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More accurate gender options

Posted by Kim on June 5, 2015, 11:38am

I'm super pleased to announce that the RPR's gender options, for players and characters, have been expanded to better reflect the huge diversity of identities amongst our userbase. We've had amazing members who don't feel that they fit into a simple gender binary on the site since day 1, so it's sort of shocking we took this long to get around to adding more options!

For those of you scratching your heads and saying "Gender binary? What?", Tate has very kindly volunteered to provide us all with a more knowledgeable explanation than I ever could.
Tate wrote:
Changes abound, my fellow roleplayers! How exciting! But, in all honesty, this is a change in name only. See, Kim has heard our highly diverse community's requests, and answered, in the name of more gender options! HURRAY!

I phrase it like this because, honestly, this is nothing new. Alternative genders from Male and Female have existed throughout human history. However, I am sure this is news to some people, which is why I'm here right now! Below, I have written a brief explanation for the curious.

Let's talk about Gender Identity

Male and female - man and woman - are part of what we call a Gender Identity. But so are other terms such as agender, gender fluid, and many others. All gender identities are deserving of respect and are valid.

To quote GLAAD,
Gender identity is someone's internal, personal sense of being a man, a woman, or as someone outside of that gender binary. For transgender people, the gender they were assigned at birth and their own internal gender identity do not match.

...So some transgender people seek to bring their bodies more into alignment with their gender identity.

People under the transgender umbrella may describe themselves using one (or more) of a wide variety of terms, including (but not limited to) transgender, transsexual, and nonbinary. Always use the descriptive term preferred by the individual.

For example, a cisgender person - be they man or woman - is someone who, at birth, was assigned as male or female, and who grew to continue to identify as male or female. A transgender person is someone who was assigned a gender at birth but grew to understand that that gender was incorrect. Some transgender people transition to binary genders - male and female - while some transition to nonbinary genders, such as agender or genderqueer.

There are multiple ways of referring to people, and you should always refer to them using the pronouns they themselves use. Some examples of pronouns are: She/her; They/their (singular); Zi/hir. If you are unsure what pronouns a person uses, ask politely. Never assume a person's pronouns or gender!

Further Information
For more information on gender identities, please visit the sites below!
Trans 101, as presented by GLAAD
For more information about nonbinary genders, as presented by
To learn more about what intersex means, you can check ActuallyIntersex's FAQ and wikipedia.

Thanks Tate! :D

You can find the full list of possibilities either in your own settings, or in the settings for any of your characters, by selecting "More Options" from the gender selection dropdown.



June 5, 2015

AW YISS! So glad to see this! <333


June 5, 2015



June 5, 2015



June 5, 2015

I like this. A lot.


June 5, 2015

Hehe =7=
No more "Other" option for me e7e~


June 5, 2015

Thank you. This is amazing!


June 5, 2015



June 5, 2015

Ahhhh, this elates me I was so please, went through and updated all my characters and the selection options were A+.


June 5, 2015

Yes thank you.