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Forums » General Roleplay » Official Event: Spring Masquerade

The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Datura nods to Zyn. "If you don't wish to say, that's a perfectly acceptable answer as well. Believe me, I understand the need for secrecy. I'm just so thrilled to hear that such an organization exists." Taking note of Zyn's discomfort at being on camera, Datura licks her lips, considering. Though, in truth, Datura always assumed that she might be being recorded any time she was in the presence of those who rolled in super-circles. There were often too many suits filled with fancy high-tech gadgets to ever be sure that a conversation wasn't being recorded in case it was useful as evidence later. Case in point, that little furry critter. Still, she turns to April diplomatically. "Hmmn. Perhaps, after the tour, we can set up a press area for you? Then all of our heroes who are interested in giving interviews could come to your cameras. Regardless, I am very glad you're here! This event is all about spreading awareness, after all. That is one of the greater missions of my Super Center, too!"

Just then, Sylyntz's camera drone did a turn over their heads, and Datura looks up with a blink. "Cute! Alright, all you curious and camera-full people, let's get to that tour. If you'll just step right over here, I'll show you the training simulator! Zyn, would you be interested in demonstrating for everyone? I'll get you all set up if you feel up to it."
Seraph (played anonymously)

Seraph observed the little group that had managed to form as they made their way over to them. Barely interacting with vector by giving a silent wave, and lightly flicking the small hand as it flew close. The voices didn't seem to like it very much for some odd reason. Not that he had many problems with being recorded mind you, his secrets were well kept and well maintained in the book of Raziel. "Training room sounds absolutely lovely miss, always good to start where the work is done."
Zyn (played by WolfieTheDragon13)

"Demonstrating?" Zyn added, with a slight swallow. She hadn't intended to do it with a bunch of people watching, but she wasn't going to back down now. "Sure. Sounds great. Is there equipment I need to use, or--?"

The girl stepped into the room, expecting some wires or cables to be hooked up to her, but instead it was just a feeling of utter.... lightness. Several feet away, a holographic target sprang up into being from seemingly nowhere. At this, a strangely familiar blade, also holographic but feeling perfectly solid, appeared in her hand.

"Whoa. Awesome sauce." she breathed.
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Datura nods encouragingly to Zyn, gesturing for her to step into the training bay. Once she's safely inside, Datura shuts the door behind her, and taps a few buttons on a pad on the wall, activating the holo-projectors just as Zyn is questioning about the equipment. Standing back to watch with pride through the big, transparent aluminum viewing windows that allow those still outside the training bay to observe what's going on inside. "As you can see, we are utilizing the latest technology to make sure our talented members can hone their skills and stay in tip-top crime fighting shape, safely. Mild anti-gravity properties can make training low impact even for those who are recovering from injuries."
Vector (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Trying not to go too fast, Vector again saunters over to the training bay, and achieves a more or less "human" walking speed. Maybe more like the speed-walking pace of someone in a big rush, but that's still pretty close for her. "Oh COOL!" she exclaims, seeing Zyn suddenly acquire a holographic sword. "I want to try! I'm next in line!"
Sylyntz (played by Riik)

Sylyntz dutifully followed along with the tour group, the motion and the lack of ability to lip-read offering an excuse to gaze around at the surroundings without needing to release their hand drone again. It allowed them to keep the device holstered until the demonstration seemed to begin, once again releasing the drone to watch from a better angle than their small stature typically allowed for.
April O Neil (played anonymously)

“O’Neil ...April O’Neil ... channel 6 news... um, sorry... I’m not very organized here... I’m teamed up with Jimmy Olson Jr who is my new cameraman...”

April did a quick check and saw they would be going live soon. She also took note that some seemed to wish to avoid the camera so she waved Jimmy off, saying, “Let’s go with audio and photojournalism here. Be discreet.”

Realising she was asked a question, April turned and smiled. “Yes, that would be good. We can set up the video then. Thank you very much!”

April would record her thoughts as she toured while Jimmy would wait to set up his video equipment.
Vector (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Noticing the camera, Vector orients toward April like a moth to a flame, giving her most radiant smile right into the camera. "It's such a pleasure to be here! Of course I - and all my sponsors! - support centers like this one that make the world safer." She gives a wink that's a little too hammy to be natural, but somehow drips with photogenic charisma. "Here, uh, why don't we set up the cameras... over there!" She points to a random corner that seems to have good natural light coming in from a big window. "I'd be happy to give you an interview, of course."
Zyn (played by WolfieTheDragon13)

An excited grin sliding onto her face, Zyn readjusted the blade in one hand, as if she had wielded it many times before. Twirling it around a little, she leapt toward the target, going a little higher than she meant to, tumbling over the target and landing on the other side, completely missing it but not even seeming to care.

"This is what walking on the moon must've felt like!" she said aloud, turning and jumping over the target again, this time managing to slice off a corner. A bit of a ding noise went off nearby, a sound not unlike gaining points in a video game, and the corner blinked back into existence.

Grinning again, she jumped and attempted a cork-screw-like maneuver toward the target, aiming to stick her sword in the center but missing by a solid foot or so, sticking it inches from the edge instead.
Seraph (played anonymously)

Seraph found Themselves a bit distracted from the demonstration, they were currently watching the small drone take flight to some odd corner of the room. "I'm guessing the little guy is here in someone's stead, never trust a man that hides behind his gadgets." he muttered to himself as he shifted his gaze once more to the demonstration before. "Quite the energetic one she is, her martial arts work is quite impressive, for lack of a better term of course."
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

"Excellent work, Zyn!" Datura calls out.

