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Forums » General Roleplay » Official Event: Spring Masquerade

Vector (played by Kim) Topic Starter

"YESSS!" Crow the teen, making a motion as if she's high-fiving him. But she does it like she hasn't known anyone fast enough to get a hand up to meet her high fives in a long while, and so just sort of air-fives somewhere above his head. "You'll get the hang of this super hero thing yet. Maybe." She winks, trying to be jaunty, but she's actually slumping with relief. Her hair and costume are badly damaged from racing around in toxic fumes, and it's no doubt her publicist is going to have a fit. Maybe. Unless someone got video of this fight and she can get a good supercut out... "Come on, let's get out of this thing. We can walk this time."
Zyn (played by WolfieTheDragon13)

"Hey, uh... thanks. You too." she said with a dip of the head, acknowledging his words. "I'm Zyn."

She lifted her hand to shake his, a surprisingly firm one despite her short stature.
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

The remaining goons appear to realize that there just isn't a reasonable escape, and put their hands up in surrender.

Datura makes her way as quickly as she can over to Major Pollution, giving a quick greeting to Dedan as she went past. "Sorry, you seem to have come at a very busy time today. Glad to have you here."

Major Pollution is beginning to shake his head, apparently coming to, but the glowing manacles suddenly seem to magnetize themselves, sticking fast to the floor and preventing him from getting up - or doing much of anything else. "You're going away for a long time for your crimes against humanity and the world!" Datura informs him, scowling, and then looks around the room. "My friends, I can't express my apologies and gratitude deeply enough. You've done real super work today. You are ALL welcome here any time. I'll tune your watches to be able to return any time, even when the center's shields are up. You've earned it."
Sentinel nodded. "It is very nice to meet you Zyn."

He then looked up to nod at Dartura. "I'll be sure to take that offer up some time! Thank you for inviting me."
Dedan (played anonymously)

"Is Otto at least here?" Guessing he's wrong
If he's fast enough—or if she's slow enough—he'll try to actually high five her with an equally relieved smile. "Yeah I'm... not sure if I'm going to get used to it, at all, but not a bad thing." He looks down at himself, grimacing at the damage done to his own outfit. One of his favourite tees too. "Right."

As soon as they make it out, there's a fairly confused wave at the new arrival, maybe somewhat envious at the fact that they'd managed to miss all the chaos that had ensued before his arrival. "Hey uh. You might have missed a few things?" He laughs nervously.

Once they arrive proper at the scene, he looks up at the others. "Thanks! Are you going to be okay though? It looked like things kinda got.... really, really bad." Not to mention the building itself. Hopefully super insurance was a thing.
Zyn (played by WolfieTheDragon13)

"Good to meet you too. Hey, you'll have to show me some of your moves sometime, that'd be super--"

Spotting Major Pollution moving out of the corner of her eye, she quickly snapped her gaze to him, relief washing over her when she noticed that he seemed to be stuck to the floor. She was breathing hard and soaked with sweat, and definitely not eager to get into another fight.

"Anytime?" Zyn said, her gaze flickering to the training area she'd gotten to try out the day before. "Sweet."
Dedan (played anonymously)

"It seems so, My name is Dedan, I was looking for Otto but then ended up here"
Sentinel nodded. "We'll have to coordinate that sometime. Maybe we can all show off our abilities."
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Big smiles and high fives everyone, it's time for the end of the episode freeze frame!!!

In the coming days, those who took part in the defense of the Super Center will find OFFICIAL COMMENDATIONS FROM THE CITY in their mailboxes, containing commemorative plaques and cash rewards for their assistance in THE CAPTURE OF THE NOTORIOUS MAJOR POLLUTION. They say crime doesn't pay, but apparently there's a living to be made in stopping it.
Dedan (played anonymously)

Sad, I was hoping for something I could do, well, guess that's what happens when I don't get here fast enough
Dedan (played anonymously)

Well, I am new to RPR, and its good to see I'm not the only OFF fan here
Dedan (played anonymously)

Oh, a winter one?
Dedan (played anonymously)

Disappointing how I missed most of it
Dedan (played anonymously)

Hahaha, I seriously doubt that I was cool in a way
jacqueline Thomas (played anonymously)

Jackie walked in and stared around her in awe. Then quietly moved to the wall to be the wallflowers she was. She was embrassed that she was late. But like her mother always said "Better late then never." She watched all the interesting people and wondered if she could find a drink. This place was so big and overwhelming she wished their was a guide or that she had a friend to show her around. Oh well, she would just have to figure it all out when she was feeling brave.
Dedan (played anonymously)

Yes, but in video game Dedan is quiet the swearing guy
Dedan (played anonymously)

I imagine this in a video game and Dedan just comes out of nowhere
Dedan (played anonymously)

I am sad too,
jacqueline Thomas (played anonymously)

Darn okay

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