled back into our van and I picked up my copy of Coraline I had on-hand to read on the way home that I realized who I'd been sitting by - and I nearly demanded to STOP THE VAN, TURN AROUND.

I should have done it. Though I'm fairly sure he'll still be around.
Ilmarinen Moderator

This thread is a great read. I love all these stories. :D

Five or six years ago I got Neil Gaiman's autograph at a scifi con I go to every year. The story is kinda cute. I had thought I was in the line to see him, but I actually wasn't, and by the time I realized it, the line had been closed. Oh well, I thought, since there would be another signing the next day. I sat down near the line and way playing with my Woodbaby puppet. These are really cool realistic puppets made of fur and resin that you control with a cable, so most people don't see how you're doing it. Mine was a little dragon. A little kid, maybe 12 years old, runs up to me and is COMPLETELY ENTHRALLED by this thing. He had a bit of a strange demeanor to him--he was very exuberant, and offered to trade me "ten thousand ants" for my puppet. I convinced him it was real. A few minutes later his caretaker came up to me and explained that he was autistic, and most people wouldn't have given him the sort of attention I had, and that I made his day with my puppet. I was really happy I put some magic in his day! After they left, the con security person managing the autograph line came up and basically let me in at the end of the line because I went out of my way to entertain this kid. And then I spent 2 hours in the line and saw Neil Gaiman dead last, when he was hungry and exhausted. But he still gave me the advice he gives all new writers: 1) Write. 2) Finish things.

I've met some other semi-famous people. Tamora Pierce (who wrote the Alanna books, which I was obsessed with as a kid) for one, and a few other published authors (though not many of stuff I've actually read). I've also met the folks of Korpiklaani (my fave band) and Turisas briefly, but they aren't insanely famous or anything. XD
I have met Terry Bradshaw, Tyrese Gibson, Genuwine, Tank...a band member from Earth, Wind & Fire....can't really remember anyone else.

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