Datura nods with satisfaction, seeing guests starting to interact and enjoy themselves. "I'm sorry, I don't think I've had an opportunity to ask either of you your names, or what motivated you to come today," she says to Sylyntz and Seraph. "Please feel free to share whatever you feel comfortable sharing, and no more."

Out of the corner of her eye, she noted that a new target had appeared in the training bay, this one a dark red color. It circles Zyn ominously, and then shoots a red "laser" toward her. Dodging is important to train too, after all!
Sylyntz (played by Riik)

Keeping watch over the guests again now that their drone was doing its thing, Sylyntz caught the address spoken to them and reciprocated by triggering the activation of an audio recording that was emitted from their mask. Though they could not hear the recording themselves, their neural transmitter ensured they were aware of the time for which the message was being broadcast. At first, the message seemed muffled and distant, but after a moment, the volume seemed to balance out and become clear.
"Closer... closer... alright, there. Greetings! I am the semi-retired superhero and genetics researcher sometimes known as the Geneweaver. What you see standing before you is one of my genetically engineered creations. Their name is Sylyntz, and I would appreciate it if they were returned to me unharmed by the end of the day. Now... for the matter at hand... I have been made aware of this particular facility and have sent Sylyntz here in my stead, owing to the fact that I have an experiment of vital importance to attend to and am unable to attend in person. Sylyntz is here to evaluate these facilities in my stead for my personal interest. And also to potentially scout any new talent who happen to also be attending, as being an individual who offers research services to other superheroes, naturally I need to build a clientele. Now... I am quite busy, so I am afraid that is the extent to which I am able to record in this message. Blast it, I am never any good at recording these things... you... have stopped recording now, right, Sylyntz? Ple-"

With the recording broadcast at an end, Sylyntz looked up at Datura expectantly.
Zyn (played by WolfieTheDragon13)

Zyn barely heard the compliment, a bit lost in her own little world as she took various slices at the target. It was a moment too late when she noticed the second target, dark red in color, shoot a laser at her.

Clumsily trying and failing to dodge, the laser grazed her side, leaving a sharp, tingly feeling but nothing more. Thankfully the blow wouldn't have been fatal--or at least, she hoped not.

"Wanna dance, tough guy?" she asked, strands of loose platinum-blonde hair hanging in her face. The target turned to face her, as if it had heard her taunt, and shot again.

That one she managed to dodge with sort of an awkward half-roll, and the one that followed with a well-timed duck. Clutching her sword once again, she skidded forward, sliding low to slice off the target's 'legs'.

That particular holographic target blinked out of existence, but moments later, another one appeared across the arena, shooting a laser that nailed her in the back.

"Simulation, Failure." a cool female voice called out, shutting down the training program.

"Guess I could use some more practice." she half-joked, moving toward the simulation room door and opening it. "Alright, who wants to go next?"
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Datura blinked at the recording, a bit surprised, but as it ended her smile re-asserted itself. "The geneweaver! That's brilliant! I'm so glad you've sent a representative. Err... So glad you're here, Sylyntz. Would you please tell your creator that I would be thrilled to discuss his research services with him? If this facility lives up to even half my expectations, we're going to need someone on call who can help us with all kinds of genetic forensics, and no doubt creating specialized items and perhaps even creatures for those looking to build out their toolset."

Looking to Seraph, she renews her query with a simple, "And you, my friend?"

As Zyn emerges, she gestures her over. "Excellent work. I should have warned you about the aggressors, but then, where's the fun in that?"
Sylyntz (played by Riik)

Sylyntz offered a bow of their head and backed off a couple of steps as a sign of both agreement to doing as asked and surrendering the dialogue over to the other addressees.
Zyn (played by WolfieTheDragon13)

"Ah, no problem. In my line of work, you never get a warning. That's why my boss is always trying to push me to find a partner, but--"

Realizing what she had said, she cut herself off near immediately and cleared her throat again.

"Anyway, uh... thanks." she added, her confidence level seeming to lower quite a bit now that she had returned to normal circumstances. "That was a blast. I'd love to get one installed closer to home."
Seraph (played anonymously)

"Seraphim, I do have a preference for Seraph though my dear lady. If you all wouldn't mind I'd be willing to go next, or possibly even after the next individual. Though I cannot in any way promise that it will be anything as impressive as that which we have already seen thus far. That is unless someone has objections to me doing so before they themselves get the chance. If I am Anything after all it is a gentleman."
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

"Exactly. Never get a warning." Datura nods decisively to Zyn, sweeping a hand of invitation from Seraphim over to the training bay doors. "Of course! Please feel free. Would you like to do the same program, or try something different?"

"Zyn, did you catch what this Sylyntz fellow was just, uh, playing for all of us? Maybe your boss would be interested in what he has to offer, in addition to the highly sensible urging to find yourself a partner."
Zyn (played by WolfieTheDragon13)

Zyn gave a bit of a strangled half-cough at his comment, blushing a little in spite of herself. Her? Impressive? That wasn't something anyone usually said to her.

"Thanks, er... Seraph, right?" she began. "You didn't have to say anything like that, really--"

It did strike her a few moments later that the compliment may have only come from his extremely formal, polite demeanor, but she decided to keep this thought to herself.

"Bits and pieces." she added, looking over at the little creature she'd noticed earlier. "Something about a superhero named Geneweaver, right? Does that have anything to do with genetics engineering?" she asked, sounding a little excited about the topic. "That sounds cool."
Seraph (played anonymously)

"Randomize the program will you? I like to be surprised when It comes to new things. As well I like to surprise others with my performance in all things, the cameras do love a show as I'm sure we can all agree." with a smile and the straightening of their tie, they made their way through the doors and into the training bay. "Fantastic work might I say, must've cost you a fortune, my dear."

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