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Scoios Zoramann (played anonymously)

"But don't you ever feel like you need more to life than this?!" Scoios exclaimed, not able to believe that these people didn't.
Rin youkai (played by starwolf)

"jeez way to dull of a pick up line"
Scoios Zoramann (played anonymously)

((Gtg soon))
Rin youkai (played by starwolf)

"Of course there are other things, sir Dio, but... What's the point if you have no one to share it with." ((I might have to soon, too))
Scoios Zoramann (played anonymously)

"I'm just trying to help instead of slaughter you all right here to prove my point."

this is starting to get out of hand
Shadow (played by dabomb217op) Topic Starter

(I feel like I have to watch over this Forum like a dad))
Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

((You've done it enough for Star and I, Jamie))
Shadow (played by dabomb217op) Topic Starter

(that's fair lol)
Moon (played by pixl.Bee)

((I feel like if I look away for two minutes, everyone here will be dead and/or married.))
Rin youkai (played by starwolf)

"whats the answer to killing us"
Scoios Zoramann (played anonymously)

"To show what this kind of lifestyle does to you."
"The quiet that would follow." Mars and Blazer replied at the same time.
Scoios Zoramann (played anonymously)

"Makes you weak."
The two shrugged.
Scoios Zoramann (played anonymously)

"So if I attacked you right now, threatening to kill you, what would you do?" he crossed his arms.
Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

*walks to them* "why would we want to die"
Shadow (played by dabomb217op) Topic Starter


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