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Forums » Smalltalk » Any one else worried about the EU and Article 13?

Not being in EU myself, being in the USA, I doubt this affects me.

However I've been seeing it all over youtube. Basically, Article 13 will supposedly destroy a lot of freedom for any one in the EU.

There's more to it than that, and I recommend you all do your own research.

But seriously, I feel very bad for freedom in Europe.
I myself am very concerned, but I have hope! The law wouldn’t pass until 2021 and until then, we can protest and show the parliament that we’re very unhappy about this. Most people in the parliament don’t use the internet the same as fx. teenagers or young adults so I think that’s the explanation behind this. I very much hope they will be able to see how it will affect us in a negative way, seeing as so many people on a daily basis use the internet and upload million pieces of content every single day. ^^
From what I understood this is also a fight between high tech firms (GAFA especially) and publishing houses / editors. The article basically is "you need autorisation from the creator if you use his stuff", which has two effects :
-editors and the creators get more money since any person using the content (YouTubers, satires) need their autorisation (autorisation they can sell as they like)
-YouTubers and satires gain less since they have to pay to use the copyrighted materials

The same also applies to social media (you can't make a repost of copyrighted materials), and that implies having an algorithm which analyzes every post to make sure it is authorized, therefore making everyone have concerns on whether it might affect net neutrality (the algorithm knows everything you post and it will not work perfectly so it might ban posts which are not using the copyrighted stuff).

As Frenchman, I'm concerned by it - and you also might be, wherever you live on the globe, since that could mean less content from Europe on the internet.
I'm pretty sure the ones who were intelligent enough to climb on top of the European political ladder and reach the European Parliament perfectly know how the internet works. However since the law will take 2 years to apply, they might change their minds in the meantime - due to protests or whatever.

Please feel free to correct me, I'm no expert on this topic.
Did this just pass? It seems could Facebook, for instance, analyze the content of every post? In the U.S.A., satire is protected and can be done to a copyrighted work. So in Europe, that's not the case after this law gets implemented? I have no understanding of the topic. So I'm just going off of these comments here.

IDK, but the UK is in the news a lot today!
Facebook would have to use another algorithm - it uses many already, that shouldn't be a problem. Satire will still be allowed and protected in theory, except the algorithm will certainly have flaws, and those who parody copyrighted materials are likely to be censored for no real reason.
The UK? Didn't see a lot concerning the UK and Article 13 in France, although we do speak about Brexit a lot.

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