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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Puzzle 4 Symbol (SOLVED)

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This topic is for discussing clues and potential answers to the Puzzle 4 Symbol in Epic Week 2021. Please stay on topic. Remember, these puzzles are designed to be challenging and require a group of people brainstorming together; don't feel intimidated if you don't know the answer right away. Every little idea can help. In puzzles, all information you will need to solve it is contained within Epic Week materials.

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Dragonfire Moderator

I belieeeeve this one is talking about the melting points of various metals and minerals that're noted on a menu. :P

Titanium's melting point is actually 1668 C, which is rounded up to 1670C on the menu - that converts to 1941 K, or ​3034 F. Possible answers?
there words though

maybe the rock itself?
perhaps it's talking about a conversion may be needed for the stone they can't do yet? the neotronium? It needs a conversion to be able to melt it?
Dragonfire Moderator

Neutronium is a hypothetical material; it doesn't exist yet (or hasn't been found to exist) as far as we know.

The only weird thing is the 'four places' thing mentioned in the second clue. Usually that refers to decimal places, but the temperatures listed for the metals are all high enough that they don't usually go into decimal exactness.
Ilmarinen Moderator


Dumping here for quick reference.

Quartz: ~600 C
Silver: 961 C
Olivine ~1000 C
Cast Iron ~1204 C
Andesite ~1260-1280 C
Nickel 1453 C
Titanium 1670 C
Neutronium ~beyond our ken

I think these are the right numbers. The 4s, 1s, and 9s look kinda similar to me.
Ilmarinen Moderator

So here's something interesting. Quartz's melting point is NOT 600. It is *dun dun dun* 1670 C.
Ilmarinen Moderator

Nickel's is 1455 C, not sure if being off by 2 is a factor here.
Ilmarinen Moderator

The others are accurate, except titanium also being off by 2.
Ilmarinen Moderator

If it is related to titanium, converting to Kelvin results in 1943.15 K--maybe the second clue is just referencing dropping the .15, or that the conversion is to F instead?
This random website says that quartz does melt at 600C. I dunno what the difference is between that and other measurements, and normally, I would just trust wikipedia or another reliable website's info... But I do wonder why it says that? :,)
Ilmarinen Moderator

Different minerals, when together in the same rock, melt at much lower temperatures than individual minerals. The crystallization temperatures in this table are characteristic of the environment of rock that contains these minerals, as in magma beneath the Earth's surface. The melting temperatures of pure minerals may be quite different. For example, in the Bowen reaction series, quartz is crystallizing around 650°C, but pure quartz at one atmosphere pressure does not melt until about 1700°C. (See Quartz Wiki, 1670°C for β-tridymite and 1713°C for β-cristobalite)

Ahh, so, kinda sorta both!
Ilmarinen Moderator

1941 K and 3034 F both weren't it.
Wouldn't it be four decimal places, like 1670.5864 or some number like that? Excuse me, I'm not so great at math. ^_^

And I wonder if it means we're supposed to round up, or just find the exact number of one that has been rounded up?
Ilmarinen Moderator

Shinyrainbowlithogra wrote:
Wouldn't it be four decimal places, like 1670.5864 or some number like that? Excuse me, I'm not so great at math. ^_^

And I wonder if it means we're supposed to round up, or just find the exact number of one that has been rounded up?

Neither conversion had that many decimal places, unfortunately--the conversion to F didn't have any at all, and conversion to K just had 2 after the decimal place.

It's very possible we need to round the Kelvin one up a degree, or to use the pre-rounded melting point for titanium!

Nickel also got rounded, so that can be tried, too, though it got rounded down from its actual melting point.
Ilmarinen Moderator

Possibilities to try... some I tried already but I wanna be thorough!

1943 K
1943.15 K
1944 K
3038 F
1941.15 K
1941 K
1942 K
3034.4 F
3034 F
3035 F
Nice research. :0 You're very thorough, indeed. Uh, I did notice that there are only 4 materials in the list of melting points which have the ~ symbol, so perhaps none of the others have actually been rounded at all. I'll probably focus on those a bit. :)
Ilmarinen Moderator

'Twasn't any on that list, alas!
Ilmarinen Moderator

I tried converting 1000 and 600 as well and putting in those answers, to no avail.
Dragonfire Moderator

I wonder if it's not the temperatures at all, but maybe something to do with those heights we've been struggling with.

In one of the newer materials, we're given a height of 3914.55 m for Mt Ovation, which comes out to 12843 ft... and... 1/8th of an inch. But 12843.125 ft is only three places, hrm. 12843.1250 maybe?

But also the height's rounded down, not up, when it's noted in other places. Unless there's another place where the height is rounded up to 3915m?

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