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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Ultra-Woman (played anonymously)

Caitlin smiled and nodded, thankfully for Keiko's assistance with the wipe. "Good." She left, coming back later with a drink for Cruz. Lemonade.

Then she noticed Theo hitting himself, "Hey, please stop doing that. Otherwise I might have to patch you up too."
Deleted Character (played anonymously)

Once done, though it wasn't the best, Cruz's makeup was reapplied and the makeup kit was set aside.
Noticing the cup of lemonade, offered by Caitlin, he gently grabbed it and shakily nodded as a thank you.

What if Nessie, his vice manager found out about this? She'd fuss at him for hoooours.
He hated to even think about it, but that was the only thing his head would let him think about.
Keiko Kennedy (played by Jaws)

“Listen, kid. I don’t care what you do with your ‘time’, but chasing random dogs can get people upset”, Keiko looked Cruz dead in the eye. “Especially since the species are called ‘Man’s Best Friend’, you know”, she added.
Rory Kodachi (played anonymously)

Rory is doing a Rory.. watching people, and determining who she rather talk too.. everybody seemed.. decent.. "Hm" she thought for a moment longer before sitting at the counter
Ultra-Woman (played anonymously)

Caitlin noticed the newcomer and waved enthusiastically at Rory, "Hello!" She grinned politely.
Ultra-Woman wrote:
Then she noticed Theo hitting himself, "Hey, please stop doing that. Otherwise I might have to patch you up too."

Theo mumbled something incoherent, then keels over. The repeated blows from his armoured hands to his un-armoured head have opened several gashes.
Ultra-Woman (played anonymously)

Caitlin gasped, rushed over with the first aid kit and checked him over. Good, still alive! She began patching him up with the first aid kit.
Rory Kodachi (played anonymously)

She tries to smile.. turning to Theo "Hm... hes an interesting case.."
Deleted Character (played anonymously)

Keiko wrote:
“Listen, kid. I don’t care what you do with your ‘time’, but chasing random dogs can get people upset”, Keiko looked Cruz dead in the eye. “Especially since the species are called ‘Man’s Best Friend’, you know”, she added.

Cruz only maintained eye-contact for a brief minute before avoiding it. He didn't like being scolded.
"Ri-right." His voice cracked.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Theo Stark wrote:
Ultra-Woman wrote:
Then she noticed Theo hitting himself, "Hey, please stop doing that. Otherwise I might have to patch you up too."

Theo mumbled something incoherent, then keels over. The repeated blows from his armoured hands to his un-armoured head have opened several gashes.

The dog started whining as if HE was the one that was hurt. He nuzzled Theo and began whining and howling
Tori Sheika (played by SoulHeart57)

Too materialized from a smokey substance, right next to Keiko, a rather dark look on her face. While she has no idea what is happening, that fact that Keiko was in pain, even if only for a few seconds is enough to set her ablaze. "What is going on here?! WHY IS THAT BRAT BEATEN UP, WHU IS THEO BESTING HIMAELF UP?!" She seems stressed and rather pissed off, it's bad enough the mission she just took on turned out to be more difficult than she was told.
Theo deactivates his armour, with it folding up into a suitcase sized package. He then drags himself over to a sofa and flops on it. "…"
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Theo Stark wrote:
Theo deactivates his armour, with it folding up into a suitcase sized package. He then drags himself over to a sofa and flops on it. "…"

Thor went to the human and put his paw on Theo and whined. He would climb onto the couch and lay his head on Theo's lap. His warm and innocent eyes peered up at Theo.
Keiko Kennedy (played by Jaws)

Tori Sheika wrote:
Too materialized from a smokey substance, right next to Keiko, a rather dark look on her face. While she has no idea what is happening, that fact that Keiko was in pain, even if only for a few seconds is enough to set her ablaze. "What is going on here?! WHY IS THAT BRAT BEATEN UP, WHU IS THEO BESTING HIMAELF UP?!" She seems stressed and rather pissed off, it's bad enough the mission she just took on turned out to be more difficult than she was told.

“Things, just a lot of things”, Keiko says as she sips her strawberry daiquiri. Shoot, my parasol, she thought.
Tori Sheika (played by SoulHeart57)

Tori sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Yes, dear, I'm aware, but you begining to burn with the explanation of 'things' is not good enough. I need specifics."
Rory Kodachi (played anonymously)

"Very emotional..." she says Inspecting Tori "She could maybe dodge well... I doubt she could learn it, too much emotion..." She says quietly to herself.. she was thinking of course out loud as it didn't matter who really heard her'
Tori Sheika (played by SoulHeart57)

(Tori could very much learn ultra instinct, she’s a trained assassin, she can silence her emotions at will. She could probably use it better than Rory herself.)

Tori looks at Rori. “Can I help you? Also, I can’t help it when it comes to Keiko, normally I’m much calmer.”
Rory Kodachi (played anonymously)

Rory stood up "Nothing particularly... you just seemed interesting... you have potential but I'm simply not looking for someone terribly strong to learn my technique..."
Tori Sheika (played by SoulHeart57)

Tori smiles. “Can I see it?”
Rory Kodachi (played anonymously)

"Well... maybe, but I'm nearly always in that state, we could try a small spar if you'd like"

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