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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Lighthouse Symbol (SOLVED)

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Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Congrats on solving this symbol! The answer was "C A G E".

For those of you wondering how this answer could be arrived at, here's a quick explanation. :)
How Cass worked through creating this riddle wrote:
So in bioshock, Songbird was created by a company called Fink industries and in the game you can pick up a voice recording where the creator talks about how they made songbird
and they talk specifically about how they did a prototype and it was the combination of 'machine and man'
So that's the first clue. which is short.
"The merger of machine and man."
The second clue, I was thinking could be the actual card that in the game elizabeth finds and gives to the main character -- which has a 'vox cypher' on it its called. throughout the game this is important because the vox populi are throughout the game giving clues in a code so it can't be easily understood for messaging etc etc
On this card, it gets interpreted as how to 'befriend' the songbird.
by playing the notes C A G E
The official document is called the "Songbird Defence System" and the item you play the notes on is called a whistler
Cass Moderator

Good job friends! :)
Ilmarinen Moderator

Fantastic work figuring this one out, guys! And Cass, delightful riddle ;D

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Lighthouse Symbol (SOLVED)

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