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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • Alex (played by BayLeafBard)
    When you interact with him for the first time you automatically think 'victim'. But you soon discover behind that innocent look is a dude who runs faster than anyone else. LOL

    A great character written by a great role player. Wonderful writer Long-term partner - Anonymous

  • Onn'an is the scariest guy my character's met. An amazingly well written encounter by an amazing writer and role player. Wonderful writer Long-term partner - Anonymous

  • Corbyn Helbis (played anonymously)
    Corbyn is a fascinating character -- the story between him and my OC hasn't gotten too far yet, but I'm already so intrigued! I can't wait to see how their relationship progresses, and I'm so excited to learn more about Corbyn and his mysterious past >.>

    OOC, Corbyn's writer is amazing! They're sweet and patient and so very creative, and an RP with them would be highly encouraged, in my humble opinion.

    10/10, would definitely recommend an RP with Corbyn and his writer! <3 Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Anonymous

  • I love this scrungly man. Truly a masterpiece of a character, and the villain that everyone deserves. Long posts Concise posts - khaellar

  • Ariel (played by AquaCharm)
    A wonderful 3-dimensional character with a unique take on religion. Despite drawing inspiration and 'lore' from existing deities, AquaCharm bring an original flair with writing that is captivating and unapologetically breathes life into the character.

    Her personality, flaws, and strengths balance her beautifully, and it is nothing short of good fun and intrigue to watch her interactions with Zeth play out. Creative ideas Drives the plot forward - khaellar

  • A'sallit (played by hexblading)
    A mighty, ruthless and absolutely kick-ass pirate who is at the same time suave and has an erudite, inquisitive soul? The moment I read Sallit's profile I was absolutely charmed by this great character of Hex's. He's a father, a lover, a killer, a medic, a criminal, a man of honor - and much more besides, and posts with him are always an absolute joy to read! Creative ideas Wonderful writer - cri86titanium

  • Mixie is absolutely and totally FABULOUS! A wicked, perpetually hungry little demon on a perpetual hunt for food, better if alive and screaming bloody murder, she is the ultimate nightmare fuel. You don't want to run in this hell spawn in a dark alley! (Yes, you do, because roleplaying with her is just loads of fun!) From her blunt eat-or-be-eaten (literally!) personality, to her biting (even more literally!) sense of humor, to her great design, she plain rocks! Wonderful writer Drives the plot forward - cri86titanium

  • Sprite is a character who really warms her way into your heart, makes herself a niche there, and sticks with you long after you have finished roleplaying or reading her profile. She's tough as nail, a survivor's survivor who hides a more sensitive nature and can be vivacious, bold and loud among her friends. She's a joy to read about, and the deep schism between her human and Therion nature just adds new depths to her character. Wonderful writer Long-term partner - cri86titanium

  • Frost (played by frostwyrmm)
    Easy going, friendly and with a lot of curiosity, Frost is the kind of dragon you find yourself wishing would exist in real life so you could make friends with him! He's an adorable character, and with a very cool design to boot - from his wyrm like appearance to the icy coloring after which he is named. Friend-shaped! Kind and understanding Creative ideas - cri86titanium

  • The Herbalist (played by fig)
    The Herbalist, aka Simon is a GREAT villain; outwardly affable and in control, but also cunning and with a sharp knowledge of his trade that makes him a realistic and formidable threat. I absolutely had a blast playing with him and look foward for more run-ins with this great bad guy! Creative ideas Fast responses - cri86titanium

  • Alice Snyder (played anonymously)
    If only I could give her more than two qualities. Alas, these will have to do. I've only just started to RP with the character in the group, so I look forward to interacting more with her. The character's writer is an amazing person. They are understanding of people's IRL situations and makes it a point to help each member to the best of their ability. They are patient and have humor that will make you smile. Definitely worth giving them a chance. Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - Anonymous

  • Emiko Chizue (played by AquaCharm)
    This girl is so freaking cute! She's like a delicate piece of art that should not be touched nor pointed to avoid ruining her. It have been an absolute joy to RP with her and just everything about her leaves me gushing over her hard. I love her and my two characters loves her too! <3 Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - Anonymous

  • Viserion (played by EagleBearer)
    This baby (and his writer) DESERVE LOVE!! Vi is the sweetest and kindest demon you'll ever find. He's fierce when it comes to protecting those he loves too, which makes him into a character you quickly become fond of. His writer, whom I've praised before, is a lovely person, and I hope to keep writing with him for a long time! He's also super understanding when it comes to reply times. I couldn't be happier to call him my friend! ^^ Kind and understanding Long-term partner - Nox_et_Aurum

  • Lucio Youth (played by aeun)
    Gave the author kudos twice already so I believe my feelings about his exceptional talent are pretty clear (one can only fangirl so many times without being called crazy lol). So it's about time I praise the character. It is clear Lucio's personality and story have been thoroughly thought out, which led to an impeccable character building. I honestly can't wait for us to delve deeper into his world so that we can enjoy the most gruesome and unique aspects of his story~ His posts are like gifts<3 Long posts Long-term partner - Nox_et_Aurum

  • Let me say, Gandrell is one of those characters that just charm you. He can be sweet and caring, but he has a strong personality which immensely amplifies the spectrum of emotions he displays and triggers in other characters. The story we have ongoing has taken some twisted turns that I absolutely love. Because what could be better than a messed up difficult love story? If you want thrill, action, horror and love all in one story you NEED to write with this man <3. Wonderful writer Long-term partner - Nox_et_Aurum

  • A dragon librarian with a heart of gold, the wisdom of eternal life, and a love story that will make your heart bleed. Seriously, how can you dive in Cornelius's profile and feel nothing for the guy? He's such a deeply compelling character, and with a visually stunning design to boot! Creative ideas Wonderful writer - cri86titanium

  • Oliver Quill (played by Banshee)
    I absolutely fell in love with Oliver's character when I first came across his profile. The amount of work, the compelling backstory, the lore, the many little personality traits and quirks make him really stand out. I'm so looking foward to play with him! :D Creative ideas Wonderful writer - cri86titanium

  • Azura'ellys (played by CrystalDisc)
    Not only Azura's design is GORGEOUS, she's an amazingly developed character with a complex background, a great personality and a great many qualities, some magical, some more personal. You cannot help feel for this strong, tireless survivor and wish to know more about what adventures await her! Helpful Creative ideas - cri86titanium

  • Ethan Rameriz (played anonymously)
    The writer of Ethan and I have been courting Ethan and my character Ellie for some time now. Both rather different, they compliment each other rather well in my opinion. He is a big sweetheart to her and treats her rather respectfully! I cant wait to continue their story and relationship!

    -- Ellie Kind and understanding Long-term partner - Anonymous

  • Terra Carter (played by khaellar)
    Though recently created, Terra has been in your roleplays before and has always adding extra drama and angst. She has this aura that makes her naturally creepy and Kale does a great job portraying her as such. Stubborn and obsessive, she makes a good villain in our stories! Wonderful writer Long posts - AquaCharm