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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • Made me feel so super good about stuff I'd be doing anyway. Clearly knows how to brighten a day! - Kim

  • Trystyn (played by Ostracized)
    It's been AGES. I don't know what made Jam wander up to your leather-jacket wearing, stoic-face sporting tiger, but, I'm -so- glad she did. Tryst has made her laugh, cry and throw things, but she loves him and cherishes her politely indifferent manservant/ken-doll. GOOD LUCK GETTING RID OF ME. Three years and counting? Whooshit. x3 - Shawn

  • Dionysis (played by Deadlyhabitual)
    Brilliantly-written, well thought out character commanded by an eloquent player. - Bedlam_Babe

  • With an eye-catching individual style that comes across both visually through art and through roleplays, Hooke never ceases to impress and leave one yearning to find out more about what other character's might be lurking waiting to be shown to the world. - Yuka

  • Look at her arts and her charas! ^^ you'll love her as much as I do! <3 - DL909

  • Freya Vika Morris (played anonymously)
    Such an awesome character, not to mention she's a very friendly person out of it too! - Bix

  • This man is diamonds! <3 You know, the kind that is awesome and sparkly and makes your grilfriend fawn over it. He's fun, funny, and just nice to hang out with. - Earendill


  • So creative! She is the creator of my favorite super heroes ever, Roll and his partner Initiative. I wish there was a weekly web comic of them and their nerdly adventures. - Kim

  • So sweet, patient and kind. - Kim

  • One of the earliest supporters of the site, and for a long time, one of the most active, helpful and friendly. I don't know where Helix is these days, but I have not forgotten at all, and often think fondly of Helix and Helix's characters. Miss you! - Kim

  • Dagger (played by Jane)
    A gorgeous design, visually stunning, with true depth to go with it :) - Yuka

  • Heimdall has some of the best characters I've roleplayed with, like Magnus, Ferrow and the big black dragon itself, Heimdall! We only RP occasionally, but every time we do, it's a joy for this old Seraph. - SeraphicStar

  • Lemme tell ya, this community would be a lot less fun and inviting without Darth around. He always has nice stuff to say to just about everyone and cool stuff to share with us! - Ilmarinen

  • Despite being a Copper Dragon, she has always struck me as one of the most human people I've met on the 'net. From our first conversation, Copper has always felt so real and complete to me it was almost like I had met her in RL once before and now we were running into each other online. It's just something about the way she carries herself and interacts that's very genuine. I find that really relaxing and unusual. - Kim

  • When times get their darkest and things seem to be falling apart, Sherlock has proven completely capable of rising above, staying friendly, helpful, and keeping perspective in the face of all varieties of nastiness that might make lesser mortals be grumpy or lash out. Serene self-awareness, respect for everyone around, and gumption you wouldn't believe are just a few of the things that make Sherlock stand out as amazing to me. - Kim

  • For a Sith Lord, he's awfully friendly. Ever since my start here at RPR, Darth has always been there to help me out, answer any questions I have or just make me feel welcome! He listens to my whining on chat when I've had a bad day and helps motivate me when I don't feel like getting my school done. Darth is the complete package with looks (no one can resist that hat), personality, and a British accent. He's a friend you wont regret making! - CelestinaGrey

  • Pan is one of my oldest friends and longest RP partners. She writes extremely fun characters. Her writing is exciting and descriptive and all her characters are well rounded and interesting. <3 - Claine

  • Selene (played by Selene)
    A refreshingly unique character; diverse, many-layered and visually appealing :) - Yuka

  • This woman is as sweet and creative awoman as you'll find anywhere! You always are willing to lend an ear, are extremely helpful and patient, and so fun to RP with <3 - Prince