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Erm...I've never had braces, but. I've heard that it stops hurting after your mouth gets used to it. I know that's not a lot of help nooow, buut...yeah.

And, I have plenty of other kinds of dental work and one thing I was told to do (and that I think comes in really handy and is easier than a lot of alternatives) is to get a Waterpic water flosser. The Waterpic brand ones are better, in my opinion, because the sliiightly more expensive ones (it's worth it) have multiple settings. There's a "low" setting...the one I had had a dial and you set the strength between 1 to 10, or something like that.

It's really handy because, then you can use a stream of water to knock any food particles out of any spots without having to try to do it some other way. BUT...only get one if it's something that's safe to be used with braces, which, I'm not 100% sure of. But I imagine it could be really helpful with braces. Good luck!
Suck it up until it doesn't hurt. That's all I can say.
I had them when I was a teenager. The first few days are going to be pretty much a living nightmare, but after about a week they'll most likely start to feel like just another part of you. An annoying, irritating part, but still just a part. That horrible, invasive feeling won't last, I promise.

I'm assuming they gave you some wax? Presumably in silly little plastic cases? Use it. Use it liberally. Especially use it toward the back, where the wire sticks out and probably pokes the back of your cheeks like the heinous implements of torment they are. You can get more wax at Walmart or any drug store.
You should also get some numbing stuff for the inside of your cheeks, but use it sparingly because the last thing you want is to be accidentally biting down on them and not realizing it until the stuff has worn off.

Resist the urge to poke and prod at them with your tongue. It's tempting, sort of like picking a scab, but it's just going to further chafe and irritate. The wax can help with that too.

Sweet, glorious wax. Seriously. Wax got me through highschool. Wax and Origel.

You also might benefit from some aspirin, too, for the overall ache. It's always worked miracles for me where acetaminophen and ibuprofen fail miserably. That ache won’t last too long though. It's mostly just your body's response to the strain of having them piut on in the first place, and trying to become accustomed to the added weight. Long term your biggest problem will be the chafing and poking of inner lips and cheeks- did I mention the wax? Keep it on you at all times. Always have spare wax. Your mouth and general sanity will thank you.

Oh and I can promise you that they don’t look as huge as they feel, and that within a week you’ll be able to eat again without feeling like you’re trying to chew with metal grates instead of teeth.
Wax, Oragel, ice water, and soup.

The insides of you mouth will eventually toughen up enough so the wax is more or less optional, and depending on your "get hit in the face" habits you'll be fine.

Wire change day, though.... Whooooo boy. You're gonna hate life and your face will hurt for days every time they change the wire. That's where the soup comes in. You're going to need it, because chewing will be an eternity in hell. Those are the days where every day feels like today. Those days are soup days.
In addition to what Petrovalyc already recommended, eating soft food the first few days can also help. I found that drinking hot drinks was also helpful, because the warmth made my muscles relax.

Other than that, Petrovalyc is totally right. Painkillers (I don't know what your local brands are) and wax is the way to go the first few days.
Pandas71 Topic Starter

Thanks for the info, guys! I'll be sure to keep it in mind. Yesterday I basically survived off of chocolate pudding, haha. I think some soup and advil will be a good diet for today.

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