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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Wanders in and sits up at the bar counter, glancing about after being away for some time. Felt good to be back, sipping some coconut flavored soda as she hangs around.
Astoria Lotus wrote:
Wish wrote:
"Id like to imagine my mother has some restraint Silvera, shes not like Greek gods..-"

"Those self proclaimed gods are like rabbits. With each other, mortals, inbreeding. It's ridiculous."

He had been gawking at his wife for a while. Once he noticed, he berated himself in his head.
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Astoria Lotus wrote:
Wish wrote:
"Id like to imagine my mother has some restraint Silvera, shes not like Greek gods..-"

"Those self proclaimed gods are like rabbits. With each other, mortals, inbreeding. It's ridiculous."

He had been gawking at his wife for a while. Once he noticed, he berated himself in his head.

"Mathius, dear, behave yourself. You have plenty of time to stare later." She smiles ever so smug.
Evan Afton (played anonymously)

Evan was eating a slice of birthday cake at one of the tables, he was sniffling and appeared to have been crying prior to arriving here, as usual.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish is sitting at a table, drinking one of the 30 other milkshakes on the table while he fills his "brain" with sugar so he can maybe comprehend having a siblings-
Astarion Ancunín (played by Mando)

Sebastian Michaelis wrote:
Sebastian narrowed his eyes and gave a small smile, seeming to agree with the wine thing.

He held his hand out to give Astarion a handshake. "I am Sebastian Michaelis, butler of Phantomhive Manor." Sebastian said with a slight nod of his head.

This feels like a fine time for a good, aged wine, actually.

He grasps the offered hand for a firm shake, and a fanged smile. "It is such a pleasure to meet you, darling."
Sebastian Michaelis (played anonymously)

Sebastian spoke up, "It is a pleasure to meet you as well." He stated to Astarion.

"Could I perhaps, buy you a drink?" Sebastian said, after letting go of Astarion's hand, asking warmly.
Astarion Ancunín (played by Mando)

"A drink, really? My, aren't you generous? I like that." The vampire hasn't been out in a while, and this is going so much better than he could have expected.

"I will never say no to a good wine. Or any wine, truly. Nor am I in the habit of passing up good company."
Evan Afton wrote:
Evan was eating a slice of birthday cake at one of the tables, he was sniffling and appeared to have been crying prior to arriving here, as usual.

"I know you. You're my niece's friend"
Sebastian Michaelis (played anonymously)

"Very well then." Sebastian smiled a bit, showing his sharp teeth. "Any specific wine? Red wine? White wine? Something else?"

"And 'good company', you flatter me, Mr. Astarion." Sebastian narrowed his eyes with a smirk.
Wish wrote:
Wish is sitting at a table, drinking one of the 30 other milkshakes on the table while he fills his "brain" with sugar so he can maybe comprehend having a siblings-

He sits across from his son with a plate of fries and a soda.
Astarion Ancunín (played by Mando)

Sebastian Michaelis wrote:
"Very well then." Sebastian smiled a bit, showing his sharp teeth. "Any specific wine? Red wine? White wine? Something else?"

"And 'good company', you flatter me, Mr. Astarion." Sebastian narrowed his eyes with a smirk.

"Hm. Red, if you please." As one might expect, it reminds him of blood. He's most assuredly a creature of habit in a few regards.

"Flattery and truth coincide perfectly here, then. But, really darling, I do mean it. It is delightful to have someone to engage with again."
Oliver was sitting in the corner in the back alone, swirling of what was left of his beer in his glass, he sighed a bit before taking a sip, he seemed sad, no one was wanting to talk to him, he tried to talk but since he never really had a full on conversation he did not know how, everyone was scared of him because of what he is, a vampire. He wished he was normal again.
Sebastian Michaelis (played anonymously)

Astarion Ancunín wrote:
"Hm. Red, if you please." As one might expect, it reminds him of blood. He's most assuredly a creature of habit in a few regards.

"Flattery and truth coincide perfectly here, then. But, really darling, I do mean it. It is delightful to have someone to engage with again."

"Very well then." Sebastian smiled, turning his head towards Mathius, or another employee if they were there as well. "Could you get us two glasses of Red wine?" He said, pulling out a small, velvet bag, pulling out some money to place on the counter to purchase said wine.

"The people I associate with are either quite dumb, obnoxious or bratty, so it is definitely a breath of fresh air to speak with another with good tastes and has common sense." Sebastian snickered. The dumb comment seemed to refer to the three Phantomhive servants, who somehow did everything wrong. Obnoxious applied to many people, but in this case, it was Grell, an annoying reaper woman. And bratty, well, it was clear who he referred to with that comment. Ciel Phantomhive, his own master.
"Absolutely" He said with a smile "what type of wine would you like? Merlot? Sauvignon? Pinot Noir?"
Sebastian Michaelis (played anonymously)

"Sangiovese, for me, if available." He said to Mathius, before glancing at Astarion, waiting for him to respond to Mathius' question too.
Oliver kept staring at his drink, the tan liquid was at the bottom he brought the glass to his lip as hee finished it, he sighed bushing the glass away leaning back in his seat
He merely chuckled to himself. "Young love" is what he said to himself in his head.
OLiver looked at the young guys talking to eachother, he sighed as he wanted a love as well
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi was now cosplaying as Slayer from Guilty Gear. It seemed she was celebrating his reveal in Guilty Gear Strive. Also, it was because that cape was quite D A N D Y.

"I look good dressed up like a vampire if I do say so myself!" Azumi smirked and tipped her monocle.

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