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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi was now cosplaying as Slayer from Guilty Gear. It seemed she was celebrating his reveal in Guilty Gear Strive. Also, it was because that cape was quite D A N D Y.

"I look good dressed up like a vampire if I do say so myself!" Azumi smirked and tipped her monocle.
Astarion Ancunín (played by Mando)

"Oh, I'll make it easy: the same as Sebastian, thank you." He's had nothing aside from horrible wine with the consistency of lamp oil for far too long. Is he exaggerating about the competence of his companions? In this case, yes.

"That's exactly how I feel. Now, don't get me wrong, I like the band of weirdos that I've found myself a part of. We're like a... horribly dysfunctional family. Almost." The idea makes him grin. He will take any and every chance to poke fun and the allies turned friends that he has. "But the pleasure of speaking to someone who is actually intelligent and doesn't want me to do work or play hero is extraordinary. It is sometimes nice to just... exist and enjoy, isn't it?"
Sebastian Michaelis (played anonymously)

Sebastian thought about it for a moment, and replied. "A horribly dysfunctional family, hm?" He said quietly, underneath his breath.

He supposed that the group of idiots (and one brat) was a lot like a family.
(He wasn't including Grell in this though. He didn't like her too much.)

Sebastian shook the thought away.

"Existing and enjoying, yes, it is indeed a relief and a luxury." Sebastian warmly smiled, waiting for Mathius to serve the wine.
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

She would watch all the people
Astarion Ancunín (played by Mando)

Astarion's ears are keen enough to pick up on the softly spoken words, but he doesn't pry. For him, this is a shocking display of manners; he's usually so much worse, especially if there's gossip to be had.

He tucks a few strands of snowy-colored hair behind a delicately pointed ear. "You understand me so well, or so it feels. Oh, life could do with infinitely more luxuries."
Oliver looked down at his hands and sighed
Circe kinda walked through a poorly made door, seems like it just appeared "Bar" the witch said, drinking something from a bottle, its no whacky potion.. just juice-
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Azumi was now cosplaying as Slayer from Guilty Gear. It seemed she was celebrating his reveal in Guilty Gear Strive. Also, it was because that cape was quite D A N D Y.

"I look good dressed up like a vampire if I do say so myself!" Azumi smirked and tipped her monocle.

Cannot resist anymore, and puts Slayer Azumi in her papoose. He would pour both glasses of wine and served Sebastian and Astarion. Afterwards, he went to Oliver "is there anything I can get for you?"
OLiver looked up seeing the witch walk through the door, he narrowed his eyes, back in the day witches were bad, he wondered if this one was evil as sell.
Circe, stared at the vampire staring at her from across the room... before putting her hands on her hips, staring back,"What? Think imma put some nasty curse on you? Im an elf for christ sake!"
Oliver looked around hocked she noticed him staring at him he cleared his throat before speaking "witches back in the day were evil, ust making sure you weren't. No harm."
"A tad stereotypical, wouldnt ya say?" She'd snicker, "Im a witch sure, but Im not one of those "brew poison in a cauldron" types, I brew silly potions that make you taller-"
Joot (played by Jooters)

"I brew potions too!" Joot exclaims. "My favorite are the blueberry ones that give you focus back. I cast a lotta magic, so I need a LOTTA focus! Plus, they taste good!"
"no no no i wasn't trying to say you were stereotypically like that, i was trying to figure out if you were a evil witch or a good one" he nodded
She giggles "Im messing with you, people have done worse on that assumption!" She'd smile walking over, "My name is Circe, I live in a swanp and Im a witch-:
Sebastian Michaelis (played anonymously)

Astarion wrote:
Astarion's ears are keen enough to pick up on the softly spoken words, but he doesn't pry. For him, this is a shocking display of manners; he's usually so much worse, especially if there's gossip to be had.

He tucks a few strands of snowy-colored hair behind a delicately pointed ear. "You understand me so well, or so it feels. Oh, life could do with infinitely more luxuries."

"Like cats." He said, referring to luxuries. "Cats, such soft, elegant creatures.. Another luxury. The pets from my world were.. not as cuddly and elegant." Sebastian shook his head.

"However, I feel like I noted this before in this very bar, so I won't ramble about them." Sebastian snickered.
Astarion Ancunín (played by Mando)

Sebastian Michaelis wrote:
"Like cats." He said, referring to luxuries. "Cats, such soft, elegant creatures.. Another luxury. The pets from my world were.. not as cuddly and elegant." Sebastian shook his head.

"However, I feel like I noted this before in this very bar, so I won't ramble about them." Sebastian snickered.

"Gods, once I have a place of my own that's stable, I swear I'm going to surround myself with cats. I find them relatable." Their elegance and beauty, most of all. It's not much of a surprise from someone like Astarion. "No? Dare I ask what they were like?"

The vampire grins. "Oh, but is there a such thing as too much when singing the praises of felines?"
He for once smiled a bit watching her walk over "Nice to meet you madam, my name is Oliver Williams, i am a vampire and i live in my manor" he stood up pulling a chair out for her "please join me?"
Sebastian Michaelis (played anonymously)

Astarion Ancunín wrote:
"Gods, once I have a place of my own that's stable, I swear I'm going to surround myself with cats. I find them relatable." Their elegance and beauty, most of all. It's not much of a surprise from someone like Astarion. "No? Dare I ask what they were like?"

The vampire grins. "Oh, but is there a such thing as too much when singing the praises of felines?"

"Oh, that sounds wonderful. My master is sadly allergic to cats and will not allow them around him or in his manor, so I must see them in secret, or from afar." Sebastian sighed, raising a brow with a small smile. "Humans are so fragile, and my master is no exception." He stated. "The tiniest germ entering the tiniest scrape could mean death of one of his kind."* He shook his head, crossing his arms.

"The pets of my world? Well, I've been informed of one of those.. how do you say.. Moving picture shows, called 'Aliens' that have creatures that look very, very similar to those creatures of my world." Sebastian explained, "I am quite curious though, has one of my kind managed to make their way into those moving picture show businesses?" He snickered at the thought. "Imagine, a demon amongst humans, making entertainment."**

(( *This is actually a canon quote.
"The tiniest germ entering the tiniest scrape could mean death of one of your kind. You are injured and require assistance, now allow me to provide it!"

**Also, ah yes, the irony that Sebastian, a demon, is literally the star of an anime series (and a manga, and a broadway), and he states this. ;) ))
"Aint people assume vampires are always trying to eat?" She'd chuckle sitting down "Of course" She'd smile "My name is Circe, and I have forgotten my last name, living on ones own is rather hard, especially since I really only heard it in academy"

